- class langchain_milvus.utils.sparse.BM25SparseEmbedding(corpus: List[str], language: str = 'en')[source]#
Sparse embedding model based on BM25.
**Note: We recommend using the Milvus built-in BM25 function to implement sparse embedding in your application. This class is more of a reference because it requires the user to manage the corpus,
which is not practical. The Milvus built-in function solves this problem and makes the BM25 sparse process easier and less frustrating for users.
For more information, please refer to: and milvus-io/bootcamp **
This class uses the BM25 model in Milvus model to implement sparse vector embedding. This model requires pymilvus[model] to be installed. pip install pymilvus[model] For more information please refer to:
(corpus[, language])embed_documents
(texts)Embed search docs.
(text)Embed query text.
- Parameters:
corpus (List[str])
language (str)
- __init__(corpus: List[str], language: str = 'en')[source]#
- Parameters:
corpus (List[str])
language (str)