Source code for

import base64
import itertools
import json
import re
from pathlib import Path
from typing import Dict, List, Type

import requests
from import Tool
from pydantic import BaseModel, Field

[docs] def strip_markdown_code(md_string: str) -> str: """Strip markdown code from a string.""" stripped_string = re.sub(r"^`{1,3}.*?\n", "", md_string, flags=re.DOTALL) stripped_string = re.sub(r"`{1,3}$", "", stripped_string) return stripped_string
[docs] def head_file(path: str, n: int) -> List[str]: """Get the first n lines of a file.""" try: with open(path, "r") as f: return [str(line) for line in itertools.islice(f, n)] except Exception: return []
[docs] def file_to_base64(path: str) -> str: """Convert a file to base64.""" with open(path, "rb") as f: return base64.b64encode(
[docs] class BearlyInterpreterToolArguments(BaseModel): """Arguments for the BearlyInterpreterTool.""" python_code: str = Field( ..., examples=["print('Hello World')"], description=( "The pure python script to be evaluated. " "The contents will be in " "It should not be in markdown format." ), )
base_description = """Evaluates python code in a sandbox environment. \ The environment resets on every execution. \ You must send the whole script every time and print your outputs. \ Script should be pure python code that can be evaluated. \ It should be in python format NOT markdown. \ The code should NOT be wrapped in backticks. \ All python packages including requests, matplotlib, scipy, numpy, pandas, \ etc are available. \ If you have any files outputted write them to "output/" relative to the execution \ path. Output can only be read from the directory, stdout, and stdin. \ Do not use things like as it will \ not work instead write them out `output/` and a link to the file will be returned. \ print() any output and results so you can capture the output."""
[docs] class FileInfo(BaseModel): """Information about a file to be uploaded.""" source_path: str description: str target_path: str
[docs] class BearlyInterpreterTool: """Tool for evaluating python code in a sandbox environment.""" api_key: str endpoint: str = "" name: str = "bearly_interpreter" args_schema: Type[BaseModel] = BearlyInterpreterToolArguments files: Dict[str, FileInfo] = {}
[docs] def __init__(self, api_key: str): self.api_key = api_key
@property def file_description(self) -> str: if len(self.files) == 0: return "" lines = ["The following files available in the evaluation environment:"] for target_path, file_info in self.files.items(): peek_content = head_file(file_info.source_path, 4) lines.append( f"- path: `{target_path}` \n first four lines: {peek_content}" f" \n description: `{file_info.description}`" ) return "\n".join(lines) @property def description(self) -> str: return (base_description + "\n\n" + self.file_description).strip()
[docs] def make_input_files(self) -> List[dict]: files = [] for target_path, file_info in self.files.items(): files.append( { "pathname": target_path, "contentsBasesixtyfour": file_to_base64(file_info.source_path), } ) return files
def _run(self, python_code: str) -> dict: script = strip_markdown_code(python_code) resp = "", data=json.dumps( { "fileContents": script, "inputFiles": self.make_input_files(), "outputDir": "output/", "outputAsLinks": True, } ), headers={"Authorization": self.api_key}, ).json() return { "stdout": ( base64.b64decode(resp["stdoutBasesixtyfour"]).decode() if resp["stdoutBasesixtyfour"] else "" ), "stderr": ( base64.b64decode(resp["stderrBasesixtyfour"]).decode() if resp["stderrBasesixtyfour"] else "" ), "fileLinks": resp["fileLinks"], "exitCode": resp["exitCode"], } async def _arun(self, query: str) -> str: """Use the tool asynchronously.""" raise NotImplementedError("custom_search does not support async")
[docs] def add_file(self, source_path: str, target_path: str, description: str) -> None: if target_path in self.files: raise ValueError("target_path already exists") if not Path(source_path).exists(): raise ValueError("source_path does not exist") self.files[target_path] = FileInfo( target_path=target_path, source_path=source_path, description=description )
[docs] def clear_files(self) -> None: self.files = {}
# TODO: this is because we can't have a dynamic description # because of the base pydantic class
[docs] def as_tool(self) -> Tool: return Tool.from_function( func=self._run,, description=self.description, args_schema=self.args_schema, )