Source code for langchain_community.document_loaders.chm

from pathlib import Path
from typing import TYPE_CHECKING, Any, Dict, List, Union

from langchain_community.document_loaders.unstructured import UnstructuredFileLoader

    from chm import chm

[docs] class UnstructuredCHMLoader(UnstructuredFileLoader): """Load `CHM` files using `Unstructured`. CHM means Microsoft Compiled HTML Help. Examples -------- from langchain_community.document_loaders import UnstructuredCHMLoader loader = UnstructuredCHMLoader("example.chm") docs = loader.load() References ---------- """
[docs] def __init__( self, file_path: Union[str, Path], mode: str = "single", **unstructured_kwargs: Any, ): """ Args: file_path: The path to the CHM file to load. mode: The mode to use when loading the file. Can be one of "single", "multi", or "all". Default is "single". **unstructured_kwargs: Any kwargs to pass to the unstructured. """ file_path = str(file_path) super().__init__(file_path=file_path, mode=mode, **unstructured_kwargs)
def _get_elements(self) -> List: from unstructured.partition.html import partition_html with CHMParser(self.file_path) as f: # type: ignore[arg-type] return [ partition_html(text=item["content"], **self.unstructured_kwargs) for item in f.load_all() ]
[docs] class CHMParser(object): """Microsoft Compiled HTML Help (CHM) Parser.""" path: str file: "chm.CHMFile"
[docs] def __init__(self, path: str): from chm import chm self.path = path self.file = chm.CHMFile() self.file.LoadCHM(path)
def __enter__(self): # type: ignore[no-untyped-def] return self def __exit__(self, exc_type, exc_value, traceback): # type: ignore[no-untyped-def] if self.file: self.file.CloseCHM() @property def encoding(self) -> str: return self.file.GetEncoding().decode("utf-8")
[docs] def index(self) -> List[Dict[str, str]]: from urllib.parse import urlparse from bs4 import BeautifulSoup res = [] index = self.file.GetTopicsTree().decode(self.encoding) soup = BeautifulSoup(index) # <OBJECT ..> for obj in soup.find_all("object"): # <param name="Name" value="<...>"> # <param name="Local" value="<...>"> name = "" local = "" for param in obj.find_all("param"): if param["name"] == "Name": name = param["value"] if param["name"] == "Local": local = param["value"] if not name or not local: continue local = urlparse(local).path if not local.startswith("/"): local = "/" + local res.append({"name": name, "local": local}) return res
[docs] def load(self, path: Union[str, bytes]) -> str: if isinstance(path, str): path = path.encode("utf-8") obj = self.file.ResolveObject(path)[1] return self.file.RetrieveObject(obj)[1].decode(self.encoding)
[docs] def load_all(self) -> List[Dict[str, str]]: res = [] index = self.index() for item in index: content = self.load(item["local"]) res.append( { "name": item["name"], "local": item["local"], "content": content, } ) return res