- class langchain_community.graph_vectorstores.base.Node[source]#
Deprecated since version 0.3.21: See for migration instructions. It will be removed in langchain-community==0.5.
Node in the GraphVectorStore.
Edges exist from nodes with an outgoing link to nodes with a matching incoming link.
For instance two nodes a and b connected over a hyperlink
would look like:[ Node( id="a", text="some text a", links= [ Link(kind="hyperlink", tag="https://some-url", direction="incoming") ], ), Node( id="b", text="some text b", links= [ Link(kind="hyperlink", tag="https://some-url", direction="outgoing") ], ) ]
- param id: str | None = None#
Unique ID for the node. Will be generated by the GraphVectorStore if not set.
- param metadata: dict [Optional]#
Metadata for the node.
- param text: str [Required]#
Text contained by the node.
Examples using Node