Source code for langchain_community.document_loaders.parsers.pdf

"""Module contains common parsers for PDFs."""

from __future__ import annotations

import html
import io
import logging
import threading
import warnings
from datetime import datetime
from pathlib import Path
from tempfile import TemporaryDirectory
from typing import (
from urllib.parse import urlparse

import numpy
import numpy as np
from langchain_core.documents import Document

from langchain_community.document_loaders.base import BaseBlobParser
from langchain_community.document_loaders.blob_loaders import Blob
from langchain_community.document_loaders.parsers.images import (

    import pdfplumber
    import pymupdf
    import pypdf
    import pypdfium2
    from import TextLinearizationConfig

_PDF_FILTER_WITH_LOSS = ["DCTDecode", "DCT", "JPXDecode"]

[docs] def extract_from_images_with_rapidocr( images: Sequence[Union[Iterable[np.ndarray], bytes]], ) -> str: """Extract text from images with RapidOCR. Args: images: Images to extract text from. Returns: Text extracted from images. Raises: ImportError: If `rapidocr-onnxruntime` package is not installed. """ try: from rapidocr_onnxruntime import RapidOCR except ImportError: raise ImportError( "`rapidocr-onnxruntime` package not found, please install it with " "`pip install rapidocr-onnxruntime`" ) ocr = RapidOCR() text = "" for img in images: result, _ = ocr(img) if result: result = [text[1] for text in result] text += "\n".join(result) return text
logger = logging.getLogger(__name__) _FORMAT_IMAGE_STR = "\n\n{image_text}\n\n" _JOIN_IMAGES = "\n" _JOIN_TABLES = "\n" _DEFAULT_PAGES_DELIMITER = "\n\f" _STD_METADATA_KEYS = {"source", "total_pages", "creationdate", "creator", "producer"} def _format_inner_image(blob: Blob, content: str, format: str) -> str: """Format the content of the image with the source of the blob. blob: The blob containing the image. format:: The format for the parsed output. - "text" = return the content as is - "markdown-img" = wrap the content into an image markdown link, w/ link pointing to (`![body)(#)`] - "html-img" = wrap the content as the `alt` text of an tag and link to (`<img alt="{body}" src="#"/>`) """ if content: source = blob.source or "#" if format == "markdown-img": content = content.replace("]", r"\\]") content = f"![{content}]({source})" elif format == "html-img": content = f'<img alt="{html.escape(content, quote=True)} src="{source}" />' return content def _validate_metadata(metadata: dict[str, Any]) -> dict[str, Any]: """Validate that the metadata has all the standard keys and the page is an integer. The standard keys are: - source - total_page - creationdate - creator - producer Validate that page is an integer if it is present. """ if not _STD_METADATA_KEYS.issubset(metadata.keys()): raise ValueError("The PDF parser must valorize the standard metadata.") if not isinstance(metadata.get("page", 0), int): raise ValueError("The PDF metadata page must be a integer.") return metadata def _purge_metadata(metadata: dict[str, Any]) -> dict[str, Any]: """Purge metadata from unwanted keys and normalize key names. Args: metadata: The original metadata dictionary. Returns: The cleaned and normalized the key format of metadata dictionary. """ new_metadata: dict[str, Any] = {} map_key = { "page_count": "total_pages", "file_path": "source", } for k, v in metadata.items(): if type(v) not in [str, int]: v = str(v) if k.startswith("/"): k = k[1:] k = k.lower() if k in ["creationdate", "moddate"]: try: new_metadata[k] = datetime.strptime( v.replace("'", ""), "D:%Y%m%d%H%M%S%z" ).isoformat("T") except ValueError: new_metadata[k] = v elif k in map_key: # Normalize key with others PDF parser new_metadata[map_key[k]] = v new_metadata[k] = v elif isinstance(v, str): new_metadata[k] = v.strip() elif isinstance(v, int): new_metadata[k] = v return new_metadata _PARAGRAPH_DELIMITER = [ "\n\n\n", "\n\n", ] # To insert images or table in the middle of the page. def _merge_text_and_extras(extras: list[str], text_from_page: str) -> str: """Insert extras such as image/table in a text between two paragraphs if possible, else at the end of the text. Args: extras: List of extra content (images/tables) to insert. text_from_page: The text content from the page. Returns: The merged text with extras inserted. """ def _recurs_merge_text_and_extras( extras: list[str], text_from_page: str, recurs: bool ) -> Optional[str]: if extras: for delim in _PARAGRAPH_DELIMITER: pos = text_from_page.rfind(delim) if pos != -1: # search penultimate, to bypass an error in footer previous_text = None if recurs: previous_text = _recurs_merge_text_and_extras( extras, text_from_page[:pos], False ) if previous_text: all_text = previous_text + text_from_page[pos:] else: all_extras = "" str_extras = "\n\n".join(filter(lambda x: x, extras)) if str_extras: all_extras = delim + str_extras all_text = ( text_from_page[:pos] + all_extras + text_from_page[pos:] ) break else: all_text = None else: all_text = text_from_page return all_text all_text = _recurs_merge_text_and_extras(extras, text_from_page, True) if not all_text: all_extras = "" str_extras = "\n\n".join(filter(lambda x: x, extras)) if str_extras: all_extras = _PARAGRAPH_DELIMITER[-1] + str_extras all_text = text_from_page + all_extras return all_text
[docs] class PyPDFParser(BaseBlobParser): """Parse a blob from a PDF using `pypdf` library. This class provides methods to parse a blob from a PDF document, supporting various configurations such as handling password-protected PDFs, extracting images. It integrates the 'pypdf' library for PDF processing and offers synchronous blob parsing. Examples: Setup: .. code-block:: bash pip install -U langchain-community pypdf Load a blob from a PDF file: .. code-block:: python from langchain_core.documents.base import Blob blob = Blob.from_path("./example_data/layout-parser-paper.pdf") Instantiate the parser: .. code-block:: python from langchain_community.document_loaders.parsers import PyPDFParser parser = PyPDFParser( # password = None, mode = "single", pages_delimiter = "\n\f", # images_parser = TesseractBlobParser(), ) Lazily parse the blob: .. code-block:: python docs = [] docs_lazy = parser.lazy_parse(blob) for doc in docs_lazy: docs.append(doc) print(docs[0].page_content[:100]) print(docs[0].metadata) """
[docs] def __init__( self, password: Optional[Union[str, bytes]] = None, extract_images: bool = False, *, mode: Literal["single", "page"] = "page", pages_delimiter: str = _DEFAULT_PAGES_DELIMITER, images_parser: Optional[BaseImageBlobParser] = None, images_inner_format: Literal["text", "markdown-img", "html-img"] = "text", extraction_mode: Literal["plain", "layout"] = "plain", extraction_kwargs: Optional[dict[str, Any]] = None, ): """Initialize a parser based on PyPDF. Args: password: Optional password for opening encrypted PDFs. extract_images: Whether to extract images from the PDF. mode: The extraction mode, either "single" for the entire document or "page" for page-wise extraction. pages_delimiter: A string delimiter to separate pages in single-mode extraction. images_parser: Optional image blob parser. images_inner_format: The format for the parsed output. - "text" = return the content as is - "markdown-img" = wrap the content into an image markdown link, w/ link pointing to (`![body)(#)`] - "html-img" = wrap the content as the `alt` text of an tag and link to (`<img alt="{body}" src="#"/>`) extraction_mode: “plain” for legacy functionality, “layout” extract text in a fixed width format that closely adheres to the rendered layout in the source pdf. extraction_kwargs: Optional additional parameters for the extraction process. Raises: ValueError: If the `mode` is not "single" or "page". """ super().__init__() if mode not in ["single", "page"]: raise ValueError("mode must be single or page") self.extract_images = extract_images if extract_images and not images_parser: images_parser = RapidOCRBlobParser() self.images_parser = images_parser self.images_inner_format = images_inner_format self.password = password self.mode = mode self.pages_delimiter = pages_delimiter self.extraction_mode = extraction_mode self.extraction_kwargs = extraction_kwargs or {}
[docs] def lazy_parse(self, blob: Blob) -> Iterator[Document]: # type: ignore[valid-type] """ Lazily parse the blob. Insert image, if possible, between two paragraphs. In this way, a paragraph can be continued on the next page. Args: blob: The blob to parse. Raises: ImportError: If the `pypdf` package is not found. Yield: An iterator over the parsed documents. """ try: import pypdf except ImportError: raise ImportError( "`pypdf` package not found, please install it with `pip install pypdf`" ) def _extract_text_from_page(page: pypdf.PageObject) -> str: """ Extract text from image given the version of pypdf. Args: page: The page object to extract text from. Returns: str: The extracted text. """ if pypdf.__version__.startswith("3"): return page.extract_text() else: return page.extract_text( extraction_mode=self.extraction_mode, **self.extraction_kwargs, ) with blob.as_bytes_io() as pdf_file_obj: # type: ignore[attr-defined] pdf_reader = pypdf.PdfReader(pdf_file_obj, password=self.password) doc_metadata = _purge_metadata( {"producer": "PyPDF", "creator": "PyPDF", "creationdate": ""} | cast(dict, pdf_reader.metadata or {}) | { "source": blob.source, "total_pages": len(pdf_reader.pages), } ) single_texts = [] for page_number, page in enumerate(pdf_reader.pages): text_from_page = _extract_text_from_page(page=page) images_from_page = self.extract_images_from_page(page) all_text = _merge_text_and_extras( [images_from_page], text_from_page ).strip() if self.mode == "page": yield Document( page_content=all_text, metadata=_validate_metadata( doc_metadata | { "page": page_number, "page_label": pdf_reader.page_labels[page_number], } ), ) else: single_texts.append(all_text) if self.mode == "single": yield Document( page_content=self.pages_delimiter.join(single_texts), metadata=_validate_metadata(doc_metadata), )
[docs] def extract_images_from_page(self, page: pypdf._page.PageObject) -> str: """Extract images from a PDF page and get the text using images_to_text. Args: page: The page object from which to extract images. Returns: str: The extracted text from the images on the page. """ if not self.images_parser: return "" from PIL import Image if "/XObject" not in cast(dict, page["/Resources"]).keys(): return "" xObject = page["/Resources"]["/XObject"].get_object() # type: ignore[index] images = [] for obj in xObject: np_image: Any = None if xObject[obj]["/Subtype"] == "/Image": if xObject[obj]["/Filter"][1:] in _PDF_FILTER_WITHOUT_LOSS: height, width = xObject[obj]["/Height"], xObject[obj]["/Width"] np_image = np.frombuffer( xObject[obj].get_data(), dtype=np.uint8 ).reshape(height, width, -1) elif xObject[obj]["/Filter"][1:] in _PDF_FILTER_WITH_LOSS: np_image = np.array([obj].get_data()))) else: logger.warning("Unknown PDF Filter!") if np_image is not None: image_bytes = io.BytesIO() Image.fromarray(np_image).save(image_bytes, format="PNG") blob = Blob.from_data(image_bytes.getvalue(), mime_type="image/png") image_text = next(self.images_parser.lazy_parse(blob)).page_content images.append( _format_inner_image(blob, image_text, self.images_inner_format) ) return _FORMAT_IMAGE_STR.format( image_text=_JOIN_IMAGES.join(filter(None, images)) )
[docs] class PDFMinerParser(BaseBlobParser): """Parse a blob from a PDF using `pdfminer.six` library. This class provides methods to parse a blob from a PDF document, supporting various configurations such as handling password-protected PDFs, extracting images, and defining extraction mode. It integrates the 'pdfminer.six' library for PDF processing and offers synchronous blob parsing. Examples: Setup: .. code-block:: bash pip install -U langchain-community pdfminer.six pillow Load a blob from a PDF file: .. code-block:: python from langchain_core.documents.base import Blob blob = Blob.from_path("./example_data/layout-parser-paper.pdf") Instantiate the parser: .. code-block:: python from langchain_community.document_loaders.parsers import PDFMinerParser parser = PDFMinerParser( # password = None, mode = "single", pages_delimiter = "\n\f", # extract_images = True, # images_to_text = convert_images_to_text_with_tesseract(), ) Lazily parse the blob: .. code-block:: python docs = [] docs_lazy = parser.lazy_parse(blob) for doc in docs_lazy: docs.append(doc) print(docs[0].page_content[:100]) print(docs[0].metadata) """ _warn_concatenate_pages = False
[docs] def __init__( self, extract_images: bool = False, *, password: Optional[str] = None, mode: Literal["single", "page"] = "single", pages_delimiter: str = _DEFAULT_PAGES_DELIMITER, images_parser: Optional[BaseImageBlobParser] = None, images_inner_format: Literal["text", "markdown-img", "html-img"] = "text", concatenate_pages: Optional[bool] = None, ): """Initialize a parser based on PDFMiner. Args: password: Optional password for opening encrypted PDFs. mode: Extraction mode to use. Either "single" or "page" for page-wise extraction. pages_delimiter: A string delimiter to separate pages in single-mode extraction. extract_images: Whether to extract images from PDF. images_inner_format: The format for the parsed output. - "text" = return the content as is - "markdown-img" = wrap the content into an image markdown link, w/ link pointing to (`![body)(#)`] - "html-img" = wrap the content as the `alt` text of an tag and link to (`<img alt="{body}" src="#"/>`) concatenate_pages: Deprecated. If True, concatenate all PDF pages into one a single document. Otherwise, return one document per page. Returns: This method does not directly return data. Use the `parse` or `lazy_parse` methods to retrieve parsed documents with content and metadata. Raises: ValueError: If the `mode` is not "single" or "page". Warnings: `concatenate_pages` parameter is deprecated. Use `mode='single' or 'page' instead. """ super().__init__() if mode not in ["single", "page"]: raise ValueError("mode must be single or page") if extract_images and not images_parser: images_parser = RapidOCRBlobParser() self.extract_images = extract_images self.images_parser = images_parser self.images_inner_format = images_inner_format self.password = password self.mode = mode self.pages_delimiter = pages_delimiter if concatenate_pages is not None: if not PDFMinerParser._warn_concatenate_pages: PDFMinerParser._warn_concatenate_pages = True logger.warning( "`concatenate_pages` parameter is deprecated. " "Use `mode='single' or 'page'` instead." ) self.mode = "single" if concatenate_pages else "page"
[docs] @staticmethod def decode_text(s: Union[bytes, str]) -> str: """ Decodes a PDFDocEncoding string to Unicode. Adds py3 compatibility to pdfminer's version. Args: s: The string to decode. Returns: str: The decoded Unicode string. """ from pdfminer.utils import PDFDocEncoding if isinstance(s, bytes) and s.startswith(b"\xfe\xff"): return str(s[2:], "utf-16be", "ignore") try: ords = (ord(c) if isinstance(c, str) else c for c in s) return "".join(PDFDocEncoding[o] for o in ords) except IndexError: return str(s)
[docs] @staticmethod def resolve_and_decode(obj: Any) -> Any: """ Recursively resolve the metadata values. Args: obj: The object to resolve and decode. It can be of any type. Returns: The resolved and decoded object. """ from pdfminer.psparser import PSLiteral if hasattr(obj, "resolve"): obj = obj.resolve() if isinstance(obj, list): return list(map(PDFMinerParser.resolve_and_decode, obj)) elif isinstance(obj, PSLiteral): return PDFMinerParser.decode_text( elif isinstance(obj, (str, bytes)): return PDFMinerParser.decode_text(obj) elif isinstance(obj, dict): for k, v in obj.items(): obj[k] = PDFMinerParser.resolve_and_decode(v) return obj return obj
def _get_metadata( self, fp: BinaryIO, password: str = "", caching: bool = True, ) -> dict[str, Any]: """ Extract metadata from a PDF file. Args: fp: The file pointer to the PDF file. password: The password for the PDF file, if encrypted. Defaults to an empty string. caching: Whether to cache the PDF structure. Defaults to True. Returns: Metadata of the PDF file. """ from pdfminer.pdfpage import PDFDocument, PDFPage, PDFParser # Create a PDF parser object associated with the file object. parser = PDFParser(fp) # Create a PDF document object that stores the document structure. doc = PDFDocument(parser, password=password, caching=caching) metadata = {} for info in metadata.update(info) for k, v in metadata.items(): try: metadata[k] = PDFMinerParser.resolve_and_decode(v) except Exception as e: # pragma: nocover # This metadata value could not be parsed. Instead of failing the PDF # read, treat it as a warning only if `strict_metadata=False`. logger.warning( '[WARNING] Metadata key "%s" could not be parsed due to ' "exception: %s", k, str(e), ) # Count number of pages. metadata["total_pages"] = len(list(PDFPage.create_pages(doc))) return metadata
[docs] def lazy_parse(self, blob: Blob) -> Iterator[Document]: # type: ignore[valid-type] """ Lazily parse the blob. Insert image, if possible, between two paragraphs. In this way, a paragraph can be continued on the next page. Args: blob: The blob to parse. Raises: ImportError: If the `pdfminer.six` or `pillow` package is not found. Yield: An iterator over the parsed documents. """ try: import pdfminer from pdfminer.converter import PDFLayoutAnalyzer from pdfminer.layout import ( LAParams, LTContainer, LTImage, LTItem, LTPage, LTText, LTTextBox, ) from pdfminer.pdfinterp import PDFPageInterpreter, PDFResourceManager from pdfminer.pdfpage import PDFPage if int(pdfminer.__version__) < 20201018: raise ImportError( "This parser is tested with pdfminer.six version 20201018 or " "later. Remove pdfminer, and install pdfminer.six with " "`pip uninstall pdfminer && pip install pdfminer.six`." ) except ImportError: raise ImportError( "pdfminer package not found, please install it " "with `pip install pdfminer.six`" ) with blob.as_bytes_io() as pdf_file_obj, TemporaryDirectory() as tempdir: pages = PDFPage.get_pages(pdf_file_obj, password=self.password or "") rsrcmgr = PDFResourceManager() doc_metadata = _purge_metadata( self._get_metadata(pdf_file_obj, password=self.password or "") ) doc_metadata["source"] = blob.source class Visitor(PDFLayoutAnalyzer): def __init__( self, rsrcmgr: PDFResourceManager, pageno: int = 1, laparams: Optional[LAParams] = None, ) -> None: super().__init__(rsrcmgr, pageno=pageno, laparams=laparams) def receive_layout(me, ltpage: LTPage) -> None: def render(item: LTItem) -> None: if isinstance(item, LTContainer): for child in item: render(child) elif isinstance(item, LTText): text_io.write(item.get_text()) if isinstance(item, LTTextBox): text_io.write("\n") elif isinstance(item, LTImage): if self.images_parser: from pdfminer.image import ImageWriter image_writer = ImageWriter(tempdir) filename = image_writer.export_image(item) blob = Blob.from_path(Path(tempdir) / filename) blob.metadata["source"] = "#" image_text = next( self.images_parser.lazy_parse(blob) ).page_content text_io.write( _format_inner_image( blob, image_text, self.images_inner_format ) ) else: pass render(ltpage) text_io = io.StringIO() visitor_for_all = PDFPageInterpreter( rsrcmgr, Visitor(rsrcmgr, laparams=LAParams()) ) all_content = [] for i, page in enumerate(pages): text_io.truncate(0) visitor_for_all.process_page(page) all_text = text_io.getvalue() # For legacy compatibility, net strip() all_text = all_text.strip() if self.mode == "page": text_io.truncate(0) yield Document( page_content=all_text, metadata=_validate_metadata(doc_metadata | {"page": i}), ) else: if all_text.endswith("\f"): all_text = all_text[:-1] all_content.append(all_text) if self.mode == "single": # Add pages_delimiter between pages document_content = self.pages_delimiter.join(all_content) yield Document( page_content=document_content, metadata=_validate_metadata(doc_metadata), )
[docs] class PyMuPDFParser(BaseBlobParser): """Parse a blob from a PDF using `PyMuPDF` library. This class provides methods to parse a blob from a PDF document, supporting various configurations such as handling password-protected PDFs, extracting images, and defining extraction mode. It integrates the 'PyMuPDF' library for PDF processing and offers synchronous blob parsing. Examples: Setup: .. code-block:: bash pip install -U langchain-community pymupdf Load a blob from a PDF file: .. code-block:: python from langchain_core.documents.base import Blob blob = Blob.from_path("./example_data/layout-parser-paper.pdf") Instantiate the parser: .. code-block:: python from langchain_community.document_loaders.parsers import PyMuPDFParser parser = PyMuPDFParser( # password = None, mode = "single", pages_delimiter = "\n\f", # images_parser = TesseractBlobParser(), # extract_tables="markdown", # extract_tables_settings=None, # text_kwargs=None, ) Lazily parse the blob: .. code-block:: python docs = [] docs_lazy = parser.lazy_parse(blob) for doc in docs_lazy: docs.append(doc) print(docs[0].page_content[:100]) print(docs[0].metadata) """ # PyMuPDF is not thread safe. # See _lock = threading.Lock()
[docs] def __init__( self, text_kwargs: Optional[dict[str, Any]] = None, extract_images: bool = False, *, password: Optional[str] = None, mode: Literal["single", "page"] = "page", pages_delimiter: str = _DEFAULT_PAGES_DELIMITER, images_parser: Optional[BaseImageBlobParser] = None, images_inner_format: Literal["text", "markdown-img", "html-img"] = "text", extract_tables: Union[Literal["csv", "markdown", "html"], None] = None, extract_tables_settings: Optional[dict[str, Any]] = None, ) -> None: """Initialize a parser based on PyMuPDF. Args: password: Optional password for opening encrypted PDFs. mode: The extraction mode, either "single" for the entire document or "page" for page-wise extraction. pages_delimiter: A string delimiter to separate pages in single-mode extraction. extract_images: Whether to extract images from the PDF. images_parser: Optional image blob parser. images_inner_format: The format for the parsed output. - "text" = return the content as is - "markdown-img" = wrap the content into an image markdown link, w/ link pointing to (`![body)(#)`] - "html-img" = wrap the content as the `alt` text of an tag and link to (`<img alt="{body}" src="#"/>`) extract_tables: Whether to extract tables in a specific format, such as "csv", "markdown", or "html". extract_tables_settings: Optional dictionary of settings for customizing table extraction. Returns: This method does not directly return data. Use the `parse` or `lazy_parse` methods to retrieve parsed documents with content and metadata. Raises: ValueError: If the mode is not "single" or "page". ValueError: If the extract_tables format is not "markdown", "html", or "csv". """ super().__init__() if mode not in ["single", "page"]: raise ValueError("mode must be single or page") if extract_tables and extract_tables not in ["markdown", "html", "csv"]: raise ValueError("mode must be markdown") self.mode = mode self.pages_delimiter = pages_delimiter self.password = password self.text_kwargs = text_kwargs or {} if extract_images and not images_parser: images_parser = RapidOCRBlobParser() self.extract_images = extract_images self.images_inner_format = images_inner_format self.images_parser = images_parser self.extract_tables = extract_tables self.extract_tables_settings = extract_tables_settings
[docs] def lazy_parse(self, blob: Blob) -> Iterator[Document]: # type: ignore[valid-type] return self._lazy_parse( blob, )
def _lazy_parse( self, blob: Blob, # text-kwargs is present for backwards compatibility. # Users should not use it directly. text_kwargs: Optional[dict[str, Any]] = None, ) -> Iterator[Document]: # type: ignore[valid-type] """Lazily parse the blob. Insert image, if possible, between two paragraphs. In this way, a paragraph can be continued on the next page. Args: blob: The blob to parse. text_kwargs: Optional keyword arguments to pass to the `get_text` method. If provided at run time, it will override the default text_kwargs. Raises: ImportError: If the `pypdf` package is not found. Yield: An iterator over the parsed documents. """ try: import pymupdf text_kwargs = text_kwargs or self.text_kwargs if not self.extract_tables_settings: from pymupdf.table import ( DEFAULT_JOIN_TOLERANCE, DEFAULT_MIN_WORDS_HORIZONTAL, DEFAULT_MIN_WORDS_VERTICAL, DEFAULT_SNAP_TOLERANCE, ) self.extract_tables_settings = { # See "clip": None, "vertical_strategy": "lines", "horizontal_strategy": "lines", "vertical_lines": None, "horizontal_lines": None, "snap_tolerance": DEFAULT_SNAP_TOLERANCE, "snap_x_tolerance": None, "snap_y_tolerance": None, "join_tolerance": DEFAULT_JOIN_TOLERANCE, "join_x_tolerance": None, "join_y_tolerance": None, "edge_min_length": 3, "min_words_vertical": DEFAULT_MIN_WORDS_VERTICAL, "min_words_horizontal": DEFAULT_MIN_WORDS_HORIZONTAL, "intersection_tolerance": 3, "intersection_x_tolerance": None, "intersection_y_tolerance": None, "text_tolerance": 3, "text_x_tolerance": 3, "text_y_tolerance": 3, "strategy": None, # offer abbreviation "add_lines": None, # optional user-specified lines } except ImportError: raise ImportError( "pymupdf package not found, please install it " "with `pip install pymupdf`" ) with PyMuPDFParser._lock: with blob.as_bytes_io() as file_path: # type: ignore[attr-defined] if is None: # type: ignore[attr-defined] doc = else: doc =, filetype="pdf") if doc.is_encrypted: doc.authenticate(self.password) doc_metadata = self._extract_metadata(doc, blob) full_content = [] for page in doc: all_text = self._get_page_content(doc, page, text_kwargs).strip() if self.mode == "page": yield Document( page_content=all_text, metadata=_validate_metadata( doc_metadata | {"page": page.number} ), ) else: full_content.append(all_text) if self.mode == "single": yield Document( page_content=self.pages_delimiter.join(full_content), metadata=_validate_metadata(doc_metadata), ) def _get_page_content( self, doc: pymupdf.Document, page: pymupdf.Page, text_kwargs: dict[str, Any], ) -> str: """Get the text of the page using PyMuPDF and RapidOCR and issue a warning if it is empty. Args: doc: The PyMuPDF document object. page: The PyMuPDF page object. blob: The blob being parsed. Returns: str: The text content of the page. """ text_from_page = page.get_text(**{**self.text_kwargs, **text_kwargs}) images_from_page = self._extract_images_from_page(doc, page) tables_from_page = self._extract_tables_from_page(page) extras = [] if images_from_page: extras.append(images_from_page) if tables_from_page: extras.append(tables_from_page) all_text = _merge_text_and_extras(extras, text_from_page) return all_text def _extract_metadata(self, doc: pymupdf.Document, blob: Blob) -> dict: """Extract metadata from the document and page. Args: doc: The PyMuPDF document object. blob: The blob being parsed. Returns: dict: The extracted metadata. """ metadata = _purge_metadata( { **{ "producer": "PyMuPDF", "creator": "PyMuPDF", "creationdate": "", "source": blob.source, # type: ignore[attr-defined] "file_path": blob.source, # type: ignore[attr-defined] "total_pages": len(doc), }, **{ k: doc.metadata[k] for k in doc.metadata if isinstance(doc.metadata[k], (str, int)) }, } ) for k in ("modDate", "creationDate"): if k in doc.metadata: metadata[k] = doc.metadata[k] return metadata def _extract_images_from_page( self, doc: pymupdf.Document, page: pymupdf.Page ) -> str: """Extract images from a PDF page and get the text using images_to_text. Args: doc: The PyMuPDF document object. page: The PyMuPDF page object. Returns: str: The extracted text from the images on the page. """ if not self.images_parser: return "" import pymupdf img_list = page.get_images() images = [] for img in img_list: if self.images_parser: xref = img[0] pix = pymupdf.Pixmap(doc, xref) image = np.frombuffer(pix.samples, dtype=np.uint8).reshape( pix.height, pix.width, -1 ) image_bytes = io.BytesIO(), image) blob = Blob.from_data( image_bytes.getvalue(), mime_type="application/x-npy" ) image_text = next(self.images_parser.lazy_parse(blob)).page_content images.append( _format_inner_image(blob, image_text, self.images_inner_format) ) return _FORMAT_IMAGE_STR.format( image_text=_JOIN_IMAGES.join(filter(None, images)) ) def _extract_tables_from_page(self, page: pymupdf.Page) -> str: """Extract tables from a PDF page. Args: page: The PyMuPDF page object. Returns: str: The extracted tables in the specified format. """ if self.extract_tables is None: return "" import pymupdf tables_list = list( pymupdf.table.find_tables(page, **self.extract_tables_settings) ) if tables_list: if self.extract_tables == "markdown": return _JOIN_TABLES.join([table.to_markdown() for table in tables_list]) elif self.extract_tables == "html": return _JOIN_TABLES.join( [ table.to_pandas().to_html( header=False, index=False, bold_rows=False, ) for table in tables_list ] ) elif self.extract_tables == "csv": return _JOIN_TABLES.join( [ table.to_pandas().to_csv( header=False, index=False, ) for table in tables_list ] ) else: raise ValueError( f"extract_tables {self.extract_tables} not implemented" ) return ""
[docs] class PyPDFium2Parser(BaseBlobParser): """Parse a blob from a PDF using `PyPDFium2` library. This class provides methods to parse a blob from a PDF document, supporting various configurations such as handling password-protected PDFs, extracting images, and defining extraction mode. It integrates the 'PyPDFium2' library for PDF processing and offers synchronous blob parsing. Examples: Setup: .. code-block:: bash pip install -U langchain-community pypdfium2 Load a blob from a PDF file: .. code-block:: python from langchain_core.documents.base import Blob blob = Blob.from_path("./example_data/layout-parser-paper.pdf") Instantiate the parser: .. code-block:: python from langchain_community.document_loaders.parsers import PyPDFium2Parser parser = PyPDFium2Parser( # password=None, mode="page", pages_delimiter="\n\f", # extract_images = True, # images_to_text = convert_images_to_text_with_tesseract(), ) Lazily parse the blob: .. code-block:: python docs = [] docs_lazy = parser.lazy_parse(blob) for doc in docs_lazy: docs.append(doc) print(docs[0].page_content[:100]) print(docs[0].metadata) """ # PyPDFium2 is not thread safe. # See _lock = threading.Lock()
[docs] def __init__( self, extract_images: bool = False, *, password: Optional[str] = None, mode: Literal["single", "page"] = "page", pages_delimiter: str = _DEFAULT_PAGES_DELIMITER, images_parser: Optional[BaseImageBlobParser] = None, images_inner_format: Literal["text", "markdown-img", "html-img"] = "text", ) -> None: """Initialize a parser based on PyPDFium2. Args: password: Optional password for opening encrypted PDFs. mode: The extraction mode, either "single" for the entire document or "page" for page-wise extraction. pages_delimiter: A string delimiter to separate pages in single-mode extraction. extract_images: Whether to extract images from the PDF. images_parser: Optional image blob parser. images_inner_format: The format for the parsed output. - "text" = return the content as is - "markdown-img" = wrap the content into an image markdown link, w/ link pointing to (`![body)(#)`] - "html-img" = wrap the content as the `alt` text of an tag and link to (`<img alt="{body}" src="#"/>`) extraction_mode: “plain” for legacy functionality, “layout” for experimental layout mode functionality extraction_kwargs: Optional additional parameters for the extraction process. Returns: This method does not directly return data. Use the `parse` or `lazy_parse` methods to retrieve parsed documents with content and metadata. Raises: ValueError: If the mode is not "single" or "page". """ super().__init__() if mode not in ["single", "page"]: raise ValueError("mode must be single or page") self.extract_images = extract_images if extract_images and not images_parser: images_parser = RapidOCRBlobParser() self.images_parser = images_parser self.images_inner_format = images_inner_format self.password = password self.mode = mode self.pages_delimiter = pages_delimiter
[docs] def lazy_parse(self, blob: Blob) -> Iterator[Document]: # type: ignore[valid-type] """ Lazily parse the blob. Insert image, if possible, between two paragraphs. In this way, a paragraph can be continued on the next page. Args: blob: The blob to parse. Raises: ImportError: If the `pypdf` package is not found. Yield: An iterator over the parsed documents. """ try: import pypdfium2 except ImportError: raise ImportError( "pypdfium2 package not found, please install it with" " `pip install pypdfium2`" ) # pypdfium2 is really finicky with respect to closing things, # if done incorrectly creates seg faults. with PyPDFium2Parser._lock: with blob.as_bytes_io() as file_path: # type: ignore[attr-defined] pdf_reader = None try: pdf_reader = pypdfium2.PdfDocument( file_path, password=self.password, autoclose=True ) full_content = [] doc_metadata = _purge_metadata(pdf_reader.get_metadata_dict()) doc_metadata["source"] = blob.source doc_metadata["total_pages"] = len(pdf_reader) for page_number, page in enumerate(pdf_reader): text_page = page.get_textpage() text_from_page = "\n".join( text_page.get_text_range().splitlines() ) # Replace \r\n text_page.close() image_from_page = self._extract_images_from_page(page) all_text = _merge_text_and_extras( [image_from_page], text_from_page ).strip() page.close() if self.mode == "page": # For legacy compatibility, add the last '\n' if not all_text.endswith("\n"): all_text += "\n" yield Document( page_content=all_text, metadata=_validate_metadata( { **doc_metadata, "page": page_number, } ), ) else: full_content.append(all_text) if self.mode == "single": yield Document( page_content=self.pages_delimiter.join(full_content), metadata=_validate_metadata(doc_metadata), ) finally: if pdf_reader: pdf_reader.close()
def _extract_images_from_page(self, page: -> str: """Extract images from a PDF page and get the text using images_to_text. Args: page: The page object from which to extract images. Returns: str: The extracted text from the images on the page. """ if not self.images_parser: return "" import pypdfium2.raw as pdfium_c images = list(page.get_objects(filter=(pdfium_c.FPDF_PAGEOBJ_IMAGE,))) if not images: return "" str_images = [] for image in images: image_bytes = io.BytesIO() np_image = image.get_bitmap().to_numpy() if np_image.size < 3: continue, image.get_bitmap().to_numpy()) blob = Blob.from_data(image_bytes.getvalue(), mime_type="application/x-npy") text_from_image = next(self.images_parser.lazy_parse(blob)).page_content str_images.append( _format_inner_image(blob, text_from_image, self.images_inner_format) ) image.close() return _FORMAT_IMAGE_STR.format(image_text=_JOIN_IMAGES.join(str_images))
[docs] class PDFPlumberParser(BaseBlobParser): """Parse `PDF` with `PDFPlumber`."""
[docs] def __init__( self, text_kwargs: Optional[Mapping[str, Any]] = None, dedupe: bool = False, extract_images: bool = False, ) -> None: """Initialize the parser. Args: text_kwargs: Keyword arguments to pass to ``pdfplumber.Page.extract_text()`` dedupe: Avoiding the error of duplicate characters if `dedupe=True`. """ try: import PIL # noqa:F401 except ImportError: raise ImportError( "pillow package not found, please install it with `pip install pillow`" ) self.text_kwargs = text_kwargs or {} self.dedupe = dedupe self.extract_images = extract_images
[docs] def lazy_parse(self, blob: Blob) -> Iterator[Document]: # type: ignore[valid-type] """Lazily parse the blob.""" import pdfplumber with blob.as_bytes_io() as file_path: # type: ignore[attr-defined] doc = # open document yield from [ Document( page_content=self._process_page_content(page) + "\n" + self._extract_images_from_page(page), metadata=dict( { "source": blob.source, # type: ignore[attr-defined] "file_path": blob.source, # type: ignore[attr-defined] "page": page.page_number - 1, "total_pages": len(doc.pages), }, **{ k: doc.metadata[k] for k in doc.metadata if type(doc.metadata[k]) in [str, int] }, ), ) for page in doc.pages ]
def _process_page_content(self, page: -> str: """Process the page content based on dedupe.""" if self.dedupe: return page.dedupe_chars().extract_text(**self.text_kwargs) return page.extract_text(**self.text_kwargs) def _extract_images_from_page(self, page: -> str: """Extract images from page and get the text with RapidOCR.""" from PIL import Image if not self.extract_images: return "" images = [] for img in page.images: if img["stream"]["Filter"].name in _PDF_FILTER_WITHOUT_LOSS: if img["stream"]["BitsPerComponent"] == 1: images.append( np.array( Image.frombytes( "1", (img["stream"]["Width"], img["stream"]["Height"]), img["stream"].get_data(), ).convert("L") ) ) else: images.append( np.frombuffer(img["stream"].get_data(), dtype=np.uint8).reshape( img["stream"]["Height"], img["stream"]["Width"], -1 ) ) elif img["stream"]["Filter"].name in _PDF_FILTER_WITH_LOSS: images.append(img["stream"].get_data()) else: warnings.warn("Unknown PDF Filter!") return extract_from_images_with_rapidocr(images)
[docs] class AmazonTextractPDFParser(BaseBlobParser): """Send `PDF` files to `Amazon Textract` and parse them. For parsing multi-page PDFs, they have to reside on S3. The AmazonTextractPDFLoader calls the [Amazon Textract Service]( to convert PDFs into a Document structure. Single and multi-page documents are supported with up to 3000 pages and 512 MB of size. For the call to be successful an AWS account is required, similar to the [AWS CLI]( requirements. Besides the AWS configuration, it is very similar to the other PDF loaders, while also supporting JPEG, PNG and TIFF and non-native PDF formats. ```python from langchain_community.document_loaders import AmazonTextractPDFLoader loader=AmazonTextractPDFLoader("example_data/alejandro_rosalez_sample-small.jpeg") documents = loader.load() ``` One feature is the linearization of the output. When using the features LAYOUT, FORMS or TABLES together with Textract ```python from langchain_community.document_loaders import AmazonTextractPDFLoader # you can mix and match each of the features loader=AmazonTextractPDFLoader( "example_data/alejandro_rosalez_sample-small.jpeg", textract_features=["TABLES", "LAYOUT"]) documents = loader.load() ``` it will generate output that formats the text in reading order and try to output the information in a tabular structure or output the key/value pairs with a colon (key: value). This helps most LLMs to achieve better accuracy when processing these texts. """
[docs] def __init__( self, textract_features: Optional[Sequence[int]] = None, client: Optional[Any] = None, *, linearization_config: Optional[TextLinearizationConfig] = None, ) -> None: """Initializes the parser. Args: textract_features: Features to be used for extraction, each feature should be passed as an int that conforms to the enum `Textract_Features`, see `amazon-textract-caller` pkg client: boto3 textract client linearization_config: Config to be used for linearization of the output should be an instance of TextLinearizationConfig from the `textractor` pkg """ try: import textractcaller as tc import textractor.entities.document as textractor = tc self.textractor = textractor if textract_features is not None: self.textract_features = [ tc.Textract_Features(f) for f in textract_features ] else: self.textract_features = [] if linearization_config is not None: self.linearization_config = linearization_config else: self.linearization_config = self.textractor.TextLinearizationConfig( hide_figure_layout=True, title_prefix="# ", section_header_prefix="## ", list_element_prefix="*", ) except ImportError: raise ImportError( "Could not import amazon-textract-caller or " "amazon-textract-textractor python package. Please install it " "with `pip install amazon-textract-caller` & " "`pip install amazon-textract-textractor`." ) if not client: try: import boto3 self.boto3_textract_client = boto3.client("textract") except ImportError: raise ImportError( "Could not import boto3 python package. " "Please install it with `pip install boto3`." ) else: self.boto3_textract_client = client
[docs] def lazy_parse(self, blob: Blob) -> Iterator[Document]: # type: ignore[valid-type] """Iterates over the Blob pages and returns an Iterator with a Document for each page, like the other parsers If multi-page document, blob.path has to be set to the S3 URI and for single page docs the is taken """ url_parse_result = urlparse(str(blob.path)) if blob.path else None # type: ignore[attr-defined] # Either call with S3 path (multi-page) or with bytes (single-page) if ( url_parse_result and url_parse_result.scheme == "s3" and url_parse_result.netloc ): textract_response_json = input_document=str(blob.path), # type: ignore[attr-defined] features=self.textract_features, boto3_textract_client=self.boto3_textract_client, ) else: textract_response_json = input_document=blob.as_bytes(), # type: ignore[attr-defined] features=self.textract_features,, boto3_textract_client=self.boto3_textract_client, ) document = for idx, page in enumerate(document.pages): yield Document( page_content=page.get_text(config=self.linearization_config), metadata={"source": blob.source, "page": idx + 1}, # type: ignore[attr-defined] )
[docs] class DocumentIntelligenceParser(BaseBlobParser): """Loads a PDF with Azure Document Intelligence (formerly Form Recognizer) and chunks at character level."""
[docs] def __init__(self, client: Any, model: str): warnings.warn( "langchain_community.document_loaders.parsers.pdf.DocumentIntelligenceParser" "and langchain_community.document_loaders.pdf.DocumentIntelligenceLoader" " are deprecated. Please upgrade to " "langchain_community.document_loaders.DocumentIntelligenceLoader " "for any file parsing purpose using Azure Document Intelligence " "service." ) self.client = client self.model = model
def _generate_docs(self, blob: Blob, result: Any) -> Iterator[Document]: # type: ignore[valid-type] for p in result.pages: content = " ".join([line.content for line in p.lines]) d = Document( page_content=content, metadata={ "source": blob.source, # type: ignore[attr-defined] "page": p.page_number, }, ) yield d
[docs] def lazy_parse(self, blob: Blob) -> Iterator[Document]: # type: ignore[valid-type] """Lazily parse the blob.""" with blob.as_bytes_io() as file_obj: # type: ignore[attr-defined] poller = self.client.begin_analyze_document(self.model, file_obj) result = poller.result() docs = self._generate_docs(blob, result) yield from docs