"""Util that calls gitlab."""
from __future__ import annotations
import json
from typing import TYPE_CHECKING, Any, Dict, List, Optional
from langchain_core.utils import get_from_dict_or_env
from pydantic import BaseModel, ConfigDict, model_validator
from gitlab.v4.objects import Issue
class GitLabAPIWrapper(BaseModel):
"""Wrapper for GitLab API."""
gitlab: Any = None #: :meta private:
gitlab_repo_instance: Any = None #: :meta private:
gitlab_repository: Optional[str] = None
"""The name of the GitLab repository, in the form {username}/{repo-name}."""
gitlab_personal_access_token: Optional[str] = None
"""Personal access token for the GitLab service, used for authentication."""
gitlab_branch: Optional[str] = None
"""The specific branch in the GitLab repository where the bot will make
its commits. Defaults to 'main'.
gitlab_base_branch: Optional[str] = None
"""The base branch in the GitLab repository, used for comparisons.
Usually 'main' or 'master'. Defaults to 'main'.
model_config = ConfigDict(
def validate_environment(cls, values: Dict) -> Any:
"""Validate that api key and python package exists in environment."""
gitlab_url = get_from_dict_or_env(
values, "gitlab_url", "GITLAB_URL", default="https://gitlab.com"
gitlab_repository = get_from_dict_or_env(
values, "gitlab_repository", "GITLAB_REPOSITORY"
gitlab_personal_access_token = get_from_dict_or_env(
values, "gitlab_personal_access_token", "GITLAB_PERSONAL_ACCESS_TOKEN"
gitlab_branch = get_from_dict_or_env(
values, "gitlab_branch", "GITLAB_BRANCH", default="main"
gitlab_base_branch = get_from_dict_or_env(
values, "gitlab_base_branch", "GITLAB_BASE_BRANCH", default="main"
import gitlab
except ImportError:
raise ImportError(
"python-gitlab is not installed. "
"Please install it with `pip install python-gitlab`"
g = gitlab.Gitlab(
values["gitlab"] = g
values["gitlab_repo_instance"] = g.projects.get(gitlab_repository)
values["gitlab_repository"] = gitlab_repository
values["gitlab_personal_access_token"] = gitlab_personal_access_token
values["gitlab_branch"] = gitlab_branch
values["gitlab_base_branch"] = gitlab_base_branch
return values
def parse_issues(self, issues: List[Issue]) -> List[dict]:
Extracts title and number from each Issue and puts them in a dictionary
issues(List[Issue]): A list of gitlab Issue objects
List[dict]: A dictionary of issue titles and numbers
parsed = []
for issue in issues:
title = issue.title
number = issue.iid
parsed.append({"title": title, "number": number})
return parsed
def get_issues(self) -> str:
Fetches all open issues from the repo
str: A plaintext report containing the number of issues
and each issue's title and number.
issues = self.gitlab_repo_instance.issues.list(state="opened")
if len(issues) > 0:
parsed_issues = self.parse_issues(issues)
parsed_issues_str = (
"Found " + str(len(parsed_issues)) + " issues:\n" + str(parsed_issues)
return parsed_issues_str
return "No open issues available"
def get_issue(self, issue_number: int) -> Dict[str, Any]:
Fetches a specific issue and its first 10 comments
issue_number(int): The number for the gitlab issue
dict: A dictionary containing the issue's title,
body, and comments as a string
issue = self.gitlab_repo_instance.issues.get(issue_number)
page = 0
comments: List[dict] = []
while len(comments) <= 10:
comments_page = issue.notes.list(page=page)
if len(comments_page) == 0:
for comment in comments_page:
comment = issue.notes.get(comment.id)
{"body": comment.body, "user": comment.author["username"]}
page += 1
return {
"title": issue.title,
"body": issue.description,
"comments": str(comments),
def create_pull_request(self, pr_query: str) -> str:
Makes a pull request from the bot's branch to the base branch
pr_query(str): a string which contains the PR title
and the PR body. The title is the first line
in the string, and the body are the rest of the string.
For example, "Updated README\nmade changes to add info"
str: A success or failure message
if self.gitlab_base_branch == self.gitlab_branch:
return """Cannot make a pull request because
commits are already in the master branch"""
title = pr_query.split("\n")[0]
body = pr_query[len(title) + 2 :]
pr = self.gitlab_repo_instance.mergerequests.create(
"source_branch": self.gitlab_branch,
"target_branch": self.gitlab_base_branch,
"title": title,
"description": body,
"labels": ["created-by-agent"],
return f"Successfully created PR number {pr.iid}"
except Exception as e:
return "Unable to make pull request due to error:\n" + str(e)
def create_file(self, file_query: str) -> str:
Creates a new file on the gitlab repo
file_query(str): a string which contains the file path
and the file contents. The file path is the first line
in the string, and the contents are the rest of the string.
For example, "hello_world.md\n# Hello World!"
str: A success or failure message
if self.gitlab_branch == self.gitlab_base_branch:
return (
"You're attempting to commit directly"
f"to the {self.gitlab_base_branch} branch, which is protected. "
"Please create a new branch and try again."
file_path = file_query.split("\n")[0]
file_contents = file_query[len(file_path) + 2 :]
self.gitlab_repo_instance.files.get(file_path, self.gitlab_branch)
return f"File already exists at {file_path}. Use update_file instead"
except Exception:
data = {
"branch": self.gitlab_branch,
"commit_message": "Create " + file_path,
"file_path": file_path,
"content": file_contents,
return "Created file " + file_path
def read_file(self, file_path: str) -> str:
Reads a file from the gitlab repo
file_path(str): the file path
str: The file decoded as a string
file = self.gitlab_repo_instance.files.get(file_path, self.gitlab_branch)
return file.decode().decode("utf-8")
def update_file(self, file_query: str) -> str:
Updates a file with new content.
file_query(str): Contains the file path and the file contents.
The old file contents is wrapped in OLD <<<< and >>>> OLD
The new file contents is wrapped in NEW <<<< and >>>> NEW
For example:
OLD <<<<
Hello Earth!
>>>> OLD
NEW <<<<
Hello Mars!
>>>> NEW
A success or failure message
if self.gitlab_branch == self.gitlab_base_branch:
return (
"You're attempting to commit directly"
f"to the {self.gitlab_base_branch} branch, which is protected. "
"Please create a new branch and try again."
file_path = file_query.split("\n")[0]
old_file_contents = (
file_query.split("OLD <<<<")[1].split(">>>> OLD")[0].strip()
new_file_contents = (
file_query.split("NEW <<<<")[1].split(">>>> NEW")[0].strip()
file_content = self.read_file(file_path)
updated_file_content = file_content.replace(
old_file_contents, new_file_contents
if file_content == updated_file_content:
return (
"File content was not updated because old content was not found."
"It may be helpful to use the read_file action to get "
"the current file contents."
commit = {
"branch": self.gitlab_branch,
"commit_message": "Create " + file_path,
"actions": [
"action": "update",
"file_path": file_path,
"content": updated_file_content,
return "Updated file " + file_path
except Exception as e:
return "Unable to update file due to error:\n" + str(e)
def delete_file(self, file_path: str) -> str:
Deletes a file from the repo
file_path(str): Where the file is
str: Success or failure message
if self.gitlab_branch == self.gitlab_base_branch:
return (
"You're attempting to commit directly"
f"to the {self.gitlab_base_branch} branch, which is protected. "
"Please create a new branch and try again."
file_path, self.gitlab_branch, "Delete " + file_path
return "Deleted file " + file_path
except Exception as e:
return "Unable to delete file due to error:\n" + str(e)
def list_files_in_main_branch(self) -> str:
Get the list of files in the main branch of the repository
str: A plaintext report containing the list of files
in the repository in the main branch
if self.gitlab_base_branch is None:
return "No base branch set. Please set a base branch."
return self._list_files(self.gitlab_base_branch)
def list_files_in_bot_branch(self) -> str:
Get the list of files in the active branch of the repository
str: A plaintext report containing the list of files
in the repository in the active branch
if self.gitlab_branch is None:
return "No active branch set. Please set a branch."
return self._list_files(self.gitlab_branch)
def list_files_from_directory(self, path: str) -> str:
Get the list of files in the active branch of the repository
from a specific directory
str: A plaintext report containing the list of files
in the repository in the active branch from the specified directory
if self.gitlab_branch is None:
return "No active branch set. Please set a branch."
return self._list_files(
def _list_files(self, branch: str, path: str = "") -> str:
files = self._get_repository_files(
if files:
files_str = "\n".join(files)
return f"Found {len(files)} files in branch `{branch}`:\n{files_str}"
return f"No files found in branch: `{branch}`"
except Exception as e:
return f"Error: {e}"
def _get_repository_files(self, branch: str, path: str = "") -> List[str]:
repo_contents = self.gitlab_repo_instance.repository_tree(ref=branch, path=path)
files: List[str] = []
for content in repo_contents:
if content["type"] == "tree":
files.extend(self._get_repository_files(branch, content["path"]))
return files
def create_branch(self, proposed_branch_name: str) -> str:
Create a new branch in the repository and set it as the active branch
proposed_branch_name (str): The name of the new branch to be created
str: A success or failure message
from gitlab import GitlabCreateError
max_attempts = 100
new_branch_name = proposed_branch_name
for i in range(max_attempts):
response = self.gitlab_repo_instance.branches.create(
"branch": new_branch_name,
"ref": self.gitlab_branch,
self.gitlab_branch = response.name
return (
f"Branch '{response.name}' "
"created successfully, and set as current active branch."
except GitlabCreateError as e:
if (
e.response_code == 400
and "Branch already exists" in e.error_message
i += 1
new_branch_name = f"{proposed_branch_name}_v{i}"
# Handle any other exceptions
print(f"Failed to create branch. Error: {e}") # noqa: T201
raise Exception(
"Unable to create branch name from proposed_branch_name: "
return (
f"Unable to create branch. At least {max_attempts} branches exist "
f"with named derived from "
f"proposed_branch_name: `{proposed_branch_name}`"
def list_branches_in_repo(self) -> str:
Get the list of branches in the repository
str: A plaintext report containing the number of branches
and each branch name
branches = [
branch.name for branch in self.gitlab_repo_instance.branches.list(all=True)
if branches:
branches_str = "\n".join(branches)
return (
f"Found {str(len(branches))} branches in the repository:"
return "No branches found in the repository"
def set_active_branch(self, branch_name: str) -> str:
"""Equivalent to `git checkout branch_name` for this Agent.
Clones formatting from Gitlab.
Returns an Error (as a string) if branch doesn't exist.
curr_branches = [
for branch in self.gitlab_repo_instance.branches.list(
if branch_name in curr_branches:
self.gitlab_branch = branch_name
return f"Switched to branch `{branch_name}`"
return (
f"Error {branch_name} does not exist,"
f"in repo with current branches: {str(curr_branches)}"
def run(self, mode: str, query: str) -> str:
if mode == "get_issues":
return self.get_issues()
elif mode == "get_issue":
return json.dumps(self.get_issue(int(query)))
elif mode == "comment_on_issue":
return self.comment_on_issue(query)
elif mode == "create_file":
return self.create_file(query)
elif mode == "create_pull_request":
return self.create_pull_request(query)
elif mode == "read_file":
return self.read_file(query)
elif mode == "update_file":
return self.update_file(query)
elif mode == "delete_file":
return self.delete_file(query)
elif mode == "create_branch":
return self.create_branch(query)
elif mode == "list_branches_in_repo":
return self.list_branches_in_repo()
elif mode == "set_active_branch":
return self.set_active_branch(query)
elif mode == "list_files_in_main_branch":
return self.list_files_in_main_branch()
elif mode == "list_files_in_bot_branch":
return self.list_files_in_bot_branch()
elif mode == "list_files_from_directory":
return self.list_files_from_directory(query)
raise ValueError("Invalid mode" + mode)