Source code for langchain_core.messages.base

from __future__ import annotations

from typing import TYPE_CHECKING, Any, Optional, Union, cast

from pydantic import ConfigDict, Field, field_validator

from langchain_core.load.serializable import Serializable
from langchain_core.utils import get_bolded_text
from langchain_core.utils._merge import merge_dicts, merge_lists
from langchain_core.utils.interactive_env import is_interactive_env

    from import Sequence

    from import ChatPromptTemplate

[docs] class BaseMessage(Serializable): """Base abstract message class. Messages are the inputs and outputs of ChatModels. """ content: Union[str, list[Union[str, dict]]] """The string contents of the message.""" additional_kwargs: dict = Field(default_factory=dict) """Reserved for additional payload data associated with the message. For example, for a message from an AI, this could include tool calls as encoded by the model provider. """ response_metadata: dict = Field(default_factory=dict) """Response metadata. For example: response headers, logprobs, token counts.""" type: str """The type of the message. Must be a string that is unique to the message type. The purpose of this field is to allow for easy identification of the message type when deserializing messages. """ name: Optional[str] = None """An optional name for the message. This can be used to provide a human-readable name for the message. Usage of this field is optional, and whether it's used or not is up to the model implementation. """ id: Optional[str] = None """An optional unique identifier for the message. This should ideally be provided by the provider/model which created the message.""" model_config = ConfigDict( extra="allow", ) @field_validator("id", mode="before") def cast_id_to_str(cls, id_value: Any) -> Optional[str]: if id_value is not None: return str(id_value) else: return id_value def __init__( self, content: Union[str, list[Union[str, dict]]], **kwargs: Any ) -> None: """Pass in content as positional arg. Args: content: The string contents of the message. kwargs: Additional fields to pass to the """ super().__init__(content=content, **kwargs) @classmethod def is_lc_serializable(cls) -> bool: """Return whether this class is serializable. This is used to determine whether the class should be included in the langchain schema. Returns: True if the class is serializable, False otherwise. """ return True @classmethod def get_lc_namespace(cls) -> list[str]: """Get the namespace of the langchain object. Default is ["langchain", "schema", "messages"]. """ return ["langchain", "schema", "messages"]
[docs] def text(self) -> str: """Get the text content of the message. Returns: The text content of the message. """ if isinstance(self.content, str): return self.content # must be a list blocks = [ block for block in self.content if isinstance(block, str) or block.get("type") == "text" and isinstance(block.get("text"), str) ] return "".join( block if isinstance(block, str) else block["text"] for block in blocks )
def __add__(self, other: Any) -> ChatPromptTemplate: """Concatenate this message with another message.""" from import ChatPromptTemplate prompt = ChatPromptTemplate(messages=[self]) # type: ignore[call-arg] return prompt + other
[docs] def pretty_repr(self, html: bool = False) -> str: """Get a pretty representation of the message. Args: html: Whether to format the message as HTML. If True, the message will be formatted with HTML tags. Default is False. Returns: A pretty representation of the message. """ title = get_msg_title_repr(self.type.title() + " Message", bold=html) # TODO: handle non-string content. if is not None: title += f"\nName: {}" return f"{title}\n\n{self.content}"
[docs] def pretty_print(self) -> None: print(self.pretty_repr(html=is_interactive_env())) # noqa: T201
[docs] def merge_content( first_content: Union[str, list[Union[str, dict]]], *contents: Union[str, list[Union[str, dict]]], ) -> Union[str, list[Union[str, dict]]]: """Merge multiple message contents. Args: first_content: The first content. Can be a string or a list. contents: The other contents. Can be a string or a list. Returns: The merged content. """ merged = first_content for content in contents: # If current is a string if isinstance(merged, str): # If the next chunk is also a string, then merge them naively if isinstance(content, str): merged = cast(str, merged) + content # If the next chunk is a list, add the current to the start of the list else: merged = [merged] + content # type: ignore elif isinstance(content, list): # If both are lists merged = merge_lists(cast(list, merged), content) # type: ignore # If the first content is a list, and the second content is a string else: # If the last element of the first content is a string # Add the second content to the last element if merged and isinstance(merged[-1], str): merged[-1] += content # If second content is an empty string, treat as a no-op elif content == "": pass else: # Otherwise, add the second content as a new element of the list merged.append(content) return merged
[docs] class BaseMessageChunk(BaseMessage): """Message chunk, which can be concatenated with other Message chunks.""" @classmethod def get_lc_namespace(cls) -> list[str]: """Get the namespace of the langchain object. Default is ["langchain", "schema", "messages"]. """ return ["langchain", "schema", "messages"] def __add__(self, other: Any) -> BaseMessageChunk: # type: ignore """Message chunks support concatenation with other message chunks. This functionality is useful to combine message chunks yielded from a streaming model into a complete message. Args: other: Another message chunk to concatenate with this one. Returns: A new message chunk that is the concatenation of this message chunk and the other message chunk. Raises: TypeError: If the other object is not a message chunk. For example, `AIMessageChunk(content="Hello") + AIMessageChunk(content=" World")` will give `AIMessageChunk(content="Hello World")` """ if isinstance(other, BaseMessageChunk): # If both are (subclasses of) BaseMessageChunk, # concat into a single BaseMessageChunk return self.__class__( # type: ignore[call-arg], type=self.type, content=merge_content(self.content, other.content), additional_kwargs=merge_dicts( self.additional_kwargs, other.additional_kwargs ), response_metadata=merge_dicts( self.response_metadata, other.response_metadata ), ) elif isinstance(other, list) and all( isinstance(o, BaseMessageChunk) for o in other ): content = merge_content(self.content, *(o.content for o in other)) additional_kwargs = merge_dicts( self.additional_kwargs, *(o.additional_kwargs for o in other) ) response_metadata = merge_dicts( self.response_metadata, *(o.response_metadata for o in other) ) return self.__class__( # type: ignore[call-arg], content=content, additional_kwargs=additional_kwargs, response_metadata=response_metadata, ) else: msg = ( 'unsupported operand type(s) for +: "' f"{self.__class__.__name__}" f'" and "{other.__class__.__name__}"' ) raise TypeError(msg)
[docs] def message_to_dict(message: BaseMessage) -> dict: """Convert a Message to a dictionary. Args: message: Message to convert. Returns: Message as a dict. The dict will have a "type" key with the message type and a "data" key with the message data as a dict. """ return {"type": message.type, "data": message.model_dump()}
[docs] def messages_to_dict(messages: Sequence[BaseMessage]) -> list[dict]: """Convert a sequence of Messages to a list of dictionaries. Args: messages: Sequence of messages (as BaseMessages) to convert. Returns: List of messages as dicts. """ return [message_to_dict(m) for m in messages]
[docs] def get_msg_title_repr(title: str, *, bold: bool = False) -> str: """Get a title representation for a message. Args: title: The title. bold: Whether to bold the title. Default is False. Returns: The title representation. """ padded = " " + title + " " sep_len = (80 - len(padded)) // 2 sep = "=" * sep_len second_sep = sep + "=" if len(padded) % 2 else sep if bold: padded = get_bolded_text(padded) return f"{sep}{padded}{second_sep}"