
langchain_core.utils.iter.tee_peer(iterator: Iterator[T], buffer: deque[T], peers: list[deque[T]], lock: AbstractContextManager[Any]) Generator[T, None, None][source]#

An individual iterator of a tee().

This function is a generator that yields items from the shared iterator iterator. It buffers items until the least advanced iterator has yielded them as well. The buffer is shared with all other peers.

  • iterator (Iterator[T]) – The shared iterator.

  • buffer (deque[T]) – The buffer for this peer.

  • peers (list[deque[T]]) – The buffers of all peers.

  • lock (AbstractContextManager[Any]) – The lock to synchronise access to the shared buffers.


The next item from the shared iterator.

Return type:

Generator[T, None, None]