[docs]classHumanMessage(BaseMessage):"""Message from a human. HumanMessages are messages that are passed in from a human to the model. Example: .. code-block:: python from langchain_core.messages import HumanMessage, SystemMessage messages = [ SystemMessage( content="You are a helpful assistant! Your name is Bob." ), HumanMessage( content="What is your name?" ) ] # Instantiate a chat model and invoke it with the messages model = ... print(model.invoke(messages)) """example:bool=False"""Use to denote that a message is part of an example conversation. At the moment, this is ignored by most models. Usage is discouraged. Defaults to False. """type:Literal["human"]="human""""The type of the message (used for serialization). Defaults to "human"."""@classmethoddefget_lc_namespace(cls)->List[str]:"""Get the namespace of the langchain object. Default is ["langchain", "schema", "messages"]."""return["langchain","schema","messages"]def__init__(self,content:Union[str,List[Union[str,Dict]]],**kwargs:Any)->None:"""Pass in content as positional arg. Args: content: The string contents of the message. kwargs: Additional fields to pass to the message. """super().__init__(content=content,**kwargs)
[docs]classHumanMessageChunk(HumanMessage,BaseMessageChunk):"""Human Message chunk."""# Ignoring mypy re-assignment here since we're overriding the value# to make sure that the chunk variant can be discriminated from the# non-chunk variant.type:Literal["HumanMessageChunk"]="HumanMessageChunk"# type: ignore[assignment]"""The type of the message (used for serialization). Defaults to "HumanMessageChunk"."""@classmethoddefget_lc_namespace(cls)->List[str]:"""Get the namespace of the langchain object. Default is ["langchain", "schema", "messages"]."""return["langchain","schema","messages"]