
class langchain_community.agent_toolkits.playwright.toolkit.PlayWrightBrowserToolkit[source]#

Bases: BaseToolkit

Toolkit for PlayWright browser tools.

Security Note: This toolkit provides code to control a web-browser.

Careful if exposing this toolkit to end-users. The tools in the toolkit are capable of navigating to arbitrary webpages, clicking on arbitrary elements, and extracting arbitrary text and hyperlinks from webpages.

Specifically, by default this toolkit allows navigating to:

  • Any URL (including any internal network URLs)

  • And local files

If exposing to end-users, consider limiting network access to the server that hosts the agent; in addition, consider it is advised to create a custom NavigationTool wht an args_schema that limits the URLs that can be navigated to (e.g., only allow navigating to URLs that start with a particular prefix).

Remember to scope permissions to the minimal permissions necessary for the application. If the default tool selection is not appropriate for the application, consider creating a custom toolkit with the appropriate tools.

See for more information.

  • sync_browser – Optional. The sync browser. Default is None.

  • async_browser – Optional. The async browser. Default is None.

Create a new model by parsing and validating input data from keyword arguments.

Raises [ValidationError][pydantic_core.ValidationError] if the input data cannot be validated to form a valid model.

self is explicitly positional-only to allow self as a field name.

param async_browser: 'AsyncBrowser' | None = None#
param sync_browser: 'SyncBrowser' | None = None#
classmethod from_browser(sync_browser: SyncBrowser | None = None, async_browser: AsyncBrowser | None = None) PlayWrightBrowserToolkit[source]#

Instantiate the toolkit.

  • sync_browser (Optional[SyncBrowser]) – Optional. The sync browser. Default is None.

  • async_browser (Optional[AsyncBrowser]) – Optional. The async browser. Default is None.


The toolkit.

Return type:


get_tools() List[BaseTool][source]#

Get the tools in the toolkit.

Return type:


Examples using PlayWrightBrowserToolkit