
langchain_community.vectorstores.falkordb_vector.process_index_data(data: List[List[Any]]) List[Dict[str, Any]][source]#

Processes a nested list of entity data to extract information about labels, entity types, properties, index types, and index details (if applicable).

  • data (List[List[Any]]) – A nested list containing

  • entitys (details about)

  • properties (their)

  • index

  • types

  • information. (and configuration)


A list of dictionaries where each dictionary contains:

  • entity_label (str): The label or name of the entity or relationship (e.g., ‘Person’, ‘Song’).

  • entity_property (str): The property of the entity or relationship on which an index was created (e.g., ‘first_name’).

  • index_type (str or List[str]): The type(s) of index applied to the property (e.g., ‘FULLTEXT’, ‘VECTOR’).

  • index_status (str): The status of the index (e.g., ‘OPERATIONAL’, ‘PENDING’).

  • index_dimension (Optional[int]): The dimension of the vector index, if applicable.

  • index_similarityFunction (Optional[str]): The similarity function used by the vector index, if applicable.

  • entity_type (str): The type of entity. That is either entity or relationship

Return type:

List[Dict[str, Any]]


  • The entity label is extracted from the first element of each entity list.

  • The entity property and associated index types are extracted from the second element.

  • If the index type includes ‘VECTOR’, additional details such as dimension and similarity function are extracted from the entity configuration.

  • The function handles cases where entitys have multiple index types (e.g., both ‘FULLTEXT’ and ‘VECTOR’).