
langchain_community.utilities.opaqueprompts.sanitize(input: str | Dict[str, str]) Dict[str, str | Dict[str, str]][source]#

Sanitize input string or dict of strings by replacing sensitive data with placeholders.

It returns the sanitized input string or dict of strings and the secure context as a dict following the format: {

“sanitized_input”: <sanitized input string or dict of strings>, “secure_context”: <secure context>


The secure context is a bytes object that is needed to de-sanitize the response from the LLM.


input (str | Dict[str, str]) – Input string or dict of strings.


Sanitized input string or dict of strings and the secure context as a dict following the format: {

”sanitized_input”: <sanitized input string or dict of strings>, “secure_context”: <secure context>


The secure_context needs to be passed to the desanitize function.

  • ValueError – If the input is not a string or dict of strings.

  • ImportError – If the opaqueprompts Python package is not installed.

Return type:

Dict[str, str | Dict[str, str]]