Source code for langchain_google_community.bq_storage_vectorstores.featurestore

from __future__ import annotations

import time
from datetime import timedelta
from subprocess import TimeoutExpired
from typing import Any, Dict, List, MutableSequence, Optional, Type, Union

import proto  # type: ignore[import-untyped]
from google.api_core.exceptions import (
from langchain_core.documents import Document
from langchain_core.embeddings import Embeddings
from langchain_core.pydantic_v1 import root_validator

from langchain_google_community._utils import get_client_info, get_user_agent
from langchain_google_community.bq_storage_vectorstores._base import (
from langchain_google_community.bq_storage_vectorstores.utils import (

# Constants for index creation
INDEX_CHECK_INTERVAL = timedelta(seconds=60)
USER_AGENT_PREFIX = "FeatureStore"

[docs]class VertexFSVectorStore(BaseBigQueryVectorStore): """ A vector store implementation that utilizes BigQuery Storage and Vertex AI Feature Store. This class provides efficient storage, using BigQuery as the underlining source of truth and retrieval of documents with vector embeddings within Vertex AI Feature Store. It is particularly indicated for low latency serving. It supports similarity search, filtering and getting nearest neighbor by id. Optionally, this class can leverage a BigQuery Vector Search for batch serving through the `to_bq_vector_store` method. Attributes: embedding: Embedding model for generating and comparing embeddings. project_id: Google Cloud Project ID where BigQuery resources are located. dataset_name: BigQuery dataset name. table_name: BigQuery table name. location: BigQuery region/location. content_field: Name of the column storing document content (default: "content"). embedding_field: Name of the column storing text embeddings (default: "embedding"). doc_id_field: Name of the column storing document IDs (default: "doc_id"). credentials: Optional Google Cloud credentials object. embedding_dimension: Dimension of the embedding vectors (inferred if not provided). online_store_name (str, optional): Name of the Vertex AI Feature Store online store. Defaults to the dataset name. online_store_location (str, optional): Location of the online store. Default to "location" parameter. view_name (str, optional): Name of the Feature View. Defaults to the table name. cron_schedule (str, optional): Cron schedule for data syncing. algorithm_config (Any, optional): Algorithm configuration for indexing. filter_columns (List[str], optional): Columns to use for filtering. crowding_column (str, optional): Column to use for crowding. distance_measure_type (str, optional): Distance measure type (default: DOT_PRODUCT_DISTANCE). """ online_store_name: Union[str, None] = None online_store_location: Union[str, None] = None view_name: Union[str, None] = None cron_schedule: Union[str, None] = None algorithm_config: Optional[Any] = None filter_columns: Optional[List[str]] = None crowding_column: Optional[str] = None distance_measure_type: Optional[str] = None _user_agent: str = "" feature_view: Any = None _admin_client: Any = None @root_validator(pre=False, skip_on_failure=True) def _initialize_bq_vector_index(cls, values: dict) -> dict: import vertexai from import ( FeatureOnlineStoreAdminServiceClient, FeatureOnlineStoreServiceClient, ) from vertexai.resources.preview.feature_store import ( utils, # type: ignore[import-untyped] ) vertexai.init(project=values["project_id"], location=values["location"]) values["_user_agent"] = get_user_agent( f"{USER_AGENT_PREFIX}-VertexFSVectorStore" )[1] if values["algorithm_config"] is None: values["algorithm_config"] = utils.TreeAhConfig() if values["distance_measure_type"] is None: values[ "distance_measure_type" ] = utils.DistanceMeasureType.DOT_PRODUCT_DISTANCE if values.get("online_store_name") is None: values["online_store_name"] = values["dataset_name"] if values.get("view_name") is None: values["view_name"] = values["table_name"] api_endpoint = f"{values['location']}" values["_admin_client"] = FeatureOnlineStoreAdminServiceClient( client_options={"api_endpoint": api_endpoint}, client_info=get_client_info(module=values["_user_agent"]), ) values["online_store"] = _create_online_store( project_id=values["project_id"], location=values["location"], online_store_name=values["online_store_name"], _admin_client=values["_admin_client"], _logger=values["_logger"], ) gca_resource = values["online_store"].gca_resource endpoint = gca_resource.dedicated_serving_endpoint.public_endpoint_domain_name values["_search_client"] = FeatureOnlineStoreServiceClient( client_options={"api_endpoint": endpoint}, client_info=get_client_info(module=values["_user_agent"]), ) values["feature_view"] = _get_feature_view( values["online_store"], values["view_name"] ) values["_logger"].info( "VertexFSVectorStore initialized with Feature Store Vector Search. \n" "Optional batch serving available via .to_bq_vector_store() method." ) return values def _init_store(self) -> None: from import FeatureOnlineStoreServiceClient self.online_store = self._create_online_store() gca_resource = self.online_store.gca_resource endpoint = gca_resource.dedicated_serving_endpoint.public_endpoint_domain_name self._search_client = FeatureOnlineStoreServiceClient( client_options={"api_endpoint": endpoint}, client_info=get_client_info(module=self._user_agent), ) self.feature_view = self._get_feature_view() def _validate_bq_existing_source( self, ) -> None: bq_uri = self.feature_view.gca_resource.big_query_source.uri # type: ignore[union-attr] bq_uri_split = bq_uri.split(".") project_id = bq_uri_split[0].replace("bq://", "") dataset = bq_uri_split[1] table = bq_uri_split[2] try: assert self.project_id == project_id assert self.dataset_name == dataset assert self.table_name == table except AssertionError: error_message = ( "The BQ table passed in input is" f"bq://{self.project_id}.{self.dataset_name}.{self.table_name} " f"while the BQ table linked to the feature view is " f"{bq_uri}." "Make sure you are using the same table for the feature " "view." ) raise AssertionError(error_message) def _wait_until_dummy_query_success(self, timeout_seconds: int = 6000) -> None: """ Waits until a dummy query succeeds, indicating the system is ready. """ start_time = time.time() while True: elapsed_time = time.time() - start_time if elapsed_time > timeout_seconds: raise TimeoutExpired( "Timeout of {} seconds exceeded".format(timeout_seconds), timeout=timeout_seconds, ) try: _ = self._search_embedding( embedding=[1] * self.embedding_dimension, # type: ignore[operator] k=1, ) return None except (ServiceUnavailable, MethodNotImplemented):"DNS certificates are being propagated, please wait") time.sleep(30) self._init_store()
[docs] def sync_data(self) -> None: """Sync the data from the BigQuery source into the Executor source""" self.feature_view = self._create_feature_view() self._validate_bq_existing_source() sync_response = self._admin_client.sync_feature_view( feature_view=( f"projects/{self.project_id}/" f"locations/{self.location}" f"/featureOnlineStores/{self.online_store_name}" f"/featureViews/{self.view_name}" ) ) while True: feature_view_sync = self._admin_client.get_feature_view_sync( name=sync_response.feature_view_sync ) if feature_view_sync.run_time.end_time.seconds > 0: status = ( "Succeed" if feature_view_sync.final_status.code == 0 else "Failed" )"Sync {status} for {}.") break else:"Sync ongoing, waiting for 30 seconds.") time.sleep(30) self._wait_until_dummy_query_success()
def _similarity_search_by_vectors_with_scores_and_embeddings( self, embeddings: List[List[float]], filter: Optional[Dict[str, Any]] = None, k: int = 5, batch_size: Union[int, None] = None, **kwargs: Any, ) -> List[List[List[Any]]]: """Performs a similarity search using vector embeddings This function takes a set of query embeddings and searches for similar documents It returns the top-k matching documents, along with their similarity scores and their corresponding embeddings. Args: embeddings: A list of lists, where each inner list represents a query embedding. filter: (Optional) A dictionary specifying filter criteria for document on metadata properties, e.g. { "str_property": "foo", "int_property": 123 } k: The number of top results to return for each query. batch_size: The size of batches to process embeddings. Returns: A list of lists of lists. Each inner list represents the results for a single query, and contains elements of the form [Document, score, embedding], where: - Document: The matching document object. - score: The similarity score between the query and document. - embedding: The document's embedding. """ output = [] for query_embedding in embeddings: results = self._search_embedding(embedding=query_embedding, k=k, **kwargs) output.append(self._parse_proto_output(results, filter=filter)) return output
[docs] def get_documents( self, ids: Optional[List[str]], filter: Optional[Dict[str, Any]] = None, **kwargs: Any, ) -> List[Document]: """Search documents by their ids or metadata values. Args: ids: List of ids of documents to retrieve from the vectorstore. filter: Filter on metadata properties, e.g. { "str_property": "foo", "int_property": 123 } Returns: List of ids from adding the texts into the vectorstore. """ from import aiplatform output = [] if ids is None: raise ValueError( "Feature Store executor doesn't support search by filter " "only" ) for id in ids: with aiplatform.telemetry.tool_context_manager(self._user_agent): result =[id]) # type: ignore[union-attr] metadata, content = {}, None for feature in result.to_dict()["features"]: if feature["name"] not in [ self.embedding_field, self.content_field, ]: metadata[feature["name"]] = list(feature["value"].values())[0] if feature["name"] == self.content_field: content = list(feature["value"].values())[0] if filter is not None and not doc_match_filter( document=metadata, filter=filter ): continue output.append( Document( page_content=str(content), metadata=metadata, ) ) return output
[docs] def search_neighbors_by_ids( self, ids: List[str], filter: Optional[Dict[str, Any]] = None, **kwargs: Any, ) -> List[List[List[Any]]]: """Searches for neighboring entities in a Vertex Feature Store based on their IDs and optional filter on metadata Args: ids: A list of string identifiers representing the entities to search for. filter: (Optional) A dictionary specifying filter criteria for document on metadata properties, e.g. { "str_property": "foo", "int_property": 123 } """ output = [] if ids is None: raise ValueError( "Feature Store executor doesn't support search by filter " "only" ) for entity_id in ids: try: results = self._search_embedding(entity_id=entity_id, **kwargs) output.append(self._parse_proto_output(results, filter=filter)) except NotFound: output.append([]) return output
def _parse_proto_output( self, search_results: MutableSequence[Any], filter: Optional[Dict[str, Any]] = None, ) -> List[List[Any]]: documents = [] for result in search_results: metadata, embedding = {}, None for feature in result.entity_key_values.key_values.features: if not in [ self.embedding_field, self.content_field, ]: dict_values = proto.Message.to_dict(feature.value) if dict_values: col_type, value = next(iter(dict_values.items())) value = cast_proto_type(column=col_type, value=value) metadata[] = value else: metadata[] = None if == self.embedding_field: embedding = feature.value.double_array_value.values if == self.content_field: dict_values = proto.Message.to_dict(feature.value) content = list(dict_values.values())[0] if filter is not None and not doc_match_filter( document=metadata, filter=filter ): continue documents.append( [ Document( page_content=content, metadata=metadata, ), result.distance, embedding, ] ) return documents def _search_embedding( self, embedding: Any = None, entity_id: Optional[str] = None, k: int = 5, string_filters: Optional[List[dict]] = None, per_crowding_attribute_neighbor_count: Optional[int] = None, approximate_neighbor_candidates: Optional[int] = None, leaf_nodes_search_fraction: Optional[float] = None, ) -> MutableSequence[Any]: from import aiplatform from import ( NearestNeighborQuery, feature_online_store_service, ) if embedding: embedding = NearestNeighborQuery.Embedding(value=embedding) query = NearestNeighborQuery( entity_id=entity_id, embedding=embedding, neighbor_count=k, string_filters=string_filters, per_crowding_attribute_neighbor_count=per_crowding_attribute_neighbor_count, parameters={ "approximate_neighbor_candidates": approximate_neighbor_candidates, "leaf_nodes_search_fraction": leaf_nodes_search_fraction, }, ) with aiplatform.telemetry.tool_context_manager(self._user_agent): result = self._search_client.search_nearest_entities( request=feature_online_store_service.SearchNearestEntitiesRequest(, # type: ignore[union-attr] query=query, return_full_entity=True, # returning entities with metadata ) ) return result.nearest_neighbors.neighbors def _create_online_store(self) -> Any: # Search for existing Online store if self.online_store_name: return _create_online_store( project_id=self.project_id, location=self.location, online_store_name=self.online_store_name, _admin_client=self._admin_client, _logger=self._logger, ) def _create_feature_view(self) -> Any: import vertexai from vertexai.resources.preview.feature_store import ( utils, # type: ignore[import-untyped] ) fv = self._get_feature_view() if fv: return fv else: FeatureViewBigQuerySource = ( vertexai.resources.preview.FeatureViewBigQuerySource ) big_query_source = FeatureViewBigQuerySource( uri=f"bq://{self.full_table_id}", entity_id_columns=[self.doc_id_field], ) index_config = utils.IndexConfig( embedding_column=self.embedding_field, crowding_column=self.crowding_column, filter_columns=self.filter_columns, dimensions=self.embedding_dimension, distance_measure_type=self.distance_measure_type, algorithm_config=self.algorithm_config, ) return self.online_store.create_feature_view( name=self.view_name, source=big_query_source, sync_config=self.cron_schedule, index_config=index_config, project=self.project_id, location=self.location, ) def _get_feature_view(self) -> Any | None: # Search for existing Feature view return _get_feature_view(self.online_store, self.view_name)
[docs] @classmethod def from_texts( cls: Type["VertexFSVectorStore"], texts: List[str], embedding: Embeddings, metadatas: Optional[List[dict]] = None, **kwargs: Any, ) -> "VertexFSVectorStore": """Return VectorStore initialized from input texts Args: texts: List of strings to add to the vectorstore. embedding: An embedding model instance for text to vector transformations. metadatas: Optional list of metadata records associated with the texts. (ie [{"url": "", "title": "title1"}, {"url": "", "title": "title2"}]) Returns: List of ids from adding the texts into the vectorstore. """ vs_obj = VertexFSVectorStore(embedding=embedding, **kwargs) vs_obj.add_texts(texts, metadatas) return vs_obj
[docs] def to_bq_vector_store(self, **kwargs: Any) -> Any: """ Converts the current object's parameters into a `BigQueryVectorStore` instance. This method combines the base parameters of the current object to create a `BigQueryVectorStore` object. Args: **kwargs: Additional keyword arguments to be passed to the ` BigQueryVectorStore` constructor. These override any matching parameters in the base object. Returns: BigQueryVectorStore: An initialized `BigQueryVectorStore` object ready for vector search operations. Raises: ValueError: If any of the combined parameters are invalid for initializing a `BigQueryVectorStore`. """ from langchain_google_community.bq_storage_vectorstores.bigquery import ( BigQueryVectorStore, ) base_params = self.dict(include=BaseBigQueryVectorStore.__fields__.keys()) base_params["embedding"] = self.embedding all_params = {**base_params, **kwargs} bq_obj = BigQueryVectorStore(**all_params) return bq_obj
def _create_online_store( project_id: str, location: str, online_store_name: str, _logger: Any, _admin_client: Any, ) -> Any: # Search for existing Online store import vertexai from import ( feature_online_store as feature_online_store_pb2, ) stores_list = vertexai.resources.preview.FeatureOnlineStore.list( project=project_id, location=location ) for store in stores_list: if == online_store_name: return store"Creating feature store online store") # Create it otherwise online_store_config = feature_online_store_pb2.FeatureOnlineStore( optimized=feature_online_store_pb2.FeatureOnlineStore.Optimized() ) create_store_lro = _admin_client.create_feature_online_store( parent=f"projects/{project_id}/locations/{location}", feature_online_store_id=online_store_name, feature_online_store=online_store_config, ) stores_list = vertexai.resources.preview.FeatureOnlineStore.list( project=project_id, location=location ) for store in stores_list: if == online_store_name: return store def _get_feature_view(online_store: Any, view_name: Optional[str]) -> Any: # Search for existing Feature view import vertexai fv_list = vertexai.resources.preview.FeatureView.list( ) for fv in fv_list: if == view_name: return fv return None