
class langchain_core.indexing.base.DeleteResponse[source]#

A generic response for delete operation.

The fields in this response are optional and whether the vectorstore returns them or not is up to the implementation.

num_deleted: int#

The number of items that were successfully deleted.

If returned, this should only include actual deletions.

If the ID did not exist to begin with, it should not be included in this count.

succeeded: Sequence[str]#

The IDs that were successfully deleted.

If returned, this should only include actual deletions.

If the ID did not exist to begin with, it should not be included in this list.

failed: Sequence[str]#

The IDs that failed to be deleted.

Please note that deleting an ID that does not exist is NOT considered a failure.

num_failed: int#

The number of items that failed to be deleted.