Tools are classes that an Agent uses to interact with the world.
Each tool has a description. Agent uses the description to choose the right tool for the job.
Class hierarchy:
RunnableSerializable --> BaseTool --> <name>Tool # Examples: AIPluginTool, BaseGraphQLTool
<name> # Examples: BraveSearch, HumanInputRun
Main helpers:
CallbackManagerForToolRun, AsyncCallbackManagerForToolRun
Interface LangChain tools must implement. |
Base Toolkit representing a collection of related tools. |
Annotation for a Tool arg that is not meant to be generated by a model. |
Annotation for injecting the tool_call_id. |
Raised when 'args_schema' is missing or has an incorrect type annotation. |
Optional exception that tool throws when execution error occurs. |
Input to the retriever. |
Tool that takes in function or coroutine directly. |
Tool that can operate on any number of inputs. |
Create a pydantic schema from a function's signature. |
Convert a Runnable into a BaseTool. |
Make tools out of functions, can be used with or without arguments. |
Render the tool name and description in plain text. |
Render the tool name, description, and args in plain text. |
Create a tool to do retrieval of documents. |