Graphs provide a natural language interface to graph databases.
Apache AGE wrapper for graph operations. |
Exception for the AGE queries. |
ArangoDB wrapper for graph operations. |
FalkorDB wrapper for graph operations. |
Represents a graph document consisting of nodes and relationships. |
Represents a node in a graph with associated properties. |
Represents a directed relationship between two nodes in a graph. |
Abstract class for graph operations. |
Gremlin wrapper for graph operations. |
HugeGraph wrapper for graph operations. |
Functionality to create graph index. |
Kùzu wrapper for graph operations. |
Memgraph wrapper for graph operations. |
NebulaGraph wrapper for graph operations. |
Abstract base class for Neptune. |
Exception for the Neptune queries. |
Knowledge triple in the graph. |
Networkx wrapper for entity graph operations. |
Ontotext GraphDB wrapper for graph operations. |
RDFlib wrapper for graph operations. |
TigerGraph wrapper for graph operations. |
Get the Arango DB client from credentials. |
Extract entities from entity string. |
Parse knowledge triples from the knowledge string. |
Deprecated classes
Deprecated functions