Source code for

from typing import Dict, List, Optional, Tuple

from langchain.chains.llm import LLMChain
from langchain_core.callbacks.manager import CallbackManagerForChainRun
from langchain_core.language_models import BaseLanguageModel

from langchain_experimental.video_captioning.models import VideoModel
from langchain_experimental.video_captioning.prompts import (

[docs]class CaptionProcessor:
[docs] def __init__( self, llm: BaseLanguageModel, verbose: bool = True, similarity_threshold: int = 80, use_unclustered_models: bool = False, ) -> None: self.llm = llm self.verbose = verbose # Set the percentage value for how similar two video model image # descriptions should be in order for us to cluster them into a group self._SIMILARITY_THRESHOLD = similarity_threshold # Set to True if you want to include video models which were not clustered. # Will likely result in closed-caption artifacts self._USE_NON_CLUSTERED_VIDEO_MODELS = use_unclustered_models
[docs] def process( self, video_models: List[VideoModel], run_manager: Optional[CallbackManagerForChainRun] = None, ) -> List[VideoModel]: # Remove any consecutive duplicates video_models = self._remove_consecutive_duplicates(video_models) # Holds the video models after clustering has been applied video_models_post_clustering = [] # In this case, index represents a divider between clusters index = 0 for start, end in self._get_model_clusters(video_models): start_vm, end_vm = video_models[start], video_models[end] if self._USE_NON_CLUSTERED_VIDEO_MODELS: # Append all the non-clustered models in between model clusters # staged for OpenAI combination video_models_post_clustering += video_models[index:start] index = end + 1 # Send to llm for description combination models_to_combine = video_models[start:index] combined_description = self._join_similar_video_models( models_to_combine, run_manager ) # Strip any prefixes that are redundant in the context of closed-captions stripped_description = self._remove_video_model_description_prefix( combined_description, run_manager ) # Create a new video model which is the combination of all the models in # the cluster combined_and_stripped_model = VideoModel( start_vm.start_time, end_vm.end_time, stripped_description ) video_models_post_clustering.append(combined_and_stripped_model) if self._USE_NON_CLUSTERED_VIDEO_MODELS: # Append any non-clustered models present after every clustered model video_models_post_clustering += video_models[index:] return video_models_post_clustering
def _remove_consecutive_duplicates( self, video_models: List[VideoModel], ) -> List[VideoModel]: buffer: List[VideoModel] = [] for video_model in video_models: # Join this model and the previous model if they have the same image # description if ( len(buffer) > 0 and buffer[-1].image_description == video_model.image_description ): buffer[-1].end_time = video_model.end_time else: buffer.append(video_model) return buffer def _remove_video_model_description_prefix( self, description: str, run_manager: Optional[CallbackManagerForChainRun] = None ) -> str: conversation = LLMChain( llm=self.llm, prompt=REMOVE_VIDEO_MODEL_DESCRIPTION_PROMPT, verbose=True, callbacks=run_manager.get_child() if run_manager else None, ) # Get response from OpenAI using LLMChain response = conversation({"description": description}) # Take out the Result: part of the response return response["text"].replace("Result:", "").strip() def _join_similar_video_models( self, video_models: List[VideoModel], run_manager: Optional[CallbackManagerForChainRun] = None, ) -> str: descriptions = "" count = 1 for video_model in video_models: descriptions += ( f"Description {count}: " + video_model.image_description + ", " ) count += 1 # Strip trailing ", " descriptions = descriptions[:-2] conversation = LLMChain( llm=self.llm, prompt=JOIN_SIMILAR_VIDEO_MODELS_PROMPT, verbose=True, callbacks=run_manager.get_child() if run_manager else None, ) # Get response from OpenAI using LLMChain response = conversation({"descriptions": descriptions}) # Take out the Result: part of the response return response["text"].replace("Result:", "").strip() def _get_model_clusters( self, video_models: List[VideoModel] ) -> List[Tuple[int, int]]: # Word bank which maps lowercase words (case-insensitive) with trailing s's # removed (singular/plural-insensitive) to video model indexes in video_models word_bank: Dict[str, List[int]] = {} # Function which formats words to be inserted into word bank, as specified # above def format_word(w: str) -> str: return w.lower().rstrip("s") # Keeps track of the current video model index index = 0 for vm in video_models: for word in vm.image_description.split(): formatted_word = format_word(word) word_bank[formatted_word] = ( word_bank[formatted_word] if formatted_word in word_bank else [] ) + [index] index += 1 # Keeps track of the current video model index index = 0 # Maps video model index to list of other video model indexes that have a # similarity score above the threshold sims: Dict[int, List[int]] = {} for vm in video_models: # Maps other video model index to number of words it shares in common # with this video model matches: Dict[int, int] = {} for word in vm.image_description.split(): formatted_word = format_word(word) for match in word_bank[formatted_word]: if match != index: matches[match] = matches[match] + 1 if match in matches else 1 if matches: # Get the highest number of words another video model shares with # this video model max_words_in_common = max(matches.values()) # Get all video model indexes that share the maximum number of words # with this video model vms_with_max_words = [ key for key, value in matches.items() if value == max_words_in_common ] # Maps other video model index to its similarity score with this # video model sim_scores: Dict[int, float] = {} # Compute similarity score for all video models that share the # highest number of word occurrences with this video model for vm_index in vms_with_max_words: sim_scores[vm_index] = video_models[vm_index].similarity_score(vm) # Get the highest similarity score another video model shares with # this video model max_score = max(sim_scores.values()) # Get a list of all video models that have the maximum similarity # score to this video model vms_with_max_score = [ key for key, value in sim_scores.items() if value == max_score ] # Finally, transfer all video models with a high enough similarity # to this video model into the sims dictionary if max_score >= self._SIMILARITY_THRESHOLD: sims[index] = [] for vm_index in vms_with_max_score: sims[index].append(vm_index) index += 1 # Maps video model index to boolean, indicates if we have already checked # this video model's similarity array so that we don't have infinite recursion already_accessed: Dict[int, bool] = {} # Recursively search video_model[vm_index]'s similarity matches to find the # earliest and latest video model in the cluster (start and end) def _find_start_and_end(vm_index: int) -> Tuple[int, int]: close_matches = sims[vm_index] first_vm, last_vm = min(close_matches), max(close_matches) first_vm, last_vm = min(vm_index, first_vm), max(vm_index, last_vm) if not already_accessed.get(vm_index, None): already_accessed[vm_index] = True for close_match in close_matches: if close_match in sims: if vm_index in sims[close_match]: s, e = _find_start_and_end(close_match) first_vm = min(s, first_vm) last_vm = max(e, last_vm) return first_vm, last_vm # Add the video model cluster results into a set clusters = set() for vm_index in sims: clusters.add(_find_start_and_end(vm_index)) # Filter the set to include only non-subset intervals filtered_clusters = set() for interval in clusters: start, end = interval[0], interval[1] is_subset = any( start >= other_start and end <= other_end for other_start, other_end in clusters if interval != (other_start, other_end) ) if not is_subset: filtered_clusters.add(interval) # Sort these clusters into a list, sorted using the first element of the # tuple (index of video model in the cluster with earliest start time) sorted_clusters = sorted(filtered_clusters, key=lambda x: x[0]) # Merge any overlapping clusters into one big cluster def _merge_overlapping_clusters( array: List[Tuple[int, int]], ) -> List[Tuple[int, int]]: if len(array) <= 1: return array def _merge( curr: Tuple[int, int], rest: List[Tuple[int, int]] ) -> List[Tuple[int, int]]: if curr[1] >= rest[0][0]: return [(curr[0], rest[0][1])] + rest[1:] return [curr] + rest return _merge(array[0], _merge_overlapping_clusters(array[1:])) merged_clusters = _merge_overlapping_clusters(sorted_clusters) return merged_clusters