Source code for langchain_tests.integration_tests.retrievers

from abc import abstractmethod
from typing import Type

import pytest
from langchain_core.documents import Document
from langchain_core.retrievers import BaseRetriever

from langchain_tests.base import BaseStandardTests

[docs] class RetrieversIntegrationTests(BaseStandardTests): """ Base class for retrievers integration tests. """ @property @abstractmethod def retriever_constructor(self) -> Type[BaseRetriever]: """ A BaseRetriever subclass to be tested. """ ... @property def retriever_constructor_params(self) -> dict: """ Returns a dictionary of parameters to pass to the retriever constructor. """ return {} @property @abstractmethod def retriever_query_example(self) -> str: """ Returns a str representing the "query" of an example retriever call. """ ... @pytest.fixture def retriever(self) -> BaseRetriever: """ :private: """ return self.retriever_constructor(**self.retriever_constructor_params)
[docs] def test_k_constructor_param(self) -> None: """ Test that the retriever constructor accepts a k parameter, representing the number of documents to return. .. dropdown:: Troubleshooting If this test fails, either the retriever constructor does not accept a k parameter, or the retriever does not return the correct number of documents (`k`) when it is set. For example, a retriever like .. code-block:: python MyRetriever(k=3).invoke("query") should return 3 documents when invoked with a query. """ params = { k: v for k, v in self.retriever_constructor_params.items() if k != "k" } params_3 = {**params, "k": 3} retriever_3 = self.retriever_constructor(**params_3) result_3 = retriever_3.invoke(self.retriever_query_example) assert len(result_3) == 3 assert all(isinstance(doc, Document) for doc in result_3) params_1 = {**params, "k": 1} retriever_1 = self.retriever_constructor(**params_1) result_1 = retriever_1.invoke(self.retriever_query_example) assert len(result_1) == 1 assert all(isinstance(doc, Document) for doc in result_1)
[docs] def test_invoke_with_k_kwarg(self, retriever: BaseRetriever) -> None: """ Test that the invoke method accepts a k parameter, representing the number of documents to return. .. dropdown:: Troubleshooting If this test fails, the retriever's invoke method does not accept a k parameter, or the retriever does not return the correct number of documents (`k`) when it is set. For example, a retriever like .. code-block:: python MyRetriever().invoke("query", k=3) should return 3 documents when invoked with a query. """ result_1 = retriever.invoke(self.retriever_query_example, k=1) assert len(result_1) == 1 assert all(isinstance(doc, Document) for doc in result_1) result_3 = retriever.invoke(self.retriever_query_example, k=3) assert len(result_3) == 3 assert all(isinstance(doc, Document) for doc in result_3)
[docs] def test_invoke_returns_documents(self, retriever: BaseRetriever) -> None: """ If invoked with the example params, the retriever should return a list of Documents. .. dropdown:: Troubleshooting If this test fails, the retriever's invoke method does not return a list of `langchain_core.document.Document` objects. Please confirm that your `_get_relevant_documents` method returns a list of `Document` objects. """ result = retriever.invoke(self.retriever_query_example) assert isinstance(result, list) assert all(isinstance(doc, Document) for doc in result)
[docs] async def test_ainvoke_returns_documents(self, retriever: BaseRetriever) -> None: """ If ainvoked with the example params, the retriever should return a list of Documents. See :meth:`test_invoke_returns_documents` for more information on troubleshooting. """ result = await retriever.ainvoke(self.retriever_query_example) assert isinstance(result, list) assert all(isinstance(doc, Document) for doc in result)