
class, names=None, *, module=None, qualname=None, type=None, start=1, boundary=None)[source]#


an enum to tell BoxLoader how you wish to autheticate your Box connection.

Options are:

TOKEN - Use a developer token generated from the Box Deevloper Token.

Only recommended for development. Provide box_developer_token.

CCG - Client Credentials Grant.

provide box_client_id`, ``box_client_secret`, and ``box_enterprise_id or optionally box_user_id.

JWT - Use JWT for authentication. Config should be stored on the file

system accessible to your app. provide box_jwt_path. Optionally, provide box_user_id to act as a specific user

TOKEN = 'token'#

Use a developer token or a token retrieved from box-sdk-gen

CCG = 'ccg'#

Use client_credentials type grant

JWT = 'jwt'#

Use JWT bearer token auth