Source code for langchain_community.vectorstores.azuresearch

from __future__ import annotations

import asyncio
import base64
import itertools
import json
import logging
import time
import uuid
from typing import (

import numpy as np
from langchain_core.callbacks import (
from langchain_core.documents import Document
from langchain_core.embeddings import Embeddings
from langchain_core.exceptions import LangChainException
from langchain_core.retrievers import BaseRetriever
from langchain_core.utils import get_from_env
from langchain_core.vectorstores import VectorStore
from pydantic import ConfigDict, model_validator

from langchain_community.vectorstores.utils import maximal_marginal_relevance

logger = logging.getLogger()

    from azure.core.credentials import TokenCredential
    from azure.core.credentials_async import AsyncTokenCredential
    from import SearchClient, SearchItemPaged
    from import (
    from import (
        SearchClient as AsyncSearchClient,
    from import (

# Allow overriding field names for Azure Search
FIELDS_ID = get_from_env(
    key="AZURESEARCH_FIELDS_ID", env_key="AZURESEARCH_FIELDS_ID", default="id"
FIELDS_CONTENT = get_from_env(
FIELDS_METADATA = get_from_env(
    key="AZURESEARCH_FIELDS_TAG", env_key="AZURESEARCH_FIELDS_TAG", default="metadata"


def _get_search_client(
    endpoint: str,
    index_name: str,
    key: Optional[str] = None,
    azure_ad_access_token: Optional[str] = None,
    semantic_configuration_name: Optional[str] = None,
    fields: Optional[List[SearchField]] = None,
    vector_search: Optional[VectorSearch] = None,
    semantic_configurations: Optional[
        Union[SemanticConfiguration, List[SemanticConfiguration]]
    ] = None,
    scoring_profiles: Optional[List[ScoringProfile]] = None,
    default_scoring_profile: Optional[str] = None,
    default_fields: Optional[List[SearchField]] = None,
    user_agent: Optional[str] = "langchain",
    cors_options: Optional[CorsOptions] = None,
    async_: bool = False,
    additional_search_client_options: Optional[Dict[str, Any]] = None,
    azure_credential: Optional[TokenCredential] = None,
    azure_async_credential: Optional[AsyncTokenCredential] = None,
) -> Union[SearchClient, AsyncSearchClient]:
    from azure.core.credentials import AccessToken, AzureKeyCredential, TokenCredential
    from azure.core.exceptions import ResourceNotFoundError
    from azure.identity import DefaultAzureCredential, InteractiveBrowserCredential
    from azure.identity.aio import DefaultAzureCredential as AsyncDefaultAzureCredential
    from import SearchClient
    from import SearchClient as AsyncSearchClient
    from import SearchIndexClient
    from import (

    class AzureBearerTokenCredential(TokenCredential):
        def __init__(self, token: str):
            # set the expiry to an hour from now.
            self._token = AccessToken(token, int(time.time()) + 3600)

        def get_token(
            *scopes: str,
            claims: Optional[str] = None,
            tenant_id: Optional[str] = None,
            enable_cae: bool = False,
            **kwargs: Any,
        ) -> AccessToken:
            return self._token

    additional_search_client_options = additional_search_client_options or {}
    default_fields = default_fields or []
    credential: Union[AzureKeyCredential, TokenCredential, InteractiveBrowserCredential]

    # Determine the appropriate credential to use
    if key is not None:
        if key.upper() == "INTERACTIVE":
            credential = InteractiveBrowserCredential()
            async_credential = credential
            credential = AzureKeyCredential(key)
            async_credential = credential
    elif azure_ad_access_token is not None:
        credential = AzureBearerTokenCredential(azure_ad_access_token)
        async_credential = credential
        credential = azure_credential or DefaultAzureCredential()
        async_credential = azure_async_credential or AsyncDefaultAzureCredential()

    index_client: SearchIndexClient = SearchIndexClient(
    except ResourceNotFoundError:
        # Fields configuration
        if fields is not None:
            # Check mandatory fields
            fields_types = { f.type for f in fields}
            mandatory_fields = { df.type for df in default_fields}
            # Check for missing keys
            missing_fields = {
                key: mandatory_fields[key]
                for key, value in set(mandatory_fields.items())
                - set(fields_types.items())
            if len(missing_fields) > 0:
                # Helper for formatting field information for each missing field.
                def fmt_err(x: str) -> str:
                    return (
                        f"{x} current type: '{fields_types.get(x, 'MISSING')}'. "
                        f"It has to be '{mandatory_fields.get(x)}' or you can point "
                        f"to a different '{mandatory_fields.get(x)}' field name by "
                        f"using the env variable 'AZURESEARCH_FIELDS_{x.upper()}'"

                error = "\n".join([fmt_err(x) for x in missing_fields])
                raise ValueError(
                    f"You need to specify at least the following fields "
                    f"{missing_fields} or provide alternative field names in the env "
            fields = default_fields
        # Vector search configuration
        if vector_search is None:
            vector_search = VectorSearch(

        # Create the semantic settings with the configuration
        if semantic_configurations:
            if not isinstance(semantic_configurations, list):
                semantic_configurations = [semantic_configurations]
            semantic_search = SemanticSearch(
        elif semantic_configuration_name:
            # use default semantic configuration
            semantic_configuration = SemanticConfiguration(
            semantic_search = SemanticSearch(configurations=[semantic_configuration])
            # don't use semantic search
            semantic_search = None

        # Create the search index with the semantic settings and vector search
        index = SearchIndex(
    # Create the search client
    if not async_:
        return SearchClient(
        return AsyncSearchClient(

[docs] class AzureSearch(VectorStore): """`Azure Cognitive Search` vector store."""
[docs] def __init__( self, azure_search_endpoint: str, azure_search_key: Optional[str], index_name: str, embedding_function: Union[Callable, Embeddings], search_type: str = "hybrid", semantic_configuration_name: Optional[str] = None, fields: Optional[List[SearchField]] = None, vector_search: Optional[VectorSearch] = None, semantic_configurations: Optional[ Union[SemanticConfiguration, List[SemanticConfiguration]] ] = None, scoring_profiles: Optional[List[ScoringProfile]] = None, default_scoring_profile: Optional[str] = None, cors_options: Optional[CorsOptions] = None, *, vector_search_dimensions: Optional[int] = None, additional_search_client_options: Optional[Dict[str, Any]] = None, azure_ad_access_token: Optional[str] = None, azure_credential: Optional[TokenCredential] = None, azure_async_credential: Optional[AsyncTokenCredential] = None, **kwargs: Any, ): try: from import ( SearchableField, SearchField, SearchFieldDataType, SimpleField, ) except ImportError as e: raise ImportError( "Unable to import Please install with " "`pip install -U azure-search-documents`." ) from e """Initialize with necessary components.""" # Initialize base class self.embedding_function = embedding_function if isinstance(self.embedding_function, Embeddings): self.embed_query = self.embedding_function.embed_query else: self.embed_query = self.embedding_function default_fields = [ SimpleField( name=FIELDS_ID, type=SearchFieldDataType.String, key=True, filterable=True, ), SearchableField( name=FIELDS_CONTENT, type=SearchFieldDataType.String, ), SearchField( name=FIELDS_CONTENT_VECTOR, type=SearchFieldDataType.Collection(SearchFieldDataType.Single), searchable=True, vector_search_dimensions=vector_search_dimensions or len(self.embed_query("Text")), vector_search_profile_name="myHnswProfile", ), SearchableField( name=FIELDS_METADATA, type=SearchFieldDataType.String, ), ] user_agent = "langchain" if "user_agent" in kwargs and kwargs["user_agent"]: user_agent += " " + kwargs["user_agent"] self.client = _get_search_client( azure_search_endpoint, index_name, azure_search_key, azure_ad_access_token, semantic_configuration_name=semantic_configuration_name, fields=fields, vector_search=vector_search, semantic_configurations=semantic_configurations, scoring_profiles=scoring_profiles, default_scoring_profile=default_scoring_profile, default_fields=default_fields, user_agent=user_agent, cors_options=cors_options, additional_search_client_options=additional_search_client_options, azure_credential=azure_credential, ) self.async_client = _get_search_client( azure_search_endpoint, index_name, azure_search_key, azure_ad_access_token, semantic_configuration_name=semantic_configuration_name, fields=fields, vector_search=vector_search, semantic_configurations=semantic_configurations, scoring_profiles=scoring_profiles, default_scoring_profile=default_scoring_profile, default_fields=default_fields, user_agent=user_agent, cors_options=cors_options, async_=True, azure_credential=azure_credential, azure_async_credential=azure_async_credential, ) self.search_type = search_type self.semantic_configuration_name = semantic_configuration_name self.fields = fields if fields else default_fields self._azure_search_endpoint = azure_search_endpoint self._azure_search_key = azure_search_key self._index_name = index_name self._semantic_configuration_name = semantic_configuration_name self._fields = fields self._vector_search = vector_search self._semantic_configurations = semantic_configurations self._scoring_profiles = scoring_profiles self._default_scoring_profile = default_scoring_profile self._default_fields = default_fields self._user_agent = user_agent self._cors_options = cors_options
def __del__(self) -> None: # Close the sync client if hasattr(self, "client") and self.client: self.client.close() # Close the async client if hasattr(self, "async_client") and self.async_client: # Check if we're in an existing event loop try: loop = asyncio.get_event_loop() if loop.is_running(): # Schedule the coroutine to close the async client loop.create_task(self.async_client.close()) else: # If no event loop is running, run the coroutine directly loop.run_until_complete(self.async_client.close()) except RuntimeError: # Handle the case where there's no event loop loop = asyncio.new_event_loop() asyncio.set_event_loop(loop) try: loop.run_until_complete(self.async_client.close()) finally: loop.close() @property def embeddings(self) -> Optional[Embeddings]: # TODO: Support embedding object directly return ( self.embedding_function if isinstance(self.embedding_function, Embeddings) else None ) async def _aembed_query(self, text: str) -> List[float]: if self.embeddings: return await self.embeddings.aembed_query(text) else: return cast(Callable, self.embedding_function)(text)
[docs] def add_texts( self, texts: Iterable[str], metadatas: Optional[List[dict]] = None, *, keys: Optional[List[str]] = None, **kwargs: Any, ) -> List[str]: """Add texts data to an existing index.""" # batching support if embedding function is an Embeddings object if isinstance(self.embedding_function, Embeddings): try: embeddings = self.embedding_function.embed_documents(list(texts)) except NotImplementedError: embeddings = [self.embedding_function.embed_query(x) for x in texts] else: embeddings = [self.embedding_function(x) for x in texts] if len(embeddings) == 0: logger.debug("Nothing to insert, skipping.") return [] # when `keys` are not passed in and there is `ids` in kwargs, use those instead # base class expects `ids` passed in rather than `keys` # if (not keys) and ("ids" in kwargs) and (len(kwargs["ids"]) == len(embeddings)): keys = kwargs["ids"] return self.add_embeddings(zip(texts, embeddings), metadatas, keys=keys)
[docs] async def aadd_texts( self, texts: Iterable[str], metadatas: Optional[List[dict]] = None, *, keys: Optional[List[str]] = None, **kwargs: Any, ) -> List[str]: if isinstance(self.embedding_function, Embeddings): try: embeddings = await self.embedding_function.aembed_documents(list(texts)) except NotImplementedError: embeddings = [ await self.embedding_function.aembed_query(x) for x in texts ] else: embeddings = [self.embedding_function(x) for x in texts] if len(embeddings) == 0: logger.debug("Nothing to insert, skipping.") return [] # when `keys` are not passed in and there is `ids` in kwargs, use those instead # base class expects `ids` passed in rather than `keys` # if (not keys) and ("ids" in kwargs) and (len(kwargs["ids"]) == len(embeddings)): keys = kwargs["ids"] return await self.aadd_embeddings(zip(texts, embeddings), metadatas, keys=keys)
[docs] def add_embeddings( self, text_embeddings: Iterable[Tuple[str, List[float]]], metadatas: Optional[List[dict]] = None, *, keys: Optional[List[str]] = None, ) -> List[str]: """Add embeddings to an existing index.""" ids = [] # Write data to index data = [] for i, (text, embedding) in enumerate(text_embeddings): # Use provided key otherwise use default key if keys: key = keys[i] else: key = str(uuid.uuid4()) # Encoding key for Azure Search valid characters key = base64.urlsafe_b64encode(bytes(key, "utf-8")).decode("ascii") metadata = metadatas[i] if metadatas else {} # Add data to index # Additional metadata to fields mapping doc = { "@search.action": "upload", FIELDS_ID: key, FIELDS_CONTENT: text, FIELDS_CONTENT_VECTOR: np.array(embedding, dtype=np.float32).tolist(), FIELDS_METADATA: json.dumps(metadata), } if metadata: additional_fields = { k: v for k, v in metadata.items() if k in [ for x in self.fields] } doc.update(additional_fields) data.append(doc) ids.append(key) # Upload data in batches if len(data) == MAX_UPLOAD_BATCH_SIZE: response = self.client.upload_documents(documents=data) # Check if all documents were successfully uploaded if not all(r.succeeded for r in response): raise LangChainException(response) # Reset data data = [] # Considering case where data is an exact multiple of batch-size entries if len(data) == 0: return ids # Upload data to index response = self.client.upload_documents(documents=data) # Check if all documents were successfully uploaded if all(r.succeeded for r in response): return ids else: raise LangChainException(response)
[docs] async def aadd_embeddings( self, text_embeddings: Iterable[Tuple[str, List[float]]], metadatas: Optional[List[dict]] = None, *, keys: Optional[List[str]] = None, ) -> List[str]: """Add embeddings to an existing index.""" ids = [] # Write data to index data = [] for i, (text, embedding) in enumerate(text_embeddings): # Use provided key otherwise use default key key = keys[i] if keys else str(uuid.uuid4()) # Encoding key for Azure Search valid characters key = base64.urlsafe_b64encode(bytes(key, "utf-8")).decode("ascii") metadata = metadatas[i] if metadatas else {} # Add data to index # Additional metadata to fields mapping doc = { "@search.action": "upload", FIELDS_ID: key, FIELDS_CONTENT: text, FIELDS_CONTENT_VECTOR: np.array(embedding, dtype=np.float32).tolist(), FIELDS_METADATA: json.dumps(metadata), } if metadata: additional_fields = { k: v for k, v in metadata.items() if k in [ for x in self.fields] } doc.update(additional_fields) data.append(doc) ids.append(key) # Upload data in batches if len(data) == MAX_UPLOAD_BATCH_SIZE: response = await self.async_client.upload_documents(documents=data) # Check if all documents were successfully uploaded if not all(r.succeeded for r in response): raise LangChainException(response) # Reset data data = [] # Considering case where data is an exact multiple of batch-size entries if len(data) == 0: return ids # Upload data to index response = await self.async_client.upload_documents(documents=data) # Check if all documents were successfully uploaded if all(r.succeeded for r in response): return ids else: raise LangChainException(response)
[docs] def delete(self, ids: Optional[List[str]] = None, **kwargs: Any) -> bool: """Delete by vector ID. Args: ids: List of ids to delete. Returns: bool: True if deletion is successful, False otherwise. """ if ids: res = self.client.delete_documents([{FIELDS_ID: i} for i in ids]) return len(res) > 0 else: return False
[docs] async def adelete(self, ids: Optional[List[str]] = None, **kwargs: Any) -> bool: """Delete by vector ID. Args: ids: List of ids to delete. Returns: bool: True if deletion is successful, False otherwise. """ if ids: res = await self.async_client.delete_documents([{"id": i} for i in ids]) return len(res) > 0 else: return False
[docs] def similarity_search_with_score( self, query: str, *, k: int = 4, **kwargs: Any ) -> List[Tuple[Document, float]]: """Run similarity search with distance.""" search_type = kwargs.get("search_type", self.search_type) if search_type == "similarity": return self.vector_search_with_score(query, k=k, **kwargs) elif search_type == "hybrid": return self.hybrid_search_with_score(query, k=k, **kwargs) elif search_type == "semantic_hybrid": return self.semantic_hybrid_search_with_score(query, k=k, **kwargs) else: raise ValueError(f"search_type of {search_type} not allowed.")
[docs] async def asimilarity_search_with_score( self, query: str, *, k: int = 4, **kwargs: Any ) -> List[Tuple[Document, float]]: """Run similarity search with distance.""" search_type = kwargs.get("search_type", self.search_type) if search_type == "similarity": return await self.avector_search_with_score(query, k=k, **kwargs) elif search_type == "hybrid": return await self.ahybrid_search_with_score(query, k=k, **kwargs) elif search_type == "semantic_hybrid": return await self.asemantic_hybrid_search_with_score(query, k=k, **kwargs) else: raise ValueError(f"search_type of {search_type} not allowed.")
[docs] def similarity_search_with_relevance_scores( self, query: str, k: int = 4, *, score_threshold: Optional[float] = None, **kwargs: Any, ) -> List[Tuple[Document, float]]: result = self.vector_search_with_score(query, k=k, **kwargs) return ( result if score_threshold is None else [r for r in result if r[1] >= score_threshold] )
[docs] async def asimilarity_search_with_relevance_scores( self, query: str, k: int = 4, *, score_threshold: Optional[float] = None, **kwargs: Any, ) -> List[Tuple[Document, float]]: result = await self.avector_search_with_score(query, k=k, **kwargs) return ( result if score_threshold is None else [r for r in result if r[1] >= score_threshold] )
[docs] def vector_search_with_score( self, query: str, k: int = 4, filters: Optional[str] = None, **kwargs: Any, ) -> List[Tuple[Document, float]]: """Return docs most similar to query. Args: query (str): Text to look up documents similar to. k (int, optional): Number of Documents to return. Defaults to 4. filters (str, optional): Filtering expression. Defaults to None. Returns: List[Tuple[Document, float]]: List of Documents most similar to the query and score for each """ embedding = self.embed_query(query) results = self._simple_search(embedding, "", k, filters=filters, **kwargs) return _results_to_documents(results)
[docs] async def avector_search_with_score( self, query: str, k: int = 4, filters: Optional[str] = None, **kwargs: Any, ) -> List[Tuple[Document, float]]: """Return docs most similar to query. Args: query (str): Text to look up documents similar to. k (int, optional): Number of Documents to return. Defaults to 4. filters (str, optional): Filtering expression. Defaults to None. Returns: List[Tuple[Document, float]]: List of Documents most similar to the query and score for each """ embedding = await self._aembed_query(query) results = await self._asimple_search( embedding, "", k, filters=filters, **kwargs ) return await _aresults_to_documents(results)
[docs] def max_marginal_relevance_search_with_score( self, query: str, k: int = 4, fetch_k: int = 20, lambda_mult: float = 0.5, *, filters: Optional[str] = None, **kwargs: Any, ) -> List[Tuple[Document, float]]: """Perform a search and return results that are reordered by MMR. Args: query (str): Text to look up documents similar to. k (int, optional): How many results to give. Defaults to 4. fetch_k (int, optional): Total results to select k from. Defaults to 20. lambda_mult: Number between 0 and 1 that determines the degree of diversity among the results with 0 corresponding to maximum diversity and 1 to minimum diversity. Defaults to 0.5 filters (str, optional): Filtering expression. Defaults to None. Returns: List[Tuple[Document, float]]: List of Documents most similar to the query and score for each """ embedding = self.embed_query(query) results = self._simple_search(embedding, "", fetch_k, filters=filters, **kwargs) return _reorder_results_with_maximal_marginal_relevance( results, query_embedding=np.array(embedding), lambda_mult=lambda_mult, k=k )
[docs] async def amax_marginal_relevance_search_with_score( self, query: str, k: int = 4, fetch_k: int = 20, lambda_mult: float = 0.5, *, filters: Optional[str] = None, **kwargs: Any, ) -> List[Tuple[Document, float]]: """Perform a search and return results that are reordered by MMR. Args: query (str): Text to look up documents similar to. k (int, optional): How many results to give. Defaults to 4. fetch_k (int, optional): Total results to select k from. Defaults to 20. lambda_mult: Number between 0 and 1 that determines the degree of diversity among the results with 0 corresponding to maximum diversity and 1 to minimum diversity. Defaults to 0.5 filters (str, optional): Filtering expression. Defaults to None. Returns: List[Tuple[Document, float]]: List of Documents most similar to the query and score for each """ embedding = await self._aembed_query(query) results = await self._asimple_search( embedding, "", fetch_k, filters=filters, **kwargs ) return await _areorder_results_with_maximal_marginal_relevance( results, query_embedding=np.array(embedding), lambda_mult=lambda_mult, k=k, )
[docs] def hybrid_search_with_score( self, query: str, k: int = 4, filters: Optional[str] = None, **kwargs: Any, ) -> List[Tuple[Document, float]]: """Return docs most similar to query with a hybrid query. Args: query: Text to look up documents similar to. k: Number of Documents to return. Defaults to 4. Returns: List of Documents most similar to the query and score for each """ embedding = self.embed_query(query) results = self._simple_search(embedding, query, k, filters=filters, **kwargs) return _results_to_documents(results)
[docs] async def ahybrid_search_with_score( self, query: str, k: int = 4, filters: Optional[str] = None, **kwargs: Any, ) -> List[Tuple[Document, float]]: """Return docs most similar to query with a hybrid query. Args: query: Text to look up documents similar to. k: Number of Documents to return. Defaults to 4. Returns: List of Documents most similar to the query and score for each """ embedding = await self._aembed_query(query) results = await self._asimple_search( embedding, query, k, filters=filters, **kwargs ) return await _aresults_to_documents(results)
[docs] def hybrid_search_with_relevance_scores( self, query: str, k: int = 4, *, score_threshold: Optional[float] = None, **kwargs: Any, ) -> List[Tuple[Document, float]]: result = self.hybrid_search_with_score(query, k=k, **kwargs) return ( result if score_threshold is None else [r for r in result if r[1] >= score_threshold] )
[docs] async def ahybrid_search_with_relevance_scores( self, query: str, k: int = 4, *, score_threshold: Optional[float] = None, **kwargs: Any, ) -> List[Tuple[Document, float]]: result = await self.ahybrid_search_with_score(query, k=k, **kwargs) return ( result if score_threshold is None else [r for r in result if r[1] >= score_threshold] )
[docs] def hybrid_max_marginal_relevance_search_with_score( self, query: str, k: int = 4, fetch_k: int = 20, lambda_mult: float = 0.5, *, filters: Optional[str] = None, **kwargs: Any, ) -> List[Tuple[Document, float]]: """Return docs most similar to query with a hybrid query and reorder results by MMR. Args: query (str): Text to look up documents similar to. k (int, optional): Number of Documents to return. Defaults to 4. fetch_k (int, optional): Total results to select k from. Defaults to 20. lambda_mult: Number between 0 and 1 that determines the degree of diversity among the results with 0 corresponding to maximum diversity and 1 to minimum diversity. Defaults to 0.5 filters (str, optional): Filtering expression. Defaults to None. Returns: List of Documents most similar to the query and score for each """ embedding = self.embed_query(query) results = self._simple_search( embedding, query, fetch_k, filters=filters, **kwargs ) return _reorder_results_with_maximal_marginal_relevance( results, query_embedding=np.array(embedding), lambda_mult=lambda_mult, k=k )
[docs] async def ahybrid_max_marginal_relevance_search_with_score( self, query: str, k: int = 4, fetch_k: int = 20, lambda_mult: float = 0.5, *, filters: Optional[str] = None, **kwargs: Any, ) -> List[Tuple[Document, float]]: """Return docs most similar to query with a hybrid query and reorder results by MMR. Args: query (str): Text to look up documents similar to. k (int, optional): Number of Documents to return. Defaults to 4. fetch_k (int, optional): Total results to select k from. Defaults to 20. lambda_mult: Number between 0 and 1 that determines the degree of diversity among the results with 0 corresponding to maximum diversity and 1 to minimum diversity. Defaults to 0.5 filters (str, optional): Filtering expression. Defaults to None. Returns: List of Documents most similar to the query and score for each """ embedding = await self._aembed_query(query) results = await self._asimple_search( embedding, query, fetch_k, filters=filters, **kwargs ) return await _areorder_results_with_maximal_marginal_relevance( results, query_embedding=np.array(embedding), lambda_mult=lambda_mult, k=k, )
def _simple_search( self, embedding: List[float], text_query: str, k: int, *, filters: Optional[str] = None, **kwargs: Any, ) -> SearchItemPaged[dict]: """Perform vector or hybrid search in the Azure search index. Args: embedding: A vector embedding to search in the vector space. text_query: A full-text search query expression; Use "*" or omit this parameter to perform only vector search. k: Number of documents to return. filters: Filtering expression. Returns: Search items """ from import VectorizedQuery return search_text=text_query, vector_queries=[ VectorizedQuery( vector=np.array(embedding, dtype=np.float32).tolist(), k_nearest_neighbors=k, fields=FIELDS_CONTENT_VECTOR, ) ], filter=filters, top=k, **kwargs, ) async def _asimple_search( self, embedding: List[float], text_query: str, k: int, *, filters: Optional[str] = None, **kwargs: Any, ) -> AsyncSearchItemPaged[dict]: """Perform vector or hybrid search in the Azure search index. Args: embedding: A vector embedding to search in the vector space. text_query: A full-text search query expression; Use "*" or omit this parameter to perform only vector search. k: Number of documents to return. filters: Filtering expression. Returns: Search items """ from import VectorizedQuery return await search_text=text_query, vector_queries=[ VectorizedQuery( vector=np.array(embedding, dtype=np.float32).tolist(), k_nearest_neighbors=k, fields=FIELDS_CONTENT_VECTOR, ) ], filter=filters, top=k, **kwargs, )
[docs] def semantic_hybrid_search_with_score( self, query: str, k: int = 4, score_type: Literal["score", "reranker_score"] = "score", *, score_threshold: Optional[float] = None, **kwargs: Any, ) -> List[Tuple[Document, float]]: """ Returns the most similar indexed documents to the query text. Args: query (str): The query text for which to find similar documents. k (int): The number of documents to return. Default is 4. score_type: Must either be "score" or "reranker_score". Defaulted to "score". filters: Filtering expression. Returns: List[Tuple[Document, float]]: A list of documents and their corresponding scores. """ docs_and_scores = self.semantic_hybrid_search_with_score_and_rerank( query, k=k, **kwargs ) if score_type == "score": return [ (doc, score) for doc, score, _ in docs_and_scores if score_threshold is None or score >= score_threshold ] elif score_type == "reranker_score": return [ (doc, reranker_score) for doc, _, reranker_score in docs_and_scores if score_threshold is None or reranker_score >= score_threshold ]
[docs] async def asemantic_hybrid_search_with_score( self, query: str, k: int = 4, score_type: Literal["score", "reranker_score"] = "score", *, score_threshold: Optional[float] = None, **kwargs: Any, ) -> List[Tuple[Document, float]]: """ Returns the most similar indexed documents to the query text. Args: query (str): The query text for which to find similar documents. k (int): The number of documents to return. Default is 4. score_type: Must either be "score" or "reranker_score". Defaulted to "score". filters: Filtering expression. Returns: List[Tuple[Document, float]]: A list of documents and their corresponding scores. """ docs_and_scores = await self.asemantic_hybrid_search_with_score_and_rerank( query, k=k, **kwargs ) if score_type == "score": return [ (doc, score) for doc, score, _ in docs_and_scores if score_threshold is None or score >= score_threshold ] elif score_type == "reranker_score": return [ (doc, reranker_score) for doc, _, reranker_score in docs_and_scores if score_threshold is None or reranker_score >= score_threshold ]
[docs] def semantic_hybrid_search_with_score_and_rerank( self, query: str, k: int = 4, *, filters: Optional[str] = None, **kwargs: Any ) -> List[Tuple[Document, float, float]]: """Return docs most similar to query with a hybrid query. Args: query: Text to look up documents similar to. k: Number of Documents to return. Defaults to 4. filters: Filtering expression. Returns: List of Documents most similar to the query and score for each """ from import VectorizedQuery results = search_text=query, vector_queries=[ VectorizedQuery( vector=np.array(self.embed_query(query), dtype=np.float32).tolist(), k_nearest_neighbors=k, fields=FIELDS_CONTENT_VECTOR, ) ], filter=filters, query_type="semantic", semantic_configuration_name=self.semantic_configuration_name, query_caption="extractive", query_answer="extractive", top=k, **kwargs, ) # Get Semantic Answers semantic_answers = results.get_answers() or [] semantic_answers_dict: Dict = {} for semantic_answer in semantic_answers: semantic_answers_dict[semantic_answer.key] = { "text": semantic_answer.text, "highlights": semantic_answer.highlights, } # Convert results to Document objects docs = [ ( Document( page_content=result.pop(FIELDS_CONTENT), metadata={ **( {FIELDS_ID: result.pop(FIELDS_ID)} if FIELDS_ID in result else {} ), **( json.loads(result[FIELDS_METADATA]) if FIELDS_METADATA in result else { k: v for k, v in result.items() if k != FIELDS_CONTENT_VECTOR } ), **{ "captions": ( { "text": result.get("@search.captions", [{}])[ 0 ].text, "highlights": result.get("@search.captions", [{}])[ 0 ].highlights, } if result.get("@search.captions") else {} ), "answers": semantic_answers_dict.get( result.get(FIELDS_ID, ""), "", ), }, }, ), float(result["@search.score"]), float(result["@search.reranker_score"]), ) for result in results ] return docs
[docs] async def asemantic_hybrid_search_with_score_and_rerank( self, query: str, k: int = 4, *, filters: Optional[str] = None, **kwargs: Any ) -> List[Tuple[Document, float, float]]: """Return docs most similar to query with a hybrid query. Args: query: Text to look up documents similar to. k: Number of Documents to return. Defaults to 4. filters: Filtering expression. Returns: List of Documents most similar to the query and score for each """ from import VectorizedQuery vector = await self._aembed_query(query) results = await search_text=query, vector_queries=[ VectorizedQuery( vector=np.array(vector, dtype=np.float32).tolist(), k_nearest_neighbors=k, fields=FIELDS_CONTENT_VECTOR, ) ], filter=filters, query_type="semantic", semantic_configuration_name=self.semantic_configuration_name, query_caption="extractive", query_answer="extractive", top=k, **kwargs, ) # Get Semantic Answers semantic_answers = (await results.get_answers()) or [] semantic_answers_dict: Dict = {} for semantic_answer in semantic_answers: semantic_answers_dict[semantic_answer.key] = { "text": semantic_answer.text, "highlights": semantic_answer.highlights, } # Convert results to Document objects docs = [ ( Document( page_content=result.pop(FIELDS_CONTENT), metadata={ **( {FIELDS_ID: result.pop(FIELDS_ID)} if FIELDS_ID in result else {} ), **( json.loads(result[FIELDS_METADATA]) if FIELDS_METADATA in result else { k: v for k, v in result.items() if k != FIELDS_CONTENT_VECTOR } ), **{ "captions": ( { "text": result.get("@search.captions", [{}])[ 0 ].text, "highlights": result.get("@search.captions", [{}])[ 0 ].highlights, } if result.get("@search.captions") else {} ), "answers": semantic_answers_dict.get( result.get(FIELDS_ID, ""), "", ), }, }, ), float(result["@search.score"]), float(result["@search.reranker_score"]), ) async for result in results ] return docs
[docs] @classmethod def from_texts( cls: Type[AzureSearch], texts: List[str], embedding: Embeddings, metadatas: Optional[List[dict]] = None, azure_search_endpoint: str = "", azure_search_key: str = "", azure_ad_access_token: Optional[str] = None, index_name: str = "langchain-index", fields: Optional[List[SearchField]] = None, **kwargs: Any, ) -> AzureSearch: # Creating a new Azure Search instance azure_search = cls( azure_search_endpoint, azure_search_key, index_name, embedding, fields=fields, azure_ad_access_token=azure_ad_access_token, **kwargs, ) azure_search.add_texts(texts, metadatas, **kwargs) return azure_search
[docs] @classmethod async def afrom_texts( cls: Type[AzureSearch], texts: List[str], embedding: Embeddings, metadatas: Optional[List[dict]] = None, azure_search_endpoint: str = "", azure_search_key: str = "", azure_ad_access_token: Optional[str] = None, index_name: str = "langchain-index", fields: Optional[List[SearchField]] = None, **kwargs: Any, ) -> AzureSearch: # Creating a new Azure Search instance azure_search = cls( azure_search_endpoint, azure_search_key, index_name, embedding, fields=fields, azure_ad_access_token=azure_ad_access_token, **kwargs, ) await azure_search.aadd_texts(texts, metadatas, **kwargs) return azure_search
[docs] @classmethod async def afrom_embeddings( cls: Type[AzureSearch], text_embeddings: Iterable[Tuple[str, List[float]]], embedding: Embeddings, metadatas: Optional[List[dict]] = None, *, azure_search_endpoint: str = "", azure_search_key: str = "", index_name: str = "langchain-index", fields: Optional[List[SearchField]] = None, **kwargs: Any, ) -> AzureSearch: text_embeddings, first_text_embedding = _peek(text_embeddings) if first_text_embedding is None: raise ValueError("Cannot create AzureSearch from empty embeddings.") vector_search_dimensions = len(first_text_embedding[1]) azure_search = cls( azure_search_endpoint=azure_search_endpoint, azure_search_key=azure_search_key, index_name=index_name, embedding_function=embedding, fields=fields, vector_search_dimensions=vector_search_dimensions, **kwargs, ) await azure_search.aadd_embeddings(text_embeddings, metadatas, **kwargs) return azure_search
[docs] @classmethod def from_embeddings( cls: Type[AzureSearch], text_embeddings: Iterable[Tuple[str, List[float]]], embedding: Embeddings, metadatas: Optional[List[dict]] = None, *, azure_search_endpoint: str = "", azure_search_key: str = "", index_name: str = "langchain-index", fields: Optional[List[SearchField]] = None, **kwargs: Any, ) -> AzureSearch: # Creating a new Azure Search instance text_embeddings, first_text_embedding = _peek(text_embeddings) if first_text_embedding is None: raise ValueError("Cannot create AzureSearch from empty embeddings.") vector_search_dimensions = len(first_text_embedding[1]) azure_search = cls( azure_search_endpoint=azure_search_endpoint, azure_search_key=azure_search_key, index_name=index_name, embedding_function=embedding, fields=fields, vector_search_dimensions=vector_search_dimensions, **kwargs, ) azure_search.add_embeddings(text_embeddings, metadatas, **kwargs) return azure_search
[docs] def as_retriever(self, **kwargs: Any) -> AzureSearchVectorStoreRetriever: # type: ignore """Return AzureSearchVectorStoreRetriever initialized from this VectorStore. Args: search_type (Optional[str]): Overrides the type of search that the Retriever should perform. Defaults to `self.search_type`. Can be "similarity", "hybrid", or "semantic_hybrid". search_kwargs (Optional[Dict]): Keyword arguments to pass to the search function. Can include things like: score_threshold: Minimum relevance threshold for similarity_score_threshold fetch_k: Amount of documents to pass to MMR algorithm (Default: 20) lambda_mult: Diversity of results returned by MMR; 1 for minimum diversity and 0 for maximum. (Default: 0.5) filter: Filter by document metadata Returns: AzureSearchVectorStoreRetriever: Retriever class for VectorStore. """ search_type = kwargs.get("search_type", self.search_type) kwargs["search_type"] = search_type tags = kwargs.pop("tags", None) or [] tags.extend(self._get_retriever_tags()) return AzureSearchVectorStoreRetriever(vectorstore=self, **kwargs, tags=tags)
[docs] class AzureSearchVectorStoreRetriever(BaseRetriever): """Retriever that uses `Azure Cognitive Search`.""" vectorstore: AzureSearch """Azure Search instance used to find similar documents.""" search_type: str = "hybrid" """Type of search to perform. Options are "similarity", "hybrid", "semantic_hybrid", "similarity_score_threshold", "hybrid_score_threshold", or "semantic_hybrid_score_threshold".""" k: int = 4 """Number of documents to return.""" search_kwargs: dict = {} """Search params. score_threshold: Minimum relevance threshold for similarity_score_threshold fetch_k: Amount of documents to pass to MMR algorithm (Default: 20) lambda_mult: Diversity of results returned by MMR; 1 for minimum diversity and 0 for maximum. (Default: 0.5) filter: Filter by document metadata """ allowed_search_types: ClassVar[Collection[str]] = ( "similarity", "similarity_score_threshold", "hybrid", "hybrid_score_threshold", "semantic_hybrid", "semantic_hybrid_score_threshold", ) model_config = ConfigDict( arbitrary_types_allowed=True, ) @model_validator(mode="before") @classmethod def validate_search_type(cls, values: Dict) -> Any: """Validate search type.""" if "search_type" in values: search_type = values["search_type"] if search_type not in cls.allowed_search_types: raise ValueError( f"search_type of {search_type} not allowed. Valid values are: " f"{cls.allowed_search_types}" ) return values def _get_relevant_documents( self, query: str, run_manager: CallbackManagerForRetrieverRun, **kwargs: Any, ) -> List[Document]: params = {**self.search_kwargs, **kwargs} if self.search_type == "similarity": docs = self.vectorstore.vector_search(query, k=self.k, **params) elif self.search_type == "similarity_score_threshold": docs = [ doc for doc, _ in self.vectorstore.similarity_search_with_relevance_scores( query, k=self.k, **params ) ] elif self.search_type == "hybrid": docs = self.vectorstore.hybrid_search(query, k=self.k, **params) elif self.search_type == "hybrid_score_threshold": docs = [ doc for doc, _ in self.vectorstore.hybrid_search_with_relevance_scores( query, k=self.k, **params ) ] elif self.search_type == "semantic_hybrid": docs = self.vectorstore.semantic_hybrid_search(query, k=self.k, **params) elif self.search_type == "semantic_hybrid_score_threshold": docs = [ doc for doc, _ in self.vectorstore.semantic_hybrid_search_with_score( query, k=self.k, **params ) ] else: raise ValueError(f"search_type of {self.search_type} not allowed.") return docs async def _aget_relevant_documents( self, query: str, *, run_manager: AsyncCallbackManagerForRetrieverRun, **kwargs: Any, ) -> List[Document]: params = {**self.search_kwargs, **kwargs} if self.search_type == "similarity": docs = await self.vectorstore.avector_search(query, k=self.k, **params) elif self.search_type == "similarity_score_threshold": docs_and_scores = ( await self.vectorstore.asimilarity_search_with_relevance_scores( query, k=self.k, **params ) ) docs = [doc for doc, _ in docs_and_scores] elif self.search_type == "hybrid": docs = await self.vectorstore.ahybrid_search(query, k=self.k, **params) elif self.search_type == "hybrid_score_threshold": docs_and_scores = ( await self.vectorstore.ahybrid_search_with_relevance_scores( query, k=self.k, **params ) ) docs = [doc for doc, _ in docs_and_scores] elif self.search_type == "semantic_hybrid": docs = await self.vectorstore.asemantic_hybrid_search( query, k=self.k, **params ) elif self.search_type == "semantic_hybrid_score_threshold": docs = [ doc for doc, _ in await self.vectorstore.asemantic_hybrid_search_with_score( query, k=self.k, **params ) ] else: raise ValueError(f"search_type of {self.search_type} not allowed.") return docs
def _results_to_documents( results: SearchItemPaged[Dict], ) -> List[Tuple[Document, float]]: docs = [ ( _result_to_document(result), float(result["@search.score"]), ) for result in results ] return docs async def _aresults_to_documents( results: AsyncSearchItemPaged[Dict], ) -> List[Tuple[Document, float]]: docs = [ ( _result_to_document(result), float(result["@search.score"]), ) async for result in results ] return docs async def _areorder_results_with_maximal_marginal_relevance( results: SearchItemPaged[Dict], query_embedding: np.ndarray, lambda_mult: float = 0.5, k: int = 4, ) -> List[Tuple[Document, float]]: # Convert results to Document objects docs = [ ( _result_to_document(result), float(result["@search.score"]), result[FIELDS_CONTENT_VECTOR], ) async for result in results ] documents, scores, vectors = map(list, zip(*docs)) # Get the new order of results. new_ordering = maximal_marginal_relevance( query_embedding, vectors, k=k, lambda_mult=lambda_mult ) # Reorder the values and return. ret: List[Tuple[Document, float]] = [] for x in new_ordering: # Function can return -1 index if x == -1: break ret.append((documents[x], scores[x])) # type: ignore return ret def _reorder_results_with_maximal_marginal_relevance( results: SearchItemPaged[Dict], query_embedding: np.ndarray, lambda_mult: float = 0.5, k: int = 4, ) -> List[Tuple[Document, float]]: # Convert results to Document objects docs = [ ( _result_to_document(result), float(result["@search.score"]), result[FIELDS_CONTENT_VECTOR], ) for result in results ] if not docs: return [] documents, scores, vectors = map(list, zip(*docs)) # Get the new order of results. new_ordering = maximal_marginal_relevance( query_embedding, vectors, k=k, lambda_mult=lambda_mult ) # Reorder the values and return. ret: List[Tuple[Document, float]] = [] for x in new_ordering: # Function can return -1 index if x == -1: break ret.append((documents[x], scores[x])) # type: ignore return ret def _result_to_document(result: Dict) -> Document: # Fields metadata if FIELDS_METADATA in result: if isinstance(result[FIELDS_METADATA], dict): fields_metadata = result[FIELDS_METADATA] else: fields_metadata = json.loads(result[FIELDS_METADATA]) else: fields_metadata = { key: value for key, value in result.items() if key not in [FIELDS_CONTENT_VECTOR, FIELDS_CONTENT] } # IDs if FIELDS_ID in result: fields_id = {FIELDS_ID: result.pop(FIELDS_ID)} else: fields_id = {} return Document( page_content=result[FIELDS_CONTENT], metadata={ **fields_id, **fields_metadata, }, ) def _peek(iterable: Iterable, default: Optional[Any] = None) -> Tuple[Iterable, Any]: try: iterator = iter(iterable) value = next(iterator) iterable = itertools.chain([value], iterator) return iterable, value except StopIteration: return iterable, default