Source code for

from typing import Iterator, List, Optional

from box_sdk_gen import FileBaseTypeField  # type: ignore
from langchain_core.document_loaders.base import BaseLoader
from langchain_core.documents import Document
from langchain_core.utils import from_env
from pydantic import BaseModel, ConfigDict, Field, model_validator
from typing_extensions import Self

from langchain_box.utilities import BoxAuth, _BoxAPIWrapper

[docs] class BoxLoader(BaseLoader, BaseModel): """BoxLoader. This class will help you load files from your Box instance. You must have a Box account. If you need one, you can sign up for a free developer account. You will also need a Box application created in the developer portal, where you can select your authorization type. If you wish to use either of the Box AI options, you must be on an Enterprise Plus plan or above. The free developer account does not have access to Box AI. In addition, using the Box AI API requires a few prerequisite steps: * Your administrator must enable the Box AI API * You must enable the ``Manage AI`` scope in your app in the developer console. * Your administrator must install and enable your application. **Setup**: Install ``langchain-box`` and set environment variable ``BOX_DEVELOPER_TOKEN``. .. code-block:: bash pip install -U langchain-box export BOX_DEVELOPER_TOKEN="your-api-key" This loader returns ``Document`` objects built from text representations of files in Box. It will skip any document without a text representation available. You can provide either a ``List[str]`` containing Box file IDS, or you can provide a ``str`` contining a Box folder ID. If providing a folder ID, you can also enable recursive mode to get the full tree under that folder. .. note:: A Box instance can contain Petabytes of files, and folders can contain millions of files. Be intentional when choosing what folders you choose to index. And we recommend never getting all files from folder 0 recursively. Folder ID 0 is your root folder. **Instantiate**: .. list-table:: Initialization variables :widths: 25 50 15 10 :header-rows: 1 * - Variable - Description - Type - Default * - box_developer_token - Token to use for auth. - ``str`` - ``None`` * - box_auth - client id for you app. Used for CCG - ``langchain_box.utilities.BoxAuth`` - ``None`` * - box_file_ids - client id for you app. Used for CCG - ``List[str]`` - ``None`` * - box_folder_id - client id for you app. Used for CCG - ``str`` - ``None`` * - recursive - client id for you app. Used for CCG - ``Bool`` - ``False`` * - character_limit - client id for you app. Used for CCG - ``int`` - ``-1`` **Get files** — this method requires you pass the ``box_file_ids`` parameter. This is a ``List[str]`` containing the file IDs you wish to index. .. code-block:: python from langchain_box.document_loaders import BoxLoader box_file_ids = ["1514555423624", "1514553902288"] loader = BoxLoader( box_file_ids=box_file_ids, character_limit=10000 # Optional. Defaults to no limit ) **Get files in a folder** — this method requires you pass the ``box_folder_id`` parameter. This is a ``str`` containing the folder ID you wish to index. .. code-block:: python from langchain_box.document_loaders import BoxLoader box_folder_id = "260932470532" loader = BoxLoader( box_folder_id=box_folder_id, recursive=False # Optional. return entire tree, defaults to False ) **Load**: .. code-block:: python docs = loader.load() docs[0] .. code-block:: python Document(metadata={'source': ' internal_files/1514555423624/versions/1663171610024/representations /extracted_text/content/', 'title': 'Invoice-A5555_txt'}, page_content='Vendor: AstroTech Solutions\\nInvoice Number: A5555\\n\\nLine Items:\\n - Gravitational Wave Detector Kit: $800\\n - Exoplanet Terrarium: $120\\nTotal: $920') **Lazy load**: .. code-block:: python docs = [] docs_lazy = loader.lazy_load() for doc in docs_lazy: docs.append(doc) print(docs[0].page_content[:100]) print(docs[0].metadata) .. code-block:: python Document(metadata={'source': ' internal_files/1514555423624/versions/1663171610024/representations /extracted_text/content/', 'title': 'Invoice-A5555_txt'}, page_content='Vendor: AstroTech Solutions\\nInvoice Number: A5555\\n\\nLine Items:\\n - Gravitational Wave Detector Kit: $800\\n - Exoplanet Terrarium: $120\\nTotal: $920') """ box_developer_token: Optional[str] = Field( default_factory=from_env("BOX_DEVELOPER_TOKEN", default=None) ) """String containing the Box Developer Token generated in the developer console""" box_auth: Optional[BoxAuth] = None """Configured `BoxAuth <>`_ object""" box_file_ids: Optional[List[str]] = None """List[str] containing Box file ids""" box_folder_id: Optional[str] = None """String containing box folder id to load files from""" recursive: Optional[bool] = False """If getting files by folder id, recursive is a bool to determine if you wish to traverse subfolders to return child documents. Default is False""" character_limit: Optional[int] = -1 """character_limit is an int that caps the number of characters to return per document.""" _box: Optional[_BoxAPIWrapper] = None model_config = ConfigDict( arbitrary_types_allowed=True, extra="allow", use_enum_values=True, ) @model_validator(mode="after") def validate_box_loader_inputs(self) -> Self: _box = None """Validate that has either box_file_ids or box_folder_id.""" if not self.box_file_ids and not self.box_folder_id: raise ValueError("You must provide box_file_ids or box_folder_id.") """Validate that we don't have both box_file_ids and box_folder_id.""" if self.box_file_ids and self.box_folder_id: raise ValueError( "You must provide either box_file_ids or box_folder_id, not both." ) """Validate that we have either a box_developer_token or box_auth.""" if not self.box_auth: if not self.box_developer_token: raise ValueError( "you must provide box_developer_token or a box_auth " "generated with langchain_box.utilities.BoxAuth" ) else: _box = _BoxAPIWrapper( # type: ignore[call-arg] box_developer_token=self.box_developer_token, character_limit=self.character_limit, ) else: _box = _BoxAPIWrapper( # type: ignore[call-arg] box_auth=self.box_auth, character_limit=self.character_limit, ) self._box = _box return self def _get_files_from_folder(self, folder_id): # type: ignore[no-untyped-def] folder_content = for file in folder_content: try: if file.type == FileBaseTypeField.FILE: doc = self._box.get_document_by_file_id( if doc is not None: yield doc elif file.type == "folder" and self.recursive: try: yield from self._get_files_from_folder( except TypeError: pass except TypeError: pass
[docs] def lazy_load(self) -> Iterator[Document]: """Load documents. Accepts no arguments. Returns `Iterator[Document]`""" if self.box_file_ids: for file_id in self.box_file_ids: try: file = self._box.get_document_by_file_id(file_id) # type: ignore[union-attr] if file is not None: yield file except TypeError: pass elif self.box_folder_id: try: yield from self._get_files_from_folder(self.box_folder_id) except TypeError: pass except Exception as e: print(f"Exception {e}") # noqa: T201 else: raise ValueError( "You must provide either `box_file_ids` or `box_folder_id`" )