Source code for langchain_text_splitters.markdown

from __future__ import annotations

import re
from typing import Any, Dict, List, Tuple, TypedDict, Union

from langchain_core.documents import Document

from langchain_text_splitters.base import Language
from langchain_text_splitters.character import RecursiveCharacterTextSplitter

[docs]class MarkdownTextSplitter(RecursiveCharacterTextSplitter): """Attempts to split the text along Markdown-formatted headings."""
[docs] def __init__(self, **kwargs: Any) -> None: """Initialize a MarkdownTextSplitter.""" separators = self.get_separators_for_language(Language.MARKDOWN) super().__init__(separators=separators, **kwargs)
[docs]class MarkdownHeaderTextSplitter: """Splitting markdown files based on specified headers."""
[docs] def __init__( self, headers_to_split_on: List[Tuple[str, str]], return_each_line: bool = False, strip_headers: bool = True, ): """Create a new MarkdownHeaderTextSplitter. Args: headers_to_split_on: Headers we want to track return_each_line: Return each line w/ associated headers strip_headers: Strip split headers from the content of the chunk """ # Output line-by-line or aggregated into chunks w/ common headers self.return_each_line = return_each_line # Given the headers we want to split on, # (e.g., "#, ##, etc") order by length self.headers_to_split_on = sorted( headers_to_split_on, key=lambda split: len(split[0]), reverse=True ) # Strip headers split headers from the content of the chunk self.strip_headers = strip_headers
[docs] def aggregate_lines_to_chunks(self, lines: List[LineType]) -> List[Document]: """Combine lines with common metadata into chunks Args: lines: Line of text / associated header metadata """ aggregated_chunks: List[LineType] = [] for line in lines: if ( aggregated_chunks and aggregated_chunks[-1]["metadata"] == line["metadata"] ): # If the last line in the aggregated list # has the same metadata as the current line, # append the current content to the last lines's content aggregated_chunks[-1]["content"] += " \n" + line["content"] elif ( aggregated_chunks and aggregated_chunks[-1]["metadata"] != line["metadata"] # may be issues if other metadata is present and len(aggregated_chunks[-1]["metadata"]) < len(line["metadata"]) and aggregated_chunks[-1]["content"].split("\n")[-1][0] == "#" and not self.strip_headers ): # If the last line in the aggregated list # has different metadata as the current line, # and has shallower header level than the current line, # and the last line is a header, # and we are not stripping headers, # append the current content to the last line's content aggregated_chunks[-1]["content"] += " \n" + line["content"] # and update the last line's metadata aggregated_chunks[-1]["metadata"] = line["metadata"] else: # Otherwise, append the current line to the aggregated list aggregated_chunks.append(line) return [ Document(page_content=chunk["content"], metadata=chunk["metadata"]) for chunk in aggregated_chunks ]
[docs] def split_text(self, text: str) -> List[Document]: """Split markdown file Args: text: Markdown file""" # Split the input text by newline character ("\n"). lines = text.split("\n") # Final output lines_with_metadata: List[LineType] = [] # Content and metadata of the chunk currently being processed current_content: List[str] = [] current_metadata: Dict[str, str] = {} # Keep track of the nested header structure # header_stack: List[Dict[str, Union[int, str]]] = [] header_stack: List[HeaderType] = [] initial_metadata: Dict[str, str] = {} in_code_block = False opening_fence = "" for line in lines: stripped_line = line.strip() # Remove all non-printable characters from the string, keeping only visible # text. stripped_line = "".join(filter(str.isprintable, stripped_line)) if not in_code_block: # Exclude inline code spans if stripped_line.startswith("```") and stripped_line.count("```") == 1: in_code_block = True opening_fence = "```" elif stripped_line.startswith("~~~"): in_code_block = True opening_fence = "~~~" else: if stripped_line.startswith(opening_fence): in_code_block = False opening_fence = "" if in_code_block: current_content.append(stripped_line) continue # Check each line against each of the header types (e.g., #, ##) for sep, name in self.headers_to_split_on: # Check if line starts with a header that we intend to split on if stripped_line.startswith(sep) and ( # Header with no text OR header is followed by space # Both are valid conditions that sep is being used a header len(stripped_line) == len(sep) or stripped_line[len(sep)] == " " ): # Ensure we are tracking the header as metadata if name is not None: # Get the current header level current_header_level = sep.count("#") # Pop out headers of lower or same level from the stack while ( header_stack and header_stack[-1]["level"] >= current_header_level ): # We have encountered a new header # at the same or higher level popped_header = header_stack.pop() # Clear the metadata for the # popped header in initial_metadata if popped_header["name"] in initial_metadata: initial_metadata.pop(popped_header["name"]) # Push the current header to the stack header: HeaderType = { "level": current_header_level, "name": name, "data": stripped_line[len(sep) :].strip(), } header_stack.append(header) # Update initial_metadata with the current header initial_metadata[name] = header["data"] # Add the previous line to the lines_with_metadata # only if current_content is not empty if current_content: lines_with_metadata.append( { "content": "\n".join(current_content), "metadata": current_metadata.copy(), } ) current_content.clear() if not self.strip_headers: current_content.append(stripped_line) break else: if stripped_line: current_content.append(stripped_line) elif current_content: lines_with_metadata.append( { "content": "\n".join(current_content), "metadata": current_metadata.copy(), } ) current_content.clear() current_metadata = initial_metadata.copy() if current_content: lines_with_metadata.append( {"content": "\n".join(current_content), "metadata": current_metadata} ) # lines_with_metadata has each line with associated header metadata # aggregate these into chunks based on common metadata if not self.return_each_line: return self.aggregate_lines_to_chunks(lines_with_metadata) else: return [ Document(page_content=chunk["content"], metadata=chunk["metadata"]) for chunk in lines_with_metadata ]
[docs]class LineType(TypedDict): """Line type as typed dict.""" metadata: Dict[str, str] content: str
[docs]class HeaderType(TypedDict): """Header type as typed dict.""" level: int name: str data: str
[docs]class ExperimentalMarkdownSyntaxTextSplitter: """ An experimental text splitter for handling Markdown syntax. This splitter aims to retain the exact whitespace of the original text while extracting structured metadata, such as headers. It is a re-implementation of the MarkdownHeaderTextSplitter with notable changes to the approach and additional features. Key Features: - Retains the original whitespace and formatting of the Markdown text. - Extracts headers, code blocks, and horizontal rules as metadata. - Splits out code blocks and includes the language in the "Code" metadata key. - Splits text on horizontal rules (`---`) as well. - Defaults to sensible splitting behavior, which can be overridden using the `headers_to_split_on` parameter. Parameters: ---------- headers_to_split_on : List[Tuple[str, str]], optional Headers to split on, defaulting to common Markdown headers if not specified. return_each_line : bool, optional When set to True, returns each line as a separate chunk. Default is False. Usage example: -------------- >>> headers_to_split_on = [ >>> ("#", "Header 1"), >>> ("##", "Header 2"), >>> ] >>> splitter = ExperimentalMarkdownSyntaxTextSplitter( >>> headers_to_split_on=headers_to_split_on >>> ) >>> chunks = splitter.split(text) >>> for chunk in chunks: >>> print(chunk) This class is currently experimental and subject to change based on feedback and further development. """ DEFAULT_HEADER_KEYS = { "#": "Header 1", "##": "Header 2", "###": "Header 3", "####": "Header 4", "#####": "Header 5", "######": "Header 6", }
[docs] def __init__( self, headers_to_split_on: Union[List[Tuple[str, str]], None] = None, return_each_line: bool = False, strip_headers: bool = True, ): self.chunks: List[Document] = [] self.current_chunk = Document(page_content="") self.current_header_stack: List[Tuple[int, str]] = [] self.strip_headers = strip_headers if headers_to_split_on: self.splittable_headers = dict(headers_to_split_on) else: self.splittable_headers = self.DEFAULT_HEADER_KEYS self.return_each_line = return_each_line
[docs] def split_text(self, text: str) -> List[Document]: raw_lines = text.splitlines(keepends=True) while raw_lines: raw_line = raw_lines.pop(0) header_match = self._match_header(raw_line) code_match = self._match_code(raw_line) horz_match = self._match_horz(raw_line) if header_match: self._complete_chunk_doc() if not self.strip_headers: self.current_chunk.page_content += raw_line # add the header to the stack header_depth = len( header_text = self._resolve_header_stack(header_depth, header_text) elif code_match: self._complete_chunk_doc() self.current_chunk.page_content = self._resolve_code_chunk( raw_line, raw_lines ) self.current_chunk.metadata["Code"] = self._complete_chunk_doc() elif horz_match: self._complete_chunk_doc() else: self.current_chunk.page_content += raw_line self._complete_chunk_doc() # I don't see why `return_each_line` is a necessary feature of this splitter. # It's easy enough to to do outside of the class and the caller can have more # control over it. if self.return_each_line: return [ Document(page_content=line, metadata=chunk.metadata) for chunk in self.chunks for line in chunk.page_content.splitlines() if line and not line.isspace() ] return self.chunks
def _resolve_header_stack(self, header_depth: int, header_text: str) -> None: for i, (depth, _) in enumerate(self.current_header_stack): if depth == header_depth: self.current_header_stack[i] = (header_depth, header_text) self.current_header_stack = self.current_header_stack[: i + 1] return self.current_header_stack.append((header_depth, header_text)) def _resolve_code_chunk(self, current_line: str, raw_lines: List[str]) -> str: chunk = current_line while raw_lines: raw_line = raw_lines.pop(0) chunk += raw_line if self._match_code(raw_line): return chunk return "" def _complete_chunk_doc(self) -> None: chunk_content = self.current_chunk.page_content # Discard any empty documents if chunk_content and not chunk_content.isspace(): # Apply the header stack as metadata for depth, value in self.current_header_stack: header_key = self.splittable_headers.get("#" * depth) self.current_chunk.metadata[header_key] = value self.chunks.append(self.current_chunk) # Reset the current chunk self.current_chunk = Document(page_content="") # Match methods def _match_header(self, line: str) -> Union[re.Match, None]: match = re.match(r"^(#{1,6}) (.*)", line) # Only matches on the configured headers if match and in self.splittable_headers: return match return None def _match_code(self, line: str) -> Union[re.Match, None]: matches = [re.match(rule, line) for rule in [r"^```(.*)", r"^~~~(.*)"]] return next((match for match in matches if match), None) def _match_horz(self, line: str) -> Union[re.Match, None]: matches = [ re.match(rule, line) for rule in [r"^\*\*\*+\n", r"^---+\n", r"^___+\n"] ] return next((match for match in matches if match), None)