- class langchain_community.document_loaders.llmsherpa.LLMSherpaFileLoader(file_path: str | Path, new_indent_parser: bool = True, apply_ocr: bool = True, strategy: str = 'chunks', llmsherpa_api_url: str = 'https://readers.llmsherpa.com/api/document/developer/parseDocument?renderFormat=all')[source]#
Load Documents using LLMSherpa.
LLMSherpaFileLoader use LayoutPDFReader, which is part of the LLMSherpa library. This tool is designed to parse PDFs while preserving their layout information, which is often lost when using most PDF to text parsers.
from langchain_community.document_loaders.llmsherpa import LLMSherpaFileLoader
- loader = LLMSherpaFileLoader(
βexample.pdfβ, strategy=βchunksβ, llmsherpa_api_url=βhttp://localhost:5010/api/parseDocument?renderFormat=allβ,
) docs = loader.load()
Initialize with a file path.
(file_path[, new_indent_parser, ...])Initialize with a file path.
A lazy loader for Documents.
()Load data into Document objects.
Load file.
()Load data into Document objects.
([text_splitter])Load Documents and split into chunks.
- Parameters:
file_path (str | Path)
new_indent_parser (bool)
apply_ocr (bool)
strategy (str)
llmsherpa_api_url (str)
- __init__(file_path: str | Path, new_indent_parser: bool = True, apply_ocr: bool = True, strategy: str = 'chunks', llmsherpa_api_url: str = 'https://readers.llmsherpa.com/api/document/developer/parseDocument?renderFormat=all')[source]#
Initialize with a file path.
- Parameters:
file_path (str | Path)
new_indent_parser (bool)
apply_ocr (bool)
strategy (str)
llmsherpa_api_url (str)
- async alazy_load() AsyncIterator[Document] #
A lazy loader for Documents.
- Return type:
- load_and_split(text_splitter: TextSplitter | None = None) list[Document] #
Load Documents and split into chunks. Chunks are returned as Documents.
Do not override this method. It should be considered to be deprecated!
- Parameters:
text_splitter (Optional[TextSplitter]) β TextSplitter instance to use for splitting documents. Defaults to RecursiveCharacterTextSplitter.
- Returns:
List of Documents.
- Return type:
Examples using LLMSherpaFileLoader