
langchain_core.callbacks.manager.trace_as_chain_group(group_name: str, callback_manager: CallbackManager | None = None, *, inputs: dict[str, Any] | None = None, project_name: str | None = None, example_id: str | UUID | None = None, run_id: UUID | None = None, tags: list[str] | None = None, metadata: dict[str, Any] | None = None) β†’ Generator[CallbackManagerForChainGroup, None, None][source]#

Get a callback manager for a chain group in a context manager. Useful for grouping different calls together as a single run even if they aren’t composed in a single chain.

  • group_name (str) – The name of the chain group.

  • callback_manager (CallbackManager, optional) – The callback manager to use. Defaults to None.

  • inputs (Dict[str, Any], optional) – The inputs to the chain group. Defaults to None.

  • project_name (str, optional) – The name of the project. Defaults to None.

  • example_id (str or UUID, optional) – The ID of the example. Defaults to None.

  • run_id (UUID, optional) – The ID of the run.

  • tags (List[str], optional) – The inheritable tags to apply to all runs. Defaults to None.

  • metadata (Dict[str, Any], optional) – The metadata to apply to all runs. Defaults to None.

Return type:

Generator[CallbackManagerForChainGroup, None, None]

Note: must have LANGCHAIN_TRACING_V2 env var set to true to see the trace in LangSmith.


The callback manager for the chain group.

Return type:


  • group_name (str)

  • callback_manager (CallbackManager | None)

  • inputs (dict[str, Any] | None)

  • project_name (str | None)

  • example_id (str | UUID | None)

  • run_id (UUID | None)

  • tags (list[str] | None)

  • metadata (dict[str, Any] | None)


llm_input = "Foo"
with trace_as_chain_group("group_name", inputs={"input": llm_input}) as manager:
    # Use the callback manager for the chain group
    res = llm.invoke(llm_input, {"callbacks": manager})
    manager.on_chain_end({"output": res})