
class langchain_community.tools.openapi.utils.api_models.APIOperation[source]#

Bases: BaseModel

A model for a single API operation.

Create a new model by parsing and validating input data from keyword arguments.

Raises ValidationError if the input data cannot be parsed to form a valid model.

param base_url: str [Required]#

The base URL of the operation.

param description: str | None = None#

The description of the operation.

param method: HTTPVerb [Required]#

The HTTP method of the operation.

param operation_id: str [Required]#

The unique identifier of the operation.

param path: str [Required]#

The path of the operation.

param properties: Sequence[APIProperty] [Required]#
param request_body: APIRequestBody | None = None#

The request body of the operation.

classmethod from_openapi_spec(spec: OpenAPISpec, path: str, method: str) APIOperation[source]#

Create an APIOperation from an OpenAPI spec.

  • spec (OpenAPISpec) –

  • path (str) –

  • method (str) –

Return type:


classmethod from_openapi_url(spec_url: str, path: str, method: str) APIOperation[source]#

Create an APIOperation from an OpenAPI URL.

  • spec_url (str) –

  • path (str) –

  • method (str) –

Return type:


to_typescript() str[source]#

Get typescript string representation of the operation.

Return type:


static ts_type_from_python(type_: str | Type | tuple | None | Enum) str[source]#

type_ (str | Type | tuple | None | Enum) –

Return type:


property body_params: List[str]#
property path_params: List[str]#
property query_params: List[str]#