Source code for langchain_tests.unit_tests.chat_models

:autodoc-options: autoproperty

import os
from abc import abstractmethod
from typing import Any, Dict, List, Literal, Optional, Tuple, Type
from unittest import mock

import pytest
from langchain_core.language_models import BaseChatModel
from langchain_core.load import dumpd, load
from langchain_core.runnables import RunnableBinding
from import BaseTool, tool
from pydantic import BaseModel, Field, SecretStr
from pydantic.v1 import (
    BaseModel as BaseModelV1,
from pydantic.v1 import (
    Field as FieldV1,
from pydantic.v1 import (
    ValidationError as ValidationErrorV1,
from syrupy import SnapshotAssertion

from langchain_tests.base import BaseStandardTests
from langchain_tests.utils.pydantic import PYDANTIC_MAJOR_VERSION

def generate_schema_pydantic_v1_from_2() -> Any:
    Use to generate a schema from v1 namespace in pydantic 2.

        raise AssertionError("This function is only compatible with Pydantic v2.")

    class PersonB(BaseModelV1):
        """Record attributes of a person."""

        name: str = FieldV1(..., description="The name of the person.")
        age: int = FieldV1(..., description="The age of the person.")

    return PersonB

def generate_schema_pydantic() -> Any:
    Works with either pydantic 1 or 2


    class PersonA(BaseModel):
        """Record attributes of a person."""

        name: str = Field(..., description="The name of the person.")
        age: int = Field(..., description="The age of the person.")

    return PersonA

TEST_PYDANTIC_MODELS = [generate_schema_pydantic()]


class ChatModelTests(BaseStandardTests):
    """Base class for chat model tests.

    """  # noqa: E501

    def chat_model_class(self) -> Type[BaseChatModel]:
        """The chat model class to test, e.g., ``ChatParrotLink``."""

    def chat_model_params(self) -> dict:
        """Initialization parameters for the chat model."""
        return {}

    def standard_chat_model_params(self) -> dict:
        return {
            "temperature": 0,
            "max_tokens": 100,
            "timeout": 60,
            "stop": [],
            "max_retries": 2,

    def model(self) -> BaseChatModel:
        return self.chat_model_class(

    def my_adder_tool(self) -> BaseTool:

        def my_adder_tool(a: int, b: int) -> int:
            """Takes two integers, a and b, and returns their sum."""
            return a + b

        return my_adder_tool

    def has_tool_calling(self) -> bool:
        """(bool) whether the model supports tool calling."""
        return self.chat_model_class.bind_tools is not BaseChatModel.bind_tools

    def tool_choice_value(self) -> Optional[str]:
        """(None or str) to use for tool choice when used in tests."""
        return None

    def has_structured_output(self) -> bool:
        """(bool) whether the chat model supports structured output."""
        return (
            is not BaseChatModel.with_structured_output
        ) or self.has_tool_calling

    def structured_output_kwargs(self) -> dict:
        """If specified, additional kwargs for with_structured_output."""
        return {}

    def supports_json_mode(self) -> bool:
        """(bool) whether the chat model supports JSON mode."""
        return False

    def supports_image_inputs(self) -> bool:
        """(bool) whether the chat model supports image inputs, defaults to
        return False

    def supports_video_inputs(self) -> bool:
        """(bool) whether the chat model supports video inputs, efaults to ``False``.
        No current tests are written for this feature."""
        return False

    def returns_usage_metadata(self) -> bool:
        """(bool) whether the chat model returns usage metadata on invoke and streaming
        return True

    def supports_anthropic_inputs(self) -> bool:
        """(bool) whether the chat model supports Anthropic-style inputs."""
        return False

    def supports_image_tool_message(self) -> bool:
        """(bool) whether the chat model supports ToolMessages that include image
        return False

    def supported_usage_metadata_details(
    ) -> Dict[
        Literal["invoke", "stream"],
        """(dict) what usage metadata details are emitted in invoke and stream. Only
        needs to be overridden if these details are returned by the model."""
        return {"invoke": [], "stream": []}

[docs] class ChatModelUnitTests(ChatModelTests): """Base class for chat model unit tests. Test subclasses must implement the ``chat_model_class`` and ``chat_model_params`` properties to specify what model to test and its initialization parameters. Example: .. code-block:: python from typing import Type from langchain_tests.unit_tests import ChatModelUnitTests from my_package.chat_models import MyChatModel class TestMyChatModelUnit(ChatModelUnitTests): @property def chat_model_class(self) -> Type[MyChatModel]: # Return the chat model class to test here return MyChatModel @property def chat_model_params(self) -> dict: # Return initialization parameters for the model. return {"model": "model-001", "temperature": 0} .. note:: API references for individual test methods include troubleshooting tips. Test subclasses must implement the following two properties: chat_model_class The chat model class to test, e.g., ``ChatParrotLink``. Example: .. code-block:: python @property def chat_model_class(self) -> Type[ChatParrotLink]: return ChatParrotLink chat_model_params Initialization parameters for the chat model. Example: .. code-block:: python @property def chat_model_params(self) -> dict: return {"model": "bird-brain-001", "temperature": 0} In addition, test subclasses can control what features are tested (such as tool calling or multi-modality) by selectively overriding the following properties. Expand to see details: .. dropdown:: has_tool_calling Boolean property indicating whether the chat model supports tool calling. By default, this is determined by whether the chat model's `bind_tools` method is overridden. It typically does not need to be overridden on the test class. Example override: .. code-block:: python @property def has_tool_calling(self) -> bool: return True .. dropdown:: tool_choice_value Value to use for tool choice when used in tests. Some tests for tool calling features attempt to force tool calling via a `tool_choice` parameter. A common value for this parameter is "any". Defaults to `None`. Note: if the value is set to "tool_name", the name of the tool used in each test will be set as the value for `tool_choice`. Example: .. code-block:: python @property def tool_choice_value(self) -> Optional[str]: return "any" .. dropdown:: has_structured_output Boolean property indicating whether the chat model supports structured output. By default, this is determined by whether the chat model overrides the ``with_structured_output`` or ``bind_tools`` methods. If the base implementations are intended to be used, this method should be overridden. See: Example: .. code-block:: python @property def has_structured_output(self) -> bool: return True .. dropdown:: structured_output_kwargs Dict property that can be used to specify additional kwargs for ``with_structured_output``. Useful for testing different models. Example: .. code-block:: python @property def structured_output_kwargs(self) -> dict: return {"method": "function_calling"} .. dropdown:: supports_json_mode Boolean property indicating whether the chat model supports JSON mode in ``with_structured_output``. See: Example: .. code-block:: python @property def supports_json_mode(self) -> bool: return True .. dropdown:: supports_image_inputs Boolean property indicating whether the chat model supports image inputs. Defaults to ``False``. If set to ``True``, the chat model will be tested using content blocks of the form .. code-block:: python [ {"type": "text", "text": "describe the weather in this image"}, { "type": "image_url", "image_url": {"url": f"data:image/jpeg;base64,{image_data}"}, }, ] See Example: .. code-block:: python @property def supports_image_inputs(self) -> bool: return True .. dropdown:: supports_video_inputs Boolean property indicating whether the chat model supports image inputs. Defaults to ``False``. No current tests are written for this feature. .. dropdown:: returns_usage_metadata Boolean property indicating whether the chat model returns usage metadata on invoke and streaming responses. ``usage_metadata`` is an optional dict attribute on AIMessages that track input and output tokens: Example: .. code-block:: python @property def returns_usage_metadata(self) -> bool: return False .. dropdown:: supports_anthropic_inputs Boolean property indicating whether the chat model supports Anthropic-style inputs. These inputs might feature "tool use" and "tool result" content blocks, e.g., .. code-block:: python [ {"type": "text", "text": "Hmm let me think about that"}, { "type": "tool_use", "input": {"fav_color": "green"}, "id": "foo", "name": "color_picker", }, ] If set to ``True``, the chat model will be tested using content blocks of this form. Example: .. code-block:: python @property def supports_anthropic_inputs(self) -> bool: return False .. dropdown:: supports_image_tool_message Boolean property indicating whether the chat model supports ToolMessages that include image content, e.g., .. code-block:: python ToolMessage( content=[ { "type": "image_url", "image_url": {"url": f"data:image/jpeg;base64,{image_data}"}, }, ], tool_call_id="1", name="random_image", ) If set to ``True``, the chat model will be tested with message sequences that include ToolMessages of this form. Example: .. code-block:: python @property def supports_image_tool_message(self) -> bool: return False .. dropdown:: supported_usage_metadata_details Property controlling what usage metadata details are emitted in both invoke and stream. ``usage_metadata`` is an optional dict attribute on AIMessages that track input and output tokens: It includes optional keys ``input_token_details`` and ``output_token_details`` that can track usage details associated with special types of tokens, such as cached, audio, or reasoning. Only needs to be overridden if these details are supplied. Testing initialization from environment variables Some unit tests may require testing initialization from environment variables. These tests can be enabled by overriding the ``init_from_env_params`` property (see below): .. dropdown:: init_from_env_params This property is used in unit tests to test initialization from environment variables. It should return a tuple of three dictionaries that specify the environment variables, additional initialization args, and expected instance attributes to check. Defaults to empty dicts. If not overridden, the test is skipped. Example: .. code-block:: python @property def init_from_env_params(self) -> Tuple[dict, dict, dict]: return ( { "MY_API_KEY": "api_key", }, { "model": "bird-brain-001", }, { "my_api_key": "api_key", }, ) """ # noqa: E501 @property def standard_chat_model_params(self) -> dict: """:private:""" params = super().standard_chat_model_params params["api_key"] = "test" return params @property def init_from_env_params(self) -> Tuple[dict, dict, dict]: """(tuple) environment variables, additional initialization args, and expected instance attributes for testing initialization from environment variables.""" return {}, {}, {}
[docs] def test_init(self) -> None: """Test model initialization. This should pass for all integrations. .. dropdown:: Troubleshooting If this test fails, ensure that: 1. ``chat_model_params`` is specified and the model can be initialized from those params; 2. The model accommodates standard parameters: """ # noqa: E501 model = self.chat_model_class( **{ **self.standard_chat_model_params, **self.chat_model_params, } ) assert model is not None
[docs] def test_init_from_env(self) -> None: """Test initialization from environment variables. Relies on the ``init_from_env_params`` property. Test is skipped if that property is not set. .. dropdown:: Troubleshooting If this test fails, ensure that ``init_from_env_params`` is specified correctly and that model parameters are properly set from environment variables during initialization. """ env_params, model_params, expected_attrs = self.init_from_env_params if not env_params: pytest.skip("init_from_env_params not specified.") else: with mock.patch.dict(os.environ, env_params): model = self.chat_model_class(**model_params) assert model is not None for k, expected in expected_attrs.items(): actual = getattr(model, k) if isinstance(actual, SecretStr): actual = actual.get_secret_value() assert actual == expected
[docs] def test_init_streaming( self, ) -> None: """Test that model can be initialized with ``streaming=True``. This is for backward-compatibility purposes. .. dropdown:: Troubleshooting If this test fails, ensure that the model can be initialized with a boolean ``streaming`` parameter. """ model = self.chat_model_class( **{ **self.standard_chat_model_params, **self.chat_model_params, "streaming": True, } ) assert model is not None
[docs] def test_bind_tool_pydantic( self, model: BaseChatModel, my_adder_tool: BaseTool, ) -> None: """Test that chat model correctly handles Pydantic models that are passed into ``bind_tools``. Test is skipped if the ``has_tool_calling`` property on the test class is False. .. dropdown:: Troubleshooting If this test fails, ensure that the model's ``bind_tools`` method properly handles Pydantic V2 models. ``langchain_core`` implements a utility function that will accommodate most formats: See example implementation of ``bind_tools`` here: """ # noqa: E501 if not self.has_tool_calling: return def my_adder(a: int, b: int) -> int: """Takes two integers, a and b, and returns their sum.""" return a + b tools = [my_adder_tool, my_adder] for pydantic_model in TEST_PYDANTIC_MODELS: model_schema = ( pydantic_model.model_json_schema() if hasattr(pydantic_model, "model_json_schema") else pydantic_model.schema() ) tools.extend([pydantic_model, model_schema]) # Doing a mypy ignore here since some of the tools are from pydantic # BaseModel 2 which isn't typed properly yet. This will need to be fixed # so type checking does not become annoying to users. tool_model = model.bind_tools(tools, tool_choice="any") # type: ignore assert isinstance(tool_model, RunnableBinding)
[docs] @pytest.mark.parametrize("schema", TEST_PYDANTIC_MODELS) def test_with_structured_output( self, model: BaseChatModel, schema: Any, ) -> None: """Test ``with_structured_output`` method. Test is skipped if the ``has_structured_output`` property on the test class is False. .. dropdown:: Troubleshooting If this test fails, ensure that the model's ``bind_tools`` method properly handles Pydantic V2 models. ``langchain_core`` implements a utility function that will accommodate most formats: See example implementation of ``with_structured_output`` here: """ # noqa: E501 if not self.has_structured_output: return assert model.with_structured_output(schema) is not None
[docs] def test_standard_params(self, model: BaseChatModel) -> None: """Test that model properly generates standard parameters. These are used for tracing purposes. .. dropdown:: Troubleshooting If this test fails, check that the model accommodates standard parameters: Check also that the model class is named according to convention (e.g., ``ChatProviderName``). """ class ExpectedParams(BaseModelV1): ls_provider: str ls_model_name: str ls_model_type: Literal["chat"] ls_temperature: Optional[float] ls_max_tokens: Optional[int] ls_stop: Optional[List[str]] ls_params = model._get_ls_params() try: ExpectedParams(**ls_params) # type: ignore except ValidationErrorV1 as e:"Validation error: {e}") # Test optional params model = self.chat_model_class( max_tokens=10, stop=["test"], **self.chat_model_params, # type: ignore ) ls_params = model._get_ls_params() try: ExpectedParams(**ls_params) # type: ignore except ValidationErrorV1 as e:"Validation error: {e}")
[docs] def test_serdes(self, model: BaseChatModel, snapshot: SnapshotAssertion) -> None: """Test serialization and deserialization of the model. Test is skipped if the ``is_lc_serializable`` property on the chat model class is not overwritten to return ``True``. .. dropdown:: Troubleshooting If this test fails, check that the ``init_from_env_params`` property is correctly set on the test class. """ if not self.chat_model_class.is_lc_serializable(): pytest.skip("Model is not serializable.") else: env_params, _model_params, _expected_attrs = self.init_from_env_params with mock.patch.dict(os.environ, env_params): ser = dumpd(model) assert ser == snapshot(name="serialized") assert model.dict() == load(dumpd(model)).dict()