- class langchain_community.utilities.max_compute.MaxComputeAPIWrapper(client: ODPS)[source]#
Interface for querying Alibaba Cloud MaxCompute tables.
Initialize MaxCompute document loader.
- Parameters:
client (ODPS) – odps.ODPS MaxCompute client object.
(client)Initialize MaxCompute document loader.
(endpoint, project, *[, ...])Convenience constructor that builds the odsp.ODPS MaxCompute client from
(query)- __init__(client: ODPS)[source]#
Initialize MaxCompute document loader.
- Parameters:
client (ODPS) – odps.ODPS MaxCompute client object.
- classmethod from_params(endpoint: str, project: str, *, access_id: str | None = None, secret_access_key: str | None = None) MaxComputeAPIWrapper [source]#
- Convenience constructor that builds the odsp.ODPS MaxCompute client from
given parameters.
- Parameters:
endpoint (str) – MaxCompute endpoint.
project (str) – A project is a basic organizational unit of MaxCompute, which is similar to a database.
access_id (str | None) – MaxCompute access ID. Should be passed in directly or set as the environment variable MAX_COMPUTE_ACCESS_ID.
secret_access_key (str | None) – MaxCompute secret access key. Should be passed in directly or set as the environment variable MAX_COMPUTE_SECRET_ACCESS_KEY.
- Return type: