OpenAI Functions
These output parsers use OpenAI function calling to structure its outputs. This means they are only usable with models that support function calling. There are a few different variants:
- JsonOutputFunctionsParser: Returns the arguments of the function call as JSON
- PydanticOutputFunctionsParser: Returns the arguments of the function call as a Pydantic Model
- JsonKeyOutputFunctionsParser: Returns the value of specific key in the function call as JSON
- PydanticAttrOutputFunctionsParser: Returns the value of specific key in the function call as a Pydantic Model
from langchain_community.utils.openai_functions import (
from langchain_core.prompts import ChatPromptTemplate
from langchain_core.pydantic_v1 import BaseModel, Field, validator
from langchain_openai import ChatOpenAI
class Joke(BaseModel):
"""Joke to tell user."""
setup: str = Field(description="question to set up a joke")
punchline: str = Field(description="answer to resolve the joke")
openai_functions = [convert_pydantic_to_openai_function(Joke)]
model = ChatOpenAI(temperature=0)
prompt = ChatPromptTemplate.from_messages(
[("system", "You are helpful assistant"), ("user", "{input}")]
from langchain.output_parsers.openai_functions import JsonOutputFunctionsParser
API Reference:
parser = JsonOutputFunctionsParser()
chain = prompt | model.bind(functions=openai_functions) | parser
chain.invoke({"input": "tell me a joke"})
{'setup': "Why don't scientists trust atoms?",
'punchline': 'Because they make up everything!'}
for s in{"input": "tell me a joke"}):
{'setup': ''}
{'setup': 'Why'}
{'setup': 'Why don'}
{'setup': "Why don't"}
{'setup': "Why don't scientists"}
{'setup': "Why don't scientists trust"}
{'setup': "Why don't scientists trust atoms"}
{'setup': "Why don't scientists trust atoms?", 'punchline': ''}
{'setup': "Why don't scientists trust atoms?", 'punchline': 'Because'}
{'setup': "Why don't scientists trust atoms?", 'punchline': 'Because they'}
{'setup': "Why don't scientists trust atoms?", 'punchline': 'Because they make'}
{'setup': "Why don't scientists trust atoms?", 'punchline': 'Because they make up'}
{'setup': "Why don't scientists trust atoms?", 'punchline': 'Because they make up everything'}
{'setup': "Why don't scientists trust atoms?", 'punchline': 'Because they make up everything!'}
This merely extracts a single key from the returned response. This is useful for when you want to return a list of things.
from typing import List
from langchain.output_parsers.openai_functions import JsonKeyOutputFunctionsParser
API Reference:
class Jokes(BaseModel):
"""Jokes to tell user."""
joke: List[Joke]
funniness_level: int
parser = JsonKeyOutputFunctionsParser(key_name="joke")
openai_functions = [convert_pydantic_to_openai_function(Jokes)]
chain = prompt | model.bind(functions=openai_functions) | parser
chain.invoke({"input": "tell me two jokes"})
[{'setup': "Why don't scientists trust atoms?",
'punchline': 'Because they make up everything!'},
{'setup': 'Why did the scarecrow win an award?',
'punchline': 'Because he was outstanding in his field!'}]
for s in{"input": "tell me two jokes"}):
[{'setup': ''}]
[{'setup': 'Why'}]
[{'setup': 'Why don'}]
[{'setup': "Why don't"}]
[{'setup': "Why don't scientists"}]
[{'setup': "Why don't scientists trust"}]
[{'setup': "Why don't scientists trust atoms"}]
[{'setup': "Why don't scientists trust atoms?", 'punchline': ''}]
[{'setup': "Why don't scientists trust atoms?", 'punchline': 'Because'}]
[{'setup': "Why don't scientists trust atoms?", 'punchline': 'Because they'}]
[{'setup': "Why don't scientists trust atoms?", 'punchline': 'Because they make'}]
[{'setup': "Why don't scientists trust atoms?", 'punchline': 'Because they make up'}]
[{'setup': "Why don't scientists trust atoms?", 'punchline': 'Because they make up everything'}]
[{'setup': "Why don't scientists trust atoms?", 'punchline': 'Because they make up everything!'}]
[{'setup': "Why don't scientists trust atoms?", 'punchline': 'Because they make up everything!'}, {}]
[{'setup': "Why don't scientists trust atoms?", 'punchline': 'Because they make up everything!'}, {'setup': ''}]
[{'setup': "Why don't scientists trust atoms?", 'punchline': 'Because they make up everything!'}, {'setup': 'Why'}]
[{'setup': "Why don't scientists trust atoms?", 'punchline': 'Because they make up everything!'}, {'setup': 'Why did'}]
[{'setup': "Why don't scientists trust atoms?", 'punchline': 'Because they make up everything!'}, {'setup': 'Why did the'}]
[{'setup': "Why don't scientists trust atoms?", 'punchline': 'Because they make up everything!'}, {'setup': 'Why did the scare'}]
[{'setup': "Why don't scientists trust atoms?", 'punchline': 'Because they make up everything!'}, {'setup': 'Why did the scarecrow'}]
[{'setup': "Why don't scientists trust atoms?", 'punchline': 'Because they make up everything!'}, {'setup': 'Why did the scarecrow win'}]
[{'setup': "Why don't scientists trust atoms?", 'punchline': 'Because they make up everything!'}, {'setup': 'Why did the scarecrow win an'}]
[{'setup': "Why don't scientists trust atoms?", 'punchline': 'Because they make up everything!'}, {'setup': 'Why did the scarecrow win an award'}]
[{'setup': "Why don't scientists trust atoms?", 'punchline': 'Because they make up everything!'}, {'setup': 'Why did the scarecrow win an award?', 'punchline': ''}]
[{'setup': "Why don't scientists trust atoms?", 'punchline': 'Because they make up everything!'}, {'setup': 'Why did the scarecrow win an award?', 'punchline': 'Because'}]
[{'setup': "Why don't scientists trust atoms?", 'punchline': 'Because they make up everything!'}, {'setup': 'Why did the scarecrow win an award?', 'punchline': 'Because he'}]
[{'setup': "Why don't scientists trust atoms?", 'punchline': 'Because they make up everything!'}, {'setup': 'Why did the scarecrow win an award?', 'punchline': 'Because he was'}]
[{'setup': "Why don't scientists trust atoms?", 'punchline': 'Because they make up everything!'}, {'setup': 'Why did the scarecrow win an award?', 'punchline': 'Because he was outstanding'}]
[{'setup': "Why don't scientists trust atoms?", 'punchline': 'Because they make up everything!'}, {'setup': 'Why did the scarecrow win an award?', 'punchline': 'Because he was outstanding in'}]
[{'setup': "Why don't scientists trust atoms?", 'punchline': 'Because they make up everything!'}, {'setup': 'Why did the scarecrow win an award?', 'punchline': 'Because he was outstanding in his'}]
[{'setup': "Why don't scientists trust atoms?", 'punchline': 'Because they make up everything!'}, {'setup': 'Why did the scarecrow win an award?', 'punchline': 'Because he was outstanding in his field'}]
[{'setup': "Why don't scientists trust atoms?", 'punchline': 'Because they make up everything!'}, {'setup': 'Why did the scarecrow win an award?', 'punchline': 'Because he was outstanding in his field!'}]
This builds on top of JsonOutputFunctionsParser
but passes the results to a Pydantic Model. This allows for further validation should you choose.
from langchain.output_parsers.openai_functions import PydanticOutputFunctionsParser
API Reference:
class Joke(BaseModel):
"""Joke to tell user."""
setup: str = Field(description="question to set up a joke")
punchline: str = Field(description="answer to resolve the joke")
# You can add custom validation logic easily with Pydantic.
def question_ends_with_question_mark(cls, field):
if field[-1] != "?":
raise ValueError("Badly formed question!")
return field
parser = PydanticOutputFunctionsParser(pydantic_schema=Joke)
openai_functions = [convert_pydantic_to_openai_function(Joke)]
chain = prompt | model.bind(functions=openai_functions) | parser
chain.invoke({"input": "tell me a joke"})
Joke(setup="Why don't scientists trust atoms?", punchline='Because they make up everything!')