
class langchain_community.document_loaders.pdf.PyPDFLoader(file_path: str | PurePath, password: str | bytes | None = None, headers: dict | None = None, extract_images: bool = False, *, mode: Literal['single', 'page'] = 'page', images_parser: BaseImageBlobParser | None = None, images_inner_format: Literal['text', 'markdown-img', 'html-img'] = 'text', pages_delimiter: str = '\n\x0c', extraction_mode: Literal['plain', 'layout'] = 'plain', extraction_kwargs: dict | None = None)[source]#

Load and parse a PDF file using ‘pypdf’ library.

This class provides methods to load and parse PDF documents, supporting various configurations such as handling password-protected files, extracting images, and defining extraction mode. It integrates the pypdf library for PDF processing and offers both synchronous and asynchronous document loading.



pip install -U langchain-community pypdf

Instantiate the loader:

from langchain_community.document_loaders import PyPDFLoader

loader = PyPDFLoader(
    file_path = "./example_data/layout-parser-paper.pdf",
    # headers = None
    # password = None,
    mode = "single",
    pages_delimiter = "

# extract_images = True, # images_parser = RapidOCRBlobParser(),


Lazy load documents:

docs = []
docs_lazy = loader.lazy_load()

for doc in docs_lazy:

Load documents asynchronously:

docs = await loader.aload()

Initialize with a file path.

  • file_path (str | PurePath) – The path to the PDF file to be loaded.

  • headers (dict | None) – Optional headers to use for GET request to download a file from a web path.

  • password (str | bytes | None) – Optional password for opening encrypted PDFs.

  • mode (Literal['single', 'page']) – The extraction mode, either “single” for the entire document or “page” for page-wise extraction.

  • pages_delimiter (str) – A string delimiter to separate pages in single-mode extraction.

  • extract_images (bool) – Whether to extract images from the PDF.

  • images_parser (BaseImageBlobParser | None) – Optional image blob parser.

  • images_inner_format (Literal['text', 'markdown-img', 'html-img']) – The format for the parsed output. - “text” = return the content as is - “markdown-img” = wrap the content into an image markdown link, w/ link pointing to (![body)(#)] - “html-img” = wrap the content as the alt text of an tag and link to (<img alt=”{body}” src=”#”/>)

  • extraction_mode (Literal['plain', 'layout']) – “plain” for legacy functionality, “layout” extract text in a fixed width format that closely adheres to the rendered layout in the source pdf

  • extraction_kwargs (dict | None) – Optional additional parameters for the extraction process.


This method does not directly return data. Use the load, lazy_load or aload methods to retrieve parsed documents with content and metadata.




__init__(file_path[, password, headers, ...])

Initialize with a file path.


A lazy loader for Documents.


Load data into Document objects.


Lazy load given path as pages.


Load data into Document objects.


Load Documents and split into chunks.

__init__(file_path: str | PurePath, password: str | bytes | None = None, headers: dict | None = None, extract_images: bool = False, *, mode: Literal['single', 'page'] = 'page', images_parser: BaseImageBlobParser | None = None, images_inner_format: Literal['text', 'markdown-img', 'html-img'] = 'text', pages_delimiter: str = '\n\x0c', extraction_mode: Literal['plain', 'layout'] = 'plain', extraction_kwargs: dict | None = None) None[source]#

Initialize with a file path.

  • file_path (str | PurePath) – The path to the PDF file to be loaded.

  • headers (dict | None) – Optional headers to use for GET request to download a file from a web path.

  • password (str | bytes | None) – Optional password for opening encrypted PDFs.

  • mode (Literal['single', 'page']) – The extraction mode, either “single” for the entire document or “page” for page-wise extraction.

  • pages_delimiter (str) – A string delimiter to separate pages in single-mode extraction.

  • extract_images (bool) – Whether to extract images from the PDF.

  • images_parser (BaseImageBlobParser | None) – Optional image blob parser.

  • images_inner_format (Literal['text', 'markdown-img', 'html-img']) – The format for the parsed output. - “text” = return the content as is - “markdown-img” = wrap the content into an image markdown link, w/ link pointing to (![body)(#)] - “html-img” = wrap the content as the alt text of an tag and link to (<img alt=”{body}” src=”#”/>)

  • extraction_mode (Literal['plain', 'layout']) – “plain” for legacy functionality, “layout” extract text in a fixed width format that closely adheres to the rendered layout in the source pdf

  • extraction_kwargs (dict | None) – Optional additional parameters for the extraction process.


This method does not directly return data. Use the load, lazy_load or aload methods to retrieve parsed documents with content and metadata.

Return type:


async alazy_load() AsyncIterator[Document]#

A lazy loader for Documents.

Return type:


async aload() list[Document]#

Load data into Document objects.

Return type:


lazy_load() Iterator[Document][source]#

Lazy load given path as pages. Insert image, if possible, between two paragraphs. In this way, a paragraph can be continued on the next page.

Return type:


load() list[Document]#

Load data into Document objects.

Return type:


load_and_split(text_splitter: TextSplitter | None = None) list[Document]#

Load Documents and split into chunks. Chunks are returned as Documents.

Do not override this method. It should be considered to be deprecated!


text_splitter (Optional[TextSplitter]) – TextSplitter instance to use for splitting documents. Defaults to RecursiveCharacterTextSplitter.


List of Documents.

Return type:


Examples using PyPDFLoader