Source code for langchain_community.graph_vectorstores.extractors.link_extractor

from __future__ import annotations

from abc import ABC, abstractmethod
from typing import Generic, Iterable, Set, TypeVar

from langchain_core._api import beta
from langchain_core.graph_vectorstores import Link

InputT = TypeVar("InputT")


[docs]@beta() class LinkExtractor(ABC, Generic[InputT]): """Interface for extracting links (incoming, outgoing, bidirectional)."""
[docs] @abstractmethod def extract_one(self, input: InputT) -> Set[Link]: """Add edges from each `input` to the corresponding documents. Args: input: The input content to extract edges from. Returns: Set of links extracted from the input. """
[docs] def extract_many(self, inputs: Iterable[InputT]) -> Iterable[Set[Link]]: """Add edges from each `input` to the corresponding documents. Args: inputs: The input content to extract edges from. Returns: Iterable over the set of links extracted from the input. """ return map(self.extract_one, inputs)