Source code for

"""Pydantic models for parsing an OpenAPI spec."""

from __future__ import annotations

import logging
from enum import Enum
from typing import (

from pydantic import BaseModel, Field

from import HTTPVerb, OpenAPISpec

logger = logging.getLogger(__name__)
    "integer": int,
    "number": float,
    "string": str,
    "boolean": bool,
    "array": List,
    "object": Dict,
    "null": None,

# See
# for more info.
[docs] class APIPropertyLocation(Enum): """The location of the property.""" QUERY = "query" PATH = "path" HEADER = "header" COOKIE = "cookie" # Not yet supported @classmethod def from_str(cls, location: str) -> "APIPropertyLocation": """Parse an APIPropertyLocation.""" try: return cls(location) except ValueError: raise ValueError( f"Invalid APIPropertyLocation. Valid values are {cls.__members__}" )
_SUPPORTED_MEDIA_TYPES = ("application/json",) SUPPORTED_LOCATIONS = { APIPropertyLocation.HEADER, APIPropertyLocation.QUERY, APIPropertyLocation.PATH, } INVALID_LOCATION_TEMPL = ( 'Unsupported APIPropertyLocation "{location}"' " for parameter {name}. " + f"Valid values are {[loc.value for loc in SUPPORTED_LOCATIONS]}" ) SCHEMA_TYPE = Union[str, Type, tuple, None, Enum]
[docs] class APIPropertyBase(BaseModel): """Base model for an API property.""" # The name of the parameter is required and is case-sensitive. # If "in" is "path", the "name" field must correspond to a template expression # within the path field in the Paths Object. # If "in" is "header" and the "name" field is "Accept", "Content-Type", # or "Authorization", the parameter definition is ignored. # For all other cases, the "name" corresponds to the parameter # name used by the "in" property. name: str = Field(alias="name") """The name of the property.""" required: bool = Field(alias="required") """Whether the property is required.""" type: SCHEMA_TYPE = Field(alias="type") """The type of the property. Either a primitive type, a component/parameter type, or an array or 'object' (dict) of the above.""" default: Optional[Any] = Field(alias="default", default=None) """The default value of the property.""" description: Optional[str] = Field(alias="description", default=None) """The description of the property."""
if TYPE_CHECKING: from openapi_pydantic import ( MediaType, Parameter, RequestBody, Schema, )
[docs] class APIProperty(APIPropertyBase): """A model for a property in the query, path, header, or cookie params.""" location: APIPropertyLocation = Field(alias="location") """The path/how it's being passed to the endpoint.""" @staticmethod def _cast_schema_list_type( schema: Schema, ) -> Optional[Union[str, Tuple[str, ...]]]: type_ = schema.type if not isinstance(type_, list): return type_ else: return tuple(type_) @staticmethod def _get_schema_type_for_enum(parameter: Parameter, schema: Schema) -> Enum: """Get the schema type when the parameter is an enum.""" param_name = f"{}Enum" return Enum(param_name, {str(v): v for v in schema.enum}) @staticmethod def _get_schema_type_for_array( schema: Schema, ) -> Optional[Union[str, Tuple[str, ...]]]: from openapi_pydantic import ( Reference, Schema, ) items = schema.items if isinstance(items, Schema): schema_type = APIProperty._cast_schema_list_type(items) elif isinstance(items, Reference): ref_name = items.ref.split("/")[-1] schema_type = ref_name # TODO: Add ref definitions to make his valid else: raise ValueError(f"Unsupported array items: {items}") if isinstance(schema_type, str): # TODO: recurse schema_type = (schema_type,) return schema_type @staticmethod def _get_schema_type(parameter: Parameter, schema: Optional[Schema]) -> SCHEMA_TYPE: if schema is None: return None schema_type: SCHEMA_TYPE = APIProperty._cast_schema_list_type(schema) if schema_type == "array": schema_type = APIProperty._get_schema_type_for_array(schema) elif schema_type == "object": # TODO: Resolve array and object types to components. raise NotImplementedError("Objects not yet supported") elif schema_type in PRIMITIVE_TYPES: if schema.enum: schema_type = APIProperty._get_schema_type_for_enum(parameter, schema) else: # Directly use the primitive type pass else: raise NotImplementedError(f"Unsupported type: {schema_type}") return schema_type @staticmethod def _validate_location(location: APIPropertyLocation, name: str) -> None: if location not in SUPPORTED_LOCATIONS: raise NotImplementedError( INVALID_LOCATION_TEMPL.format(location=location, name=name) ) @staticmethod def _validate_content(content: Optional[Dict[str, MediaType]]) -> None: if content: raise ValueError( "API Properties with media content not supported. " "Media content only supported within APIRequestBodyProperty's" ) @staticmethod def _get_schema(parameter: Parameter, spec: OpenAPISpec) -> Optional[Schema]: from openapi_pydantic import ( Reference, Schema, ) schema = parameter.param_schema if isinstance(schema, Reference): schema = spec.get_referenced_schema(schema) elif schema is None: return None elif not isinstance(schema, Schema): raise ValueError(f"Error dereferencing schema: {schema}") return schema
[docs] @staticmethod def is_supported_location(location: str) -> bool: """Return whether the provided location is supported.""" try: return APIPropertyLocation.from_str(location) in SUPPORTED_LOCATIONS except ValueError: return False
[docs] @classmethod def from_parameter(cls, parameter: Parameter, spec: OpenAPISpec) -> "APIProperty": """Instantiate from an OpenAPI Parameter.""" location = APIPropertyLocation.from_str(parameter.param_in) cls._validate_location( location,, ) cls._validate_content(parameter.content) schema = cls._get_schema(parameter, spec) schema_type = cls._get_schema_type(parameter, schema) default_val = schema.default if schema is not None else None return cls(, location=location, default=default_val, description=parameter.description, required=parameter.required, type=schema_type, )
[docs] class APIRequestBodyProperty(APIPropertyBase): """A model for a request body property.""" properties: List["APIRequestBodyProperty"] = Field(alias="properties") """The sub-properties of the property.""" # This is useful for handling nested property cycles. # We can define separate types in that case. references_used: List[str] = Field(alias="references_used") """The references used by the property.""" @classmethod def _process_object_schema( cls, schema: Schema, spec: OpenAPISpec, references_used: List[str] ) -> Tuple[Union[str, List[str], None], List["APIRequestBodyProperty"]]: from openapi_pydantic import ( Reference, ) properties = [] required_props = schema.required or [] if is None: raise ValueError( f"No properties found when processing object schema: {schema}" ) for prop_name, prop_schema in if isinstance(prop_schema, Reference): ref_name = prop_schema.ref.split("/")[-1] if ref_name not in references_used: references_used.append(ref_name) prop_schema = spec.get_referenced_schema(prop_schema) else: continue properties.append( cls.from_schema( schema=prop_schema, name=prop_name, required=prop_name in required_props, spec=spec, references_used=references_used, ) ) return schema.type, properties @classmethod def _process_array_schema( cls, schema: Schema, name: str, spec: OpenAPISpec, references_used: List[str], ) -> str: from openapi_pydantic import Reference, Schema items = schema.items if items is not None: if isinstance(items, Reference): ref_name = items.ref.split("/")[-1] if ref_name not in references_used: references_used.append(ref_name) items = spec.get_referenced_schema(items) else: pass return f"Array<{ref_name}>" else: pass if isinstance(items, Schema): array_type = cls.from_schema( schema=items, name=f"{name}Item", required=True, # TODO: Add required spec=spec, references_used=references_used, ) return f"Array<{array_type.type}>" return "array"
[docs] @classmethod def from_schema( cls, schema: Schema, name: str, required: bool, spec: OpenAPISpec, references_used: Optional[List[str]] = None, ) -> "APIRequestBodyProperty": """Recursively populate from an OpenAPI Schema.""" if references_used is None: references_used = [] schema_type = schema.type properties: List[APIRequestBodyProperty] = [] if schema_type == "object" and schema_type, properties = cls._process_object_schema( schema, spec, references_used ) elif schema_type == "array": schema_type = cls._process_array_schema(schema, name, spec, references_used) elif schema_type in PRIMITIVE_TYPES: # Use the primitive type directly pass elif schema_type is None: # No typing specified/parsed. WIll map to 'any' pass else: raise ValueError(f"Unsupported type: {schema_type}") return cls( name=name, required=required, type=schema_type, default=schema.default, description=schema.description, properties=properties, references_used=references_used, )
# class APIRequestBodyProperty(APIPropertyBase):
[docs] class APIRequestBody(BaseModel): """A model for a request body.""" description: Optional[str] = Field(alias="description") """The description of the request body.""" properties: List[APIRequestBodyProperty] = Field(alias="properties") # E.g., application/json - we only support JSON at the moment. media_type: str = Field(alias="media_type") """The media type of the request body.""" @classmethod def _process_supported_media_type( cls, media_type_obj: MediaType, spec: OpenAPISpec, ) -> List[APIRequestBodyProperty]: """Process the media type of the request body.""" from openapi_pydantic import Reference references_used = [] schema = media_type_obj.media_type_schema if isinstance(schema, Reference): references_used.append(schema.ref.split("/")[-1]) schema = spec.get_referenced_schema(schema) if schema is None: raise ValueError( f"Could not resolve schema for media type: {media_type_obj}" ) api_request_body_properties = [] required_properties = schema.required or [] if schema.type == "object" and for prop_name, prop_schema in if isinstance(prop_schema, Reference): prop_schema = spec.get_referenced_schema(prop_schema) api_request_body_properties.append( APIRequestBodyProperty.from_schema( schema=prop_schema, name=prop_name, required=prop_name in required_properties, spec=spec, ) ) else: api_request_body_properties.append( APIRequestBodyProperty( name="body", required=True, type=schema.type, default=schema.default, description=schema.description, properties=[], references_used=references_used, ) ) return api_request_body_properties
[docs] @classmethod def from_request_body( cls, request_body: RequestBody, spec: OpenAPISpec ) -> "APIRequestBody": """Instantiate from an OpenAPI RequestBody.""" properties = [] for media_type, media_type_obj in request_body.content.items(): if media_type not in _SUPPORTED_MEDIA_TYPES: continue api_request_body_properties = cls._process_supported_media_type( media_type_obj, spec, ) properties.extend(api_request_body_properties) return cls( description=request_body.description, properties=properties, media_type=media_type, )
# class APIRequestBodyProperty(APIPropertyBase): # class APIRequestBody(BaseModel):
[docs] class APIOperation(BaseModel): """A model for a single API operation.""" operation_id: str = Field(alias="operation_id") """The unique identifier of the operation.""" description: Optional[str] = Field(alias="description") """The description of the operation.""" base_url: str = Field(alias="base_url") """The base URL of the operation.""" path: str = Field(alias="path") """The path of the operation.""" method: HTTPVerb = Field(alias="method") """The HTTP method of the operation.""" properties: Sequence[APIProperty] = Field(alias="properties") # TODO: Add parse in used components to be able to specify what type of # referenced object it is. # """The properties of the operation.""" # components: Dict[str, BaseModel] = Field(alias="components") request_body: Optional[APIRequestBody] = Field(alias="request_body") """The request body of the operation.""" @staticmethod def _get_properties_from_parameters( parameters: List[Parameter], spec: OpenAPISpec ) -> List[APIProperty]: """Get the properties of the operation.""" properties = [] for param in parameters: if APIProperty.is_supported_location(param.param_in): properties.append(APIProperty.from_parameter(param, spec)) elif param.required: raise ValueError( INVALID_LOCATION_TEMPL.format( location=param.param_in, ) ) else: logger.warning( INVALID_LOCATION_TEMPL.format( location=param.param_in, ) + " Ignoring optional parameter" ) pass return properties
[docs] @classmethod def from_openapi_url( cls, spec_url: str, path: str, method: str, ) -> "APIOperation": """Create an APIOperation from an OpenAPI URL.""" spec = OpenAPISpec.from_url(spec_url) return cls.from_openapi_spec(spec, path, method)
[docs] @classmethod def from_openapi_spec( cls, spec: OpenAPISpec, path: str, method: str, ) -> "APIOperation": """Create an APIOperation from an OpenAPI spec.""" operation = spec.get_operation(path, method) parameters = spec.get_parameters_for_operation(operation) properties = cls._get_properties_from_parameters(parameters, spec) operation_id = OpenAPISpec.get_cleaned_operation_id(operation, path, method) request_body = spec.get_request_body_for_operation(operation) api_request_body = ( APIRequestBody.from_request_body(request_body, spec) if request_body is not None else None ) description = operation.description or operation.summary if not description and spec.paths is not None: description = spec.paths[path].description or spec.paths[path].summary return cls( operation_id=operation_id, description=description or "", base_url=spec.base_url, path=path, method=method, # type: ignore[arg-type] properties=properties, request_body=api_request_body, )
[docs] @staticmethod def ts_type_from_python(type_: SCHEMA_TYPE) -> str: if type_ is None: # TODO: Handle Nones better. These often result when # parsing specs that are < v3 return "any" elif isinstance(type_, str): return { "str": "string", "integer": "number", "float": "number", "date-time": "string", }.get(type_, type_) elif isinstance(type_, tuple): return f"Array<{APIOperation.ts_type_from_python(type_[0])}>" elif isinstance(type_, type) and issubclass(type_, Enum): return " | ".join([f"'{e.value}'" for e in type_]) else: return str(type_)
def _format_nested_properties( self, properties: List[APIRequestBodyProperty], indent: int = 2 ) -> str: """Format nested properties.""" formatted_props = [] for prop in properties: prop_name = prop_type = self.ts_type_from_python(prop.type) prop_required = "" if prop.required else "?" prop_desc = f"/* {prop.description} */" if prop.description else "" if nested_props = self._format_nested_properties(, indent + 2 ) prop_type = f"{{\n{nested_props}\n{' ' * indent}}}" formatted_props.append( f"{prop_desc}\n{' ' * indent}{prop_name}{prop_required}: {prop_type}," ) return "\n".join(formatted_props)
[docs] def to_typescript(self) -> str: """Get typescript string representation of the operation.""" operation_name = self.operation_id params = [] if self.request_body: formatted_request_body_props = self._format_nested_properties( ) params.append(formatted_request_body_props) for prop in prop_name = prop_type = self.ts_type_from_python(prop.type) prop_required = "" if prop.required else "?" prop_desc = f"/* {prop.description} */" if prop.description else "" params.append(f"{prop_desc}\n\t\t{prop_name}{prop_required}: {prop_type},") formatted_params = "\n".join(params).strip() description_str = f"/* {self.description} */" if self.description else "" typescript_definition = f""" {description_str} type {operation_name} = (_: {{ {formatted_params} }}) => any; """ return typescript_definition.strip()
@property def query_params(self) -> List[str]: return [ for property in if property.location == APIPropertyLocation.QUERY ] @property def path_params(self) -> List[str]: return [ for property in if property.location == APIPropertyLocation.PATH ] @property def body_params(self) -> List[str]: if self.request_body is None: return [] return [ for prop in]