- langchain_community.vectorstores.falkordb_vector.process_index_data(data: List[List[Any]]) List[Dict[str, Any]] [source]#
Processes a nested list of entity data to extract information about labels, entity types, properties, index types, and index details (if applicable).
- Parameters:
data (List[List[Any]]) – A nested list containing
entitys (details about)
properties (their)
information. (and configuration)
- Returns:
A list of dictionaries where each dictionary contains:
entity_label (str): The label or name of the entity or relationship (e.g., ‘Person’, ‘Song’).
entity_property (str): The property of the entity or relationship on which an index was created (e.g., ‘first_name’).
index_type (str or List[str]): The type(s) of index applied to the property (e.g., ‘FULLTEXT’, ‘VECTOR’).
index_status (str): The status of the index (e.g., ‘OPERATIONAL’, ‘PENDING’).
index_dimension (Optional[int]): The dimension of the vector index, if applicable.
index_similarityFunction (Optional[str]): The similarity function used by the vector index, if applicable.
entity_type (str): The type of entity. That is either entity or relationship
- Return type:
List[Dict[str, Any]]
The entity label is extracted from the first element of each entity list.
The entity property and associated index types are extracted from the second element.
If the index type includes ‘VECTOR’, additional details such as dimension and similarity function are extracted from the entity configuration.
The function handles cases where entitys have multiple index types (e.g., both ‘FULLTEXT’ and ‘VECTOR’).