Source code for langchain_community.chat_message_histories.dynamodb

from __future__ import annotations

import logging
from decimal import Decimal
from typing import TYPE_CHECKING, Dict, List, Optional

from langchain_core.chat_history import BaseChatMessageHistory
from langchain_core.messages import (

    from boto3.session import Session

logger = logging.getLogger(__name__)

[docs] def convert_messages(item: List) -> List: if isinstance(item, list): return [convert_messages(i) for i in item] elif isinstance(item, dict): return {k: convert_messages(v) for k, v in item.items()} elif isinstance(item, float): return Decimal(str(item)) return item
[docs] class DynamoDBChatMessageHistory(BaseChatMessageHistory): """Chat message history that stores history in AWS DynamoDB. This class expects that a DynamoDB table exists with name `table_name` Args: table_name: name of the DynamoDB table session_id: arbitrary key that is used to store the messages of a single chat session. endpoint_url: URL of the AWS endpoint to connect to. This argument is optional and useful for test purposes, like using Localstack. If you plan to use AWS cloud service, you normally don't have to worry about setting the endpoint_url. primary_key_name: name of the primary key of the DynamoDB table. This argument is optional, defaulting to "SessionId". key: an optional dictionary with a custom primary and secondary key. This argument is optional, but useful when using composite dynamodb keys, or isolating records based off of application details such as a user id. This may also contain global and local secondary index keys. kms_key_id: an optional AWS KMS Key ID, AWS KMS Key ARN, or AWS KMS Alias for client-side encryption ttl: Optional Time-to-live (TTL) in seconds. Allows you to define a per-item expiration timestamp that indicates when an item can be deleted from the table. DynamoDB handles deletion of expired items without consuming write throughput. To enable this feature on the table, follow the [AWS DynamoDB documentation]( history_size: Maximum number of messages to store. If None then there is no limit. If not None then only the latest `history_size` messages are stored. history_messages_key: Key for the chat history where the messages are stored and updated coerce_float_to_decimal: If True, all float values in the messages will be converted to Decimal. """
[docs] def __init__( self, table_name: str, session_id: str, endpoint_url: Optional[str] = None, primary_key_name: str = "SessionId", key: Optional[Dict[str, str]] = None, boto3_session: Optional[Session] = None, kms_key_id: Optional[str] = None, ttl: Optional[int] = None, ttl_key_name: str = "expireAt", history_size: Optional[int] = None, history_messages_key: Optional[str] = "History", *, coerce_float_to_decimal: bool = False, ): if boto3_session: client = boto3_session.resource("dynamodb", endpoint_url=endpoint_url) else: try: import boto3 except ImportError as e: raise ImportError( "Unable to import boto3, please install with `pip install boto3`." ) from e if endpoint_url: client = boto3.resource("dynamodb", endpoint_url=endpoint_url) else: client = boto3.resource("dynamodb") self.table = client.Table(table_name) self.session_id = session_id self.key: Dict = key or {primary_key_name: session_id} self.ttl = ttl self.ttl_key_name = ttl_key_name self.history_size = history_size self.history_messages_key = history_messages_key self.coerce_float_to_decimal = coerce_float_to_decimal if kms_key_id: try: from dynamodb_encryption_sdk.encrypted.table import EncryptedTable from dynamodb_encryption_sdk.identifiers import CryptoAction from dynamodb_encryption_sdk.material_providers.aws_kms import ( AwsKmsCryptographicMaterialsProvider, ) from dynamodb_encryption_sdk.structures import AttributeActions except ImportError as e: raise ImportError( "Unable to import dynamodb_encryption_sdk, please install with " "`pip install dynamodb-encryption-sdk`." ) from e actions = AttributeActions( default_action=CryptoAction.DO_NOTHING, attribute_actions={ self.history_messages_key: CryptoAction.ENCRYPT_AND_SIGN }, ) aws_kms_cmp = AwsKmsCryptographicMaterialsProvider(key_id=kms_key_id) self.table = EncryptedTable( table=self.table, materials_provider=aws_kms_cmp, attribute_actions=actions, auto_refresh_table_indexes=False, )
@property def messages(self) -> List[BaseMessage]: """Retrieve the messages from DynamoDB""" try: from botocore.exceptions import ClientError except ImportError as e: raise ImportError( "Unable to import botocore, please install with `pip install botocore`." ) from e response = None try: response = self.table.get_item(Key=self.key) except ClientError as error: if error.response["Error"]["Code"] == "ResourceNotFoundException": logger.warning("No record found with session id: %s", self.session_id) else: logger.error(error) if response and "Item" in response: items = response["Item"][self.history_messages_key] else: items = [] messages = messages_from_dict(items) return messages @messages.setter def messages(self, messages: List[BaseMessage]) -> None: raise NotImplementedError( "Direct assignment to 'messages' is not allowed." " Use the 'add_messages' instead." )
[docs] def add_message(self, message: BaseMessage) -> None: """Append the message to the record in DynamoDB""" try: from botocore.exceptions import ClientError except ImportError as e: raise ImportError( "Unable to import botocore, please install with `pip install botocore`." ) from e messages = messages_to_dict(self.messages) _message = message_to_dict(message) messages.append(_message) if self.coerce_float_to_decimal: messages = convert_messages(messages) if self.history_size: messages = messages[-self.history_size :] try: if self.ttl: import time expireAt = int(time.time()) + self.ttl self.table.update_item( Key={**self.key}, UpdateExpression=( f"set {self.history_messages_key} = :h, " f"{self.ttl_key_name} = :t" ), ExpressionAttributeValues={":h": messages, ":t": expireAt}, ) else: self.table.update_item( Key={**self.key}, UpdateExpression=f"set {self.history_messages_key} = :h", ExpressionAttributeValues={":h": messages}, ) except ClientError as err: logger.error(err)
[docs] def clear(self) -> None: """Clear session memory from DynamoDB""" try: from botocore.exceptions import ClientError except ImportError as e: raise ImportError( "Unable to import botocore, please install with `pip install botocore`." ) from e try: self.table.delete_item(Key=self.key) except ClientError as err: logger.error(err)