"""Base class for all loaders that uses O365 Package"""
from __future__ import annotations
import logging
import mimetypes
import os
import re
import tempfile
import urllib
from abc import abstractmethod
from datetime import datetime
from pathlib import Path, PurePath
from typing import TYPE_CHECKING, Any, Dict, Iterable, List, Optional, Sequence, Union
from pydantic import (
from pydantic_settings import BaseSettings, SettingsConfigDict
from langchain_community.document_loaders.base import BaseBlobParser, BaseLoader
from langchain_community.document_loaders.blob_loaders.file_system import (
from langchain_community.document_loaders.blob_loaders.schema import Blob
from langchain_community.document_loaders.parsers.generic import MimeTypeBasedParser
from langchain_community.document_loaders.parsers.registry import get_parser
from O365 import Account
from O365.drive import Drive, Folder
logger = logging.getLogger(__name__)
CHUNK_SIZE = 1024 * 1024 * 5
class _O365Settings(BaseSettings):
client_id: str = Field(..., alias="O365_CLIENT_ID")
client_secret: SecretStr = Field(..., alias="O365_CLIENT_SECRET")
model_config = SettingsConfigDict(
case_sensitive=False, env_file=".env", env_prefix="", extra="ignore"
class _O365TokenStorage(BaseSettings):
token_path: FilePath = Path.home() / ".credentials" / "o365_token.txt"
def fetch_mime_types(file_types: Sequence[str]) -> Dict[str, str]:
"""Fetch the mime types for the specified file types."""
mime_types_mapping = {}
for ext in file_types:
mime_type, _ = mimetypes.guess_type(f"file.{ext}")
if mime_type:
mime_types_mapping[ext] = mime_type
raise ValueError(f"Unknown mimetype of extention {ext}")
return mime_types_mapping
def fetch_extensions(mime_types: Sequence[str]) -> Dict[str, str]:
"""Fetch the mime types for the specified file types."""
mime_types_mapping = {}
for mime_type in mime_types:
ext = mimetypes.guess_extension(mime_type)
if ext:
mime_types_mapping[ext[1:]] = mime_type # ignore leading `.`
raise ValueError(f"Unknown mimetype {mime_type}")
return mime_types_mapping
class O365BaseLoader(BaseLoader, BaseModel):
"""Base class for all loaders that uses O365 Package"""
settings: _O365Settings = Field(default_factory=_O365Settings) # type: ignore[arg-type]
"""Settings for the Office365 API client."""
auth_with_token: bool = False
"""Whether to authenticate with a token or not. Defaults to False."""
chunk_size: Union[int, str] = CHUNK_SIZE
"""Number of bytes to retrieve from each api call to the server. int or 'auto'."""
recursive: bool = False
"""Should the loader recursively load subfolders?"""
modified_since: Optional[datetime] = None
"""Only fetch documents modified since given datetime. The datetime object
must be timezone aware."""
handlers: Optional[Dict[str, Any]] = {}
Provide custom handlers for MimeTypeBasedParser.
Pass a dictionary mapping either file extensions (like "doc", "pdf", etc.)
or MIME types (like "application/pdf", "text/plain", etc.) to parsers.
Note that you must use either file extensions or MIME types exclusively and
cannot mix them.
Do not include the leading dot for file extensions.
Example using file extensions:
handlers = {
"doc": MsWordParser(),
"pdf": PDFMinerParser(),
"txt": TextParser()
Example using MIME types:
handlers = {
"application/msword": MsWordParser(),
"application/pdf": PDFMinerParser(),
"text/plain": TextParser()
_blob_parser: BaseBlobParser = PrivateAttr()
_file_types: Sequence[str] = PrivateAttr()
_mime_types: Dict[str, str] = PrivateAttr()
def __init__(self, **kwargs: Any) -> None:
if self.handlers:
handler_keys = list(self.handlers.keys())
# assume handlers.keys() are file extensions
self._mime_types = fetch_mime_types(handler_keys)
self._file_types = list(set(handler_keys))
mime_handlers = {
self._mime_types[extension]: handler
for extension, handler in self.handlers.items()
except ValueError:
# assume handlers.keys() are mime types
self._mime_types = fetch_extensions(handler_keys)
self._file_types = list(set(self._mime_types.keys()))
mime_handlers = self.handlers
except ValueError:
raise ValueError(
"`handlers` keys must be either file extensions or mimetypes.\n"
f"{handler_keys} could not be interpreted as either.\n"
"File extensions and mimetypes cannot mix. "
"Use either one or the other"
self._blob_parser = MimeTypeBasedParser(
handlers=mime_handlers, fallback_parser=None
self._blob_parser = get_parser("default")
if not isinstance(self._blob_parser, MimeTypeBasedParser):
raise TypeError(
'get_parser("default) was supposed to return MimeTypeBasedParser.'
f"It returned {type(self._blob_parser)}"
self._mime_types = fetch_extensions(list(self._blob_parser.handlers.keys()))
def _fetch_mime_types(self) -> Dict[str, str]:
"""Return a dict of supported file types to corresponding mime types."""
return self._mime_types
def _scopes(self) -> List[str]:
"""Return required scopes."""
def _load_from_folder(self, folder: Folder) -> Iterable[Blob]:
"""Lazily load all files from a specified folder of the configured MIME type.
folder: The Folder instance from which the files are to be loaded. This
Folder instance should represent a directory in a file system where the
files are stored.
An iterator that yields Blob instances, which are binary representations of
the files loaded from the folder.
file_mime_types = self._fetch_mime_types
items = folder.get_items()
metadata_dict: Dict[str, Dict[str, Any]] = {}
with tempfile.TemporaryDirectory() as temp_dir:
os.makedirs(os.path.dirname(temp_dir), exist_ok=True)
for file in items:
if file.is_file:
if file.mime_type in list(file_mime_types.values()):
if (not self.modified_since) or (
file.modified > self.modified_since
source = file.web_url
if re.search(
r"Doc.aspx\?sourcedoc=.*file=([^&]+)", file.web_url
source = (
+ "/"
+ urllib.parse.quote(file.name)
file.download(to_path=temp_dir, chunk_size=self.chunk_size)
metadata_dict[file.name] = {
"source": source,
"mime_type": file.mime_type,
"created": str(file.created),
"modified": str(file.modified),
"created_by": str(file.created_by),
"modified_by": str(file.modified_by),
"description": file.description,
"id": str(file.object_id),
loader = FileSystemBlobLoader(path=temp_dir)
for blob in loader.yield_blobs():
if not isinstance(blob.path, PurePath):
raise NotImplementedError("Expected blob path to be a PurePath")
if blob.path:
file_metadata_ = metadata_dict.get(str(blob.path.name), {})
yield blob
if self.recursive:
for subfolder in folder.get_child_folders():
yield from self._load_from_folder(subfolder)
def _load_from_object_ids(
self, drive: Drive, object_ids: List[str]
) -> Iterable[Blob]:
"""Lazily load files specified by their object_ids from a drive.
Load files into the system as binary large objects (Blobs) and return Iterable.
drive: The Drive instance from which the files are to be loaded. This Drive
instance should represent a cloud storage service or similar storage
system where the files are stored.
object_ids: A list of object_id strings. Each object_id represents a unique
identifier for a file in the drive.
An iterator that yields Blob instances, which are binary representations of
the files loaded from the drive using the specified object_ids.
file_mime_types = self._fetch_mime_types
metadata_dict: Dict[str, Dict[str, Any]] = {}
with tempfile.TemporaryDirectory() as temp_dir:
for object_id in object_ids:
file = drive.get_item(object_id)
if not file:
"There isn't a file with"
f"object_id {object_id} in drive {drive}."
if file.is_file:
if file.mime_type in list(file_mime_types.values()):
source = file.web_url
if re.search(
r"Doc.aspx\?sourcedoc=.*file=([^&]+)", file.web_url
source = (
+ "/"
+ urllib.parse.quote(file.name)
file.download(to_path=temp_dir, chunk_size=self.chunk_size)
metadata_dict[file.name] = {
"source": source,
"mime_type": file.mime_type,
"created": file.created,
"modified": file.modified,
"created_by": str(file.created_by),
"modified_by": str(file.modified_by),
"description": file.description,
"id": str(file.object_id),
loader = FileSystemBlobLoader(path=temp_dir)
for blob in loader.yield_blobs():
if not isinstance(blob.path, PurePath):
raise NotImplementedError("Expected blob path to be a PurePath")
if blob.path:
file_metadata_ = metadata_dict.get(str(blob.path.name), {})
yield blob
def _auth(self) -> Account:
"""Authenticates the OneDrive API client
The authenticated Account object.
from O365 import Account, FileSystemTokenBackend
except ImportError:
raise ImportError(
"O365 package not found, please install it with `pip install o365`"
if self.auth_with_token:
token_storage = _O365TokenStorage()
token_path = token_storage.token_path
token_backend = FileSystemTokenBackend(
token_path=token_path.parent, token_filename=token_path.name
account = Account(
**{"raise_http_errors": False},
token_backend = FileSystemTokenBackend(
token_path=Path.home() / ".credentials"
account = Account(
**{"raise_http_errors": False},
# make the auth
return account